Chapter 22

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Amber had been slowly getting better, she was still very quiet unfortunately, I was missing her endless rambling. I kept my distance as I knew what she had been through had to have been traumatic so as much as I wanted to hug her and kiss her face, I couldn't.

I had to wait.

Amber stood close to me as we stood in line for Wendy's, I felt her arms wrap around my torso slowly as she relaxed against me, I smiled to myself as I wrapped one of my arms around her holding her protectively close, I felt her breathe out as I knew that's what she wanted.

was to be protected.

"do you have a jacket?" she asked softly.

"Yeah babe, in my car, in the backseat, il go get it." I said about to leave, she pulled me back taking the keys from my hand.

"Just get the food, I'll get it."

"You sure babe?"

"Yes sir." She said softly walking past me out of Wendy's to my car I smiled and looked ahead of me at the menu deciding what I want.

"Next?" the cashier asked, I steppe forward and nodded softly a hello.

"Hello, what can I get you today sir?"

"Yeah I'd like-"

"Oh wow your Oliver McCartney aren't you?" he cut me off, I shut my mouth as I looked at him he stared in amazement, I offered a smile and nodded.

"Yeah." I paused chuckling. "that's me."

"Dude, you are such a badass." he said starstruck, I smiled wider and thanked him as he shook his head back into reality taking my order. i paid for the food and waited off to the side for a few minutes, I frowned as amber was taking longer than expected my foot tapped anxiously as I was about to walk away till they called my number, I smiled taking our food and walking to a table I set down my food I glanced out the window seeing something I never wanted to see.

I felt my knees almost buckle, but I turned on my heel feeling my instincts kick in.

"SOMEBODY CALL THE POLICE AND AN AMBULANCE." I yelled as I bolted out of the restaurant and chased after the man who had just put a knife into my girlfriends hip, he was no match for my speed as I grabbed his jacket and threw him onto the floor.

My anger flew through me quickly as my adrenaline pumped and I turned him over to face me as I kicked him in the stomach and got on top of him holding his shirt recognizing the curly hair and brown evil eyes, making my blood boil with anger.

"You son of a bitch." I glared at Sean as he smirked and laughed, I could've breathed fire at that point as I found myself repeatedly pounding my fist into Sean's face till I was pulled off.

"Hey son, I think he's had enough." I heard a man say as he had his hand on my shoulder as I breathed out heavily staring at Sean's bloody beaten face, I turned looking at the man as I gave a nod.

"Sorry couldn't help myself, keep him here make sure he doesn't move till the cops arrive." I said and turned running towards amber as she laid on the parking lot floor, some people around her simply gawking, not doing anything.

"Move!" I said harshly at the people staring, I kneeled down beside amber as she breathed heavily her breaths choppy and her eyes watery.

"Baby." I whispered as she gasped for air, she looked at me her tears streaming down her cheeks. "everything will be ok, I promise you." I said as I felt my eyes water, I looked at the knife in her side as I swallowed my tears and wrapped my fingers around it gently.

"I'm going to take out the knife baby, ok?" She shook her head quickly as she cried unable to form words.

"I have to princess." I said as tears fell from my cheeks, I wiped them on my shoulder as I gently pulled the knife from her hip, her scream made me cringe and cry more as she sobbed in pain.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry." I repeated choked up, till I pulled the knife out fully. I threw it somewhere around me carelessly as I quickly grabbed my hoodie that laid beside her on the pavement and pressed it against her wound.

"Everything will be ok." I said to her as she stared at the sky breathing heavily for air. "I promise, please just stay with me." I begged as my tears wouldn't stop flowing down my cheeks.

"Did someone call for an ambulance and the police?" I asked loudly.

"Yes they should be here any second." someone said to me, I nodded as an answer keeping my eyes on amber as her breaths got shorter. I felt my tears drip down into shirt as I felt the hoodie soak with ambers blood.

"Oh god." I whispered to myself as her skin was pale and she wasn't crying, or speaking.

"Amber, baby?" I asked as she looked at me and breathed in sharply.

"I love you Oliver."

I cried as I shook my head.

"Don't say that, this isn't a goodbye. you are going to be ok, I promised you. you are going to be-" I paused as I let out a soft sob. "-ok."

(A/N: I am dying rn, and this is my own story. :( )

I heard sirens as I was slowly taken away from amber as I reluctantly watched while they took her away into the ambulance and hook her up into the wires.

I simply sat on the block of concrete on the sidewalk of Wendy's watching as they cuffed Sean, I looked at my shirt as I felt my eyes water till they blurred.

There, on my shirt, was covered in ambers blood.

It was all my fault, I shouldn't have let her go alone.

I was suppose to protect her as her boyfriend,

I was suppose to be her protecter,

and I failed.

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