three ; investigation team

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d e t r o i t - 2 0 3 8

It has been a week since I've traveled to Detroit, meaning Silvestre will leave, since the Minister said that he will only be staying with me for seven days.

Sil has been a big help with me this past week, with him helping me unpack, fix my things, coming with me to the store to buy groceries, and everything.

"I'll be traveling via portkey again back to London," he says.

"Oh shoot, don't get sick again," I laugh. He scoffed.

"I only got sick last time because I was with you," he said jokingly, and I scoffed back at him, knowing he actually does get sick of portkeys.

"Whatever you say, Malfoy. Oh by the way, what time does your portkey leave?"

He glanced at his watch. "Well shit, it leaves in fifteen minutes. I better get going."

I hug him. "See 'ya soon, Sil. Chat me about whatever is happening in the Ministry, alright? I'll miss you," I bury my face in his shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll tell the Minister you're here safe and proper. You, too, take care of yourself, alright?"

I nod and bow down, giving Lia a treat and a pat.

"Take care of yourself back there, Sil."

He gave me a smile, then went out of my door.

By eight in the morning, Sil tells me that he's back at the Ministry and everything's doing just fine.

The Minister for Magic has already been informed that I'm adjusting well to Detroit City.

Today, I'll be going to Detroit Police Department to confirm that I am, indeed, the new member of their investigation team.

The Minister sent me another letter before I left London stating that I have a partner in this investigation, and I should go to Captain Jeffrey Fowler - who is, surprisingly, a Squib - in the DPD to confirm this.

I ate lunch, fed Finn, and went on my way.

Of course I didn't know where the hell DPD is, so I put it in the automatic car GPS so it drove itself there. I made sure to know and memorize the roads so I'll be able to drive on my own, not relying on technology.

I arrived at the DPD building. I went inside, and was met by a female android receptionist.

"How can I help you?" she says.

"I'm here to speak with Captain Fowler, please? I'm Florentine Scamander. He's expecting me."

The android's LED flickered yellow, and then gestured for me to enter the office. "Right this way, left, then turn right, the office on the back. That's Captain Fowler's."

"Thank you," I say, and step into the office. There I find the police officers, some are on their tables and some are in the break area. There is also an android parking area on the side.

Some look at me and whisper, I guess they knew I was coming.

I knock at Captain Fowler's office. He gestured for me to come in and sit.

I sat down at a chair behind his desk. "Good afternoon, sir. I guess you know why I'm here."

"Yes, yes I do. The president of MACUSA informed me that the best Auror in the British Ministry of Magic will be sent here to help in the investigation. A few months back, we had a MACUSA Auror sent here, too, bur unfortunately, he was shot in a hostage taking. He was the first responder," he informed me.

"Oh," was all I could say.

I was suddenly driven by anxiousness. What if I fail this mission? What if I die while doing this investigation? What will the Ministry think of me if I fail?

"I have trust in you, Scamander. I heard about who your great-grandfather was. Newt, wasn't it?"

I nod. "He was a Magizoologist. The best one, at that." I smile.

"And his wife, Tina Goldstein, was an Auror. Just like you," he pointed at me. "And she did her job well. She was one of the best, I heard."

He continues, "I knew your father. Lysander Scamander, right?"

Again, I nod.

"I was friends with him for a short time. I first met him at Diagon Alley, at the Apothecary, where I was looking for Floundrous Sprouts for a potion I was making - I had to travel to Britain to look for it since it was really rare back then - He helped me, and we became friends, just until he left for Hogwarts for his sixth year. I was a Squib, so I couldn't learn magic. We stayed in touch, though. Up until we didn't anymore."

Dad liked experimenting with potions, and it wasn't a secret that he was a regular customer at the Apothecary.

"Now, with your investigation," he says, fixing some papers on his desk.

"You will be partnered with Lieutenant Hank Anderson, and a prototype android Cyberlife has generously sent us to help in the investigation."

Wait, what? An android helping in hunting down other androids? Wouldn't that scream irony?

"Here's your badge, just to certify that you are now a member of the DPD and the investigation team. Congratulations," he pat me on the shoulder and set the badge fown on the table.

"Now," he stands, "Anderson will be here within the hour, I guess. He just arrives when he arrives. Meanwhile, you can wait by his desk. There's no one using the one in front of his anyway. That will be yours now."

I took the badge from the table and stood up. "Thank you, Captain," I say, and walk out of the office.

Shortly after I find Lieutenant Anderson's desk. I sit down on the chair opposite of it.

I guess I'll just wait for him here?

"Hey," I heard a voice from behind me. I turned the swivel chair around to see a man not far from my age. "I'm Charles. Guess we'll be working with you now?" He gave me a smile.

He had blonde hair and glasses. He looked like a kind dude, so I decided I'll be nice to him.

"Hey. I'm Florentine, but just call me Tine," I return his smile.

"I knew that, but okay. Fowler told us yesterday that you'll be arriving. You were the best investigator back in the station you worked for, huh?"

"I guess so?" I said, since I obviously shouldn't say that I'm a witch and I work for the magical police or something.

That's another thing the Minister stated in her second letter. Just tell them that I'm from London Police Department.

"What position were you in there?" he asked, sipping from a cup of coffee labeled "Coffee." Huh.

"Well, I was a detective," I said.

"Nice. Well, I better go back to work now. My break time's over," he glanced at the wall clock behind him.

Before he turned back to his conputer, he left me a few more words of wisdom.

"I wish you luck in your investigation, Tine. Welcome to the DPD team."

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