twenty - eight ; change

337 16 1

cute filler chapter.

l o n d o n - 2 0 3 8

"Andronikov's powers are strangely strong. Stronger than the average wizard — we still don't know how he possessed this kind of power. His followers are increasing as we speak.

With the attack here in the Ministry last month, we've received news from our spies that we might receive another attack any day now from the Andronikov army."

I scoff. Andronikov army? Really? That's the best name they've got for those rascals?

Honestly, it sounds more like a fanbase that adores Zlatko to the bone than a brotherhood of deadly wizards.

"And do our undercover spies know or have a hunch about what location is the next to be attacked?" I say, crossing my arms and leaning on a desk.

Hermione Weasley's office is more than a place for her paperwork and responsibilities. It's also a comfort.

When I was a child, I used to go to the Ministry with my mum and dad, to visit Nana. I would hang around here with my cousins, sometimes just me and Nana, and we'd do family stuff like board games if she's not that busy.

Being in here while feeling so frustrated and stressed about this whole situation — it's like the weight on my shoulders is temporarily removed.

Nana shook her head. "We really don't have a clue, it can be either an establishment from the Wizarding World or from the Muggle World  as Andronikov has been a part of both for a considerable time amount."

I didn't know what she meant by that last part, but I still nod in response.

"What about this 'rA9' thing?" Silvestre asks from the other side of the room. "It's like some kind of belief they share, a leader. Have we got any updates about it?"

I look at the people in the room — Nana, Sil, Hank — before answering. "rA9 is still unidentifiable as to what it is, but it seems like it is a belief, a religion even, of these people. They're currently searching for it as we've seen in the Ministry, so technically, even they don't know where or what it is."

Hank nods at me and then turns to look at them.

"She's right. Once, in an investigation for a murder, we found a wooden sculpture of a person standing tall and lean in a bathroom with 'rA9' written all over its walls."

Nana's eyes widen. "An offering."

"Most probably," I shrug.

"Florentine, Silvestre — I want you two to do what you can about this. Keep in mind, Zlatko is stronger than Ludicus. Be careful."

"I'll help them," Hank says.

The Minister shakes her head no. "Lieutenant, you have no magic to protect you, it's too dangerous. We can't risk it."

Knowing Hank, he would be the determined, persistent man he is, and he didn't fail my expectations.

"Magic?" the lieutenant scoffed and twirled his pistol around in his hand. "I bet you not, Minister or Ministress or whatever, that one bullet from me can kill that son of a bitch!"

I warn him about the gun. "Hank, be careful with that, will you?"

He waved me off. "It's not loaded. Yet."

Nana, still not convinced, declined his offer again. I knew she was just being cautious and she doesn't want an innocent Muggle life to be caught up in this, but I know Hank will still be the hard-headed lieutenant he is and still join us.

Sil and I knew that, as we shared knowing looks with each other.

I was scared for Hank, genuinely. I'll need to have a talk with him later.



I knock on his door, which was beside my flat. Or apartment, as he and the androids call it. Americans and their terms.

"Come in, kid."

He was supposed to share this flat with the androids, but surprisingly, all five of them aren't to be seen when I went inside. Only Hank was there, sitting at the coffee table beside the window, clearly not drinking coffee.

"What is it, Tine?"

"Well," I walk towards the table and sit on the chair opposite of the lieutenant's. "It's about earlier."

Hank scoffs, as I knew he would. Took a sip of his liquor and looked out into the London view.

"I saw that look you gave Silvestre earlier," He said. "I saw the look you gave me, too. Are you scared?"

I sigh and nod. "Yes. For you."

"I wasn't branded the youngest lieutenant in Detroit for nothing," He smirks.

"I can defend myself. Besides, I have you guys by my side."

I remain silent.

"I know you'll protect me, kid."

And then he gives me a smile. Something that a father would give his child.

"We're partners, remember?"

I smile. "You, me, the RK800."

"Connor," He corrects, pointing at me as if I did something so wrong. "'The RK800' has a name. He has emotions, too, y'know."

"Fine," I chuckle. "Connor."

It sent a huge wavelength of warmth through my entire being, what Hank just said. Last month, when I met him, he hated androids with his entire being. He used to curse at them, hate them with all his soul.

Heck, he even dedicated his whole career in hunting them down. I even helped him at first.

Look at him now — showing appreciation towards one.

People really do change. We never know.

"Oh yeah, Hank, where are all the androids?"

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