twelve ; a change of heart

816 39 14

(i wrote this chapter playing the song above on repeat. i recommend listening to it while reading this chapter.)

d e t r o i t - 2 0 3 8

"I don't feel like going back to sleep," I told Hank as we were going out of the Eden Club.

It was past midnight, but I didn't feel sleepy at all.

"Me, too," Hank said, sighing. "Want to go for a ride somewhere, Scamander?"

I shrug. "Sure."

Since the car that the Minister gave me was caught up in the technological advancements, but not really, I programmed it to drive itself back to Glass Towers.

The car drove away, leaving me to follow Hank to his car.

"Connor! We're going somewhere. Do you want to join in?" Hank calls.

"Coming, Lieutenant!"

I wait by the car. I felt...empty.

I guess it's one of those nights, huh?

Hank opened the door in the driver's seat, meanwhile Connor went in the passenger seat. That left me taking the backseat all to myself.

Hank blasted heavy metal music. Knights of the Black Death, I recognized.

"You wouldn't mind me picking up a few drinks before we go to the place?" Hank asks.

"It's fine," I replied.

I leaned my head on the window, watching the surroundings as Hank drove. I didn't know where we were going, but I trusted the lieutenant.

Connor shot me a look. I looked back.

"Tell me about yourself."

"RK800 prototype, serial number 313 248 317 -"

"No, not that, Connor, uh-"

"What do you mean, Detective?"

"N-Never mind."

One thing I've noticed from all the deviant androids we've encountered so far, are their eyes.

I didn't know if I was crazy or something, but I saw emotion in their eyes. As if they can actually feel.

People say it's impossible that androids can feel. Connor says it's an error in their software.

Honestly? I think otherwise.

But of course, I need to go on with this case. The Ministry trusts me to finish it. Even if it goes against my beliefs.

Looking out the window, I didn't realize something was already falling from the skies.

I gasp. "The first snowfall."

Little by little, the snow falls, decorating Detroit with a white coat.

"Winter has officially come, huh," Hank says.

We stopped in front of a bar called 'Jimmy's Bar,' and Hank went out to buy some drinks.

Connor and I were left in silence, only the heavy metal music resounding in the car.

I looked back out the window, thinking. Never in my life I would expect that I'd be here, in Detroit, investigating things that Muggles themselves created turning against them.

"Put this back there with you, Florentine," Hank hands me a case with six bottles of really strong beer in them. Woah.

I put them beside me.

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