twenty - five ; defeated solace

519 31 11

d e t r o i t — 2 0 3 8

I drove myself to Hank's place.

He was the one who wanted Connor to stay there, instead of letting Connor stay with Markus and the others at the abandoned cathedral.

It was very understandable, since they have developed this father-and-son bond over the weeks.

Connor was the son that Hank never got to see grow.

I sigh and knock at the Lieutenant's door. After three seconds, the door opened.

They were the most casual clothes that I have seen an android in : A Detroit Police Department hoodie and pajamas

I looked Connor up and down and chuckled. He cocked his head, confused.

"Woah woah woah," I start. "Has Hank been babying you?"


From the inside of his house, Hank yelled, "No I'm not! But maybe though!"

I laugh and turn to the android. "Connor, good evening."

He smiled and gestured for me to come in. "Hello, Tine."

I put my coat on the rack and walked over to the kitchen, where Hank was. Not before petting Sumo, though. A cutie, that dog is.

Surprisingly, he was cooking something. It smelled of sauce and caramel. A weird combination...?

"And since when did Lieutenant Anderson cook?" I lean on the counter as I watched him, amused. Connor was at the doorway, looking at us.

"Now, apparently," He chuckled and mixed something in the pot. I took a closer look. It was red sauce, and I just noticed the pasta on the side, already cooked. The caramel I was smelling earlier was from the popcorn, which I just noticed too.

Hank actually... prepared?

"I bet you had a hand in this," I turn to the android at the doorway. "Hank wouldn't be able to do this on his own."

"Hey!" The lieutenant said, smacking me on the arm playfully. "I know how to cook some decent stuff."

I snicker. "Yeah, sure."

Another smack.

"Yes, actually, I did tell Hank to try to prepare something, at least," Connor admits. "He had a hard time at first, burning something in the process, but as you can see, it's pretty all right by now."

Hank scoffed. "Why do androids have to be so fucking honest all the time—"

"Well, it's in our software and programming to b—"

"Nope," Hank and I said in unison. "English only."

"It is English—"


The lieutenant laughed with me as we saw Connor's confused expression.

"Alright, the sauce is done," Hank declares, and then he put the cover on the sauce pot. "Florentine, go change into comfortable stuff. We'll have a 'family night,' as they call it."

I smile. Hank Anderson sees us as family members.

I went inside the bathroom with the yellow-tiled wall and turned on the lights.

"I really, really love magic," I say as I dig through my bag with an Extension Charm, looking for any comfortable stuff to wear.

Finally I found a Gryffindor Quidditch hoodie that was a size too big for me — because that's how I like hoodies — and a pair of pajamas. Perfect for this pretty cold weather.

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