eleven ; expensive investigations

795 39 15

d e t r o i t — 2 0 3 8

I am so fucking tired.

After all the running, investigating, me almost getting myself killed, I needed a good night’s rest. Badly

I drove myself back home, to Glass Towers.

“Finn, are you alright there?” I call as I enter, the owl hooting.

“You missed me?” I opened the cage, letting him perch on my arm as I charmed his food and water tray to fill up again.

“I’ll just take a nice, soothing bath, Finn, then we’ll cuddle,” I laugh to myself, then walk to the bathroom in my bedroom.

Pulled out some comfy pajamas, grabbed a towel, then readied the bathtub.

I felt really refreshed after my bath. Finally, a chance to have a good night’s sleep.

Finn flew to my bed when I laid down and snuggled in the sheets. Absentmindedly, I stroked his feathers.

I thought back to the deviant cases. They were never connected. They all happened at different times, places, different ways.

The only thing they have in common is rA9.

Who is rA9?

The deviant that killed Carlos Ortiz talked about it as if it was some kind of belief, a religion almost.

“Only rA9 can save us.”

Androids believing in God, huh?

I dug deeper into these thoughts, not realizing I’m getting sleepier and sleepier until I fall into the abyss of dreams.



Something poked my sides. I was too sleepy, but still very alert.

Someone was in my house.

How did someone get into my unit? I jolt up, grabbing my wand from the bedside table, pointing it at the intruder —

“Wake up, Dete—”

I lower my wand.


The RK800 looked down, sitting beside me at my bed. Why is he here and why is he trying to wake me up?

“I thought you were about to impale me with that paintbrush handle,” he said.

“Connor, what time is it?”

His LED flickered yellow for a brief moment, then he answered.

“Eight twenty-five PM, Detective.”

I only got, like, one and a half hours of sleep?

“And can you give me a valid excuse as to how did you find my address, how did you enter my room, and why are you here?”

“I asked for your file at the police department, and I hacked the security system in your unit so I was able to get in—”

“You what?

“I hacked the sec—”

I waved a hand. “I heard it the first time, I mean, you were able to hack the security system... Can all androids do that?”

I was scared some rogue androids might try to raid people here or something, I don’t know.

“No,” Connor said. “I am a prototype, so I am the only one of my kind, which means I am one of the only androids that can hack.”

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