thirty - three ; revelations

371 14 10

l o n d o n — 2 0 3 8

"He's Voldemort's son," I say, probably for the sixth time in the span of two hours. "He's Voldemort's fucking son."

Silvestre sighed, head in his hands. "No bloody shit, Tine."

We were back at my flat, I told Silvestre to stay at mine for the time being since, obviously, Malfoy Manor was not exactly a good option at the moment.

"How in Godric's name did that happen?"


"Tom Riddle," I read out loud, eyes wide with astonishment. "You're --"

He finished the sentence for me. "The Dark Lord's son. Taking revenge and continuing my father's work."

Gasps can be heard around me, from the wizards. They knew how powerful Voldemort was, who knows how much power Zlatko has now.

He grinned at us, raising his wand. "I planned on killing just Harry Potter, but this is much, much better."

I gripped my wand tighter in my hand, pulling Connor behind me. Dad was right beside me, alert as always.

"Killing his loved ones, one by one. Until I have him all to myself." Zlatko chuckled.

It all was too fast. Suddenly a gunshot was heard and Voldemort's son had blood dripping from his hip, mouth agape in surprise.

A bullet shot had no counterspell, after all.

Turning around to see who shot Zlatko, I was instead held by Silvestre who pulled me with him in apparition, not realizing I also had Connor with me, his hand in mine.


"So he wants to kill Harry Potter because his father wasn't able to do it?" Sil asked, though we both knew the answer to that.

I nod. "And every single one of us -- his relatives -- too, apparently."

Downing the cup of tea in my hands and refolding the Daily Prophet I was previously reading, I stood up, grabbing my coat and wand.

"Get ready, Sil. We're going to the Ministry."

A few minutes later, we were on the way to the Minister for Magic's office.

I had a few questions I had to ask her.

"Florentine? Silvestre? What brings you two here?" Hermione Weasley asks as Sil and I enter her office after a few knocks.

I decided to be straightforward. We had no time to waste, not in a time like this.

"Did you know that Voldemort had a child?"

Her expression was unreadable, but I think she did know.

"As Minister, I knew, but as far as the Ministry knows, the child is long gone, dead --"

"He's not," I shook my head, sitting down on one of the velvet chairs in front of her table. Pulling out my wand, I summoned the Pensieve I knew she had in her office.

Extracting the memory from yesterday, I let Nana see the events that unfolded from the Andronikov encounter at Malfoy Manor for herself, because I knew she would need solid proof.

Sil sat on the chair opposite of mine, and we waited for her to finish.

She brought her head back up and immediately put it in her hands. "So Voldemort's son is alive, to take revenge on us. That's why he was using the Dark Mark as his symbol."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2020 ⏰

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