six ; interrogation

887 41 20

d e t r o i t — 2 0 3 8

Immediately after the deviant was arrested, we went back to the police department. 

The android was about to be interrogated.

Though I missed my bed dearly and needed some sleep, I still went with them though Lieutenant asked me not to.

I wanted to see some piece of the action, because I’ve never seen an android interrogated before.

I was seated in the observation room, with Charles, Connor and — unfortunately — Gavin.

Hank was trying to extract a confession out of the android.

“Why d'you kill him?” No answer.

“What happened before you took that knife?” Lieutenant was ignored, again.

“How long were ya in the attic?” Nope.

“Why didn't you even try to run away?” Still no answer.

Lieutenant slammed his hand on the table. “Say something, goddamnit! Fuck it, I'm outta here...”

Frustrated, Lieutenant went out of the interrogation room, then sat beside Charles.

“We're wastin' our time interrogating a machine, we're gettin' nothing out of it!” He exclaims.

“'Could always try roughing it up a little. After all, it's not human...” Gavin suggests.

I decline the suggestion. “Officer Reed, androids do not feel pain. You would just damage it.”

Connor supports my statement, “Detective Scamander is right. Androids don't feel pain. You would only damage it and that wouldn't make it talk. Deviants also have a tendency to self-destruct when they're in stressful situations.”

I felt a tinge of pride, because Gavin showed obvious signs of defeat and didn’t push the subject further.

“Okay, smartass. What should we do then?”

Connor shrugs. “I could try questioning it.”

Gavin just laughed sarcastically. I glared at him, but said nothing.

“What do we have to lose?” I say.

“Go ahead, suspect's all yours,” Lieutenant Anderson says, then Connor enters the interrogation room.

Connor shows the photos of the victim, the evidence, and the information we got in the case file.

Connor shows the photos of the victim, the evidence, and the information we got in the case file

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“You recognize him? It's Carlos Ortiz. Stabbed, 28 times. That was written on the wall in his blood...” He says after showing the photograph of the writings on the wall. I am alive.

No answer.

“You've refused to talk since they arrested you. If you don't cooperate, they'll do things the hard way. Is that what you want?” Connor was sounding more strict.

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