fifteen ; feel

789 33 18

(an extra long update with 3000+ words because i love you all 3000 <3)

d e t r o i t — 2 0 3 8


“Detective Scamander.”


This goddamn android.

I threw him a pillow, not opening my eyes to see if I missed or not. “It’s too early, Connor.”

“It is eight thirty in the morning, Florentine, and we need to be at the police station by ten.”

I grunted. “Too earlyyyyy.”

I felt Connor stand up, he was sitting at the foot of my bed. I kept a pillow to my face.

“Fine. What time do you want me to wake you up?”

“Nine thirty,” I mumble.

I never heard his reply. I went straight back to sleep.


And he did wake me up at nine thirty in the morning, sharp. He made me breakfast and told me I can just eat it in the car on the way there.

I took a fast shower and changed into decent clothes and checked my stuff. Police badge on, Auror badge in the pocket, wand in the pocket, gun in the holster, wallet in the pocket.

“Let’s go,” I tell Connor after grabbing the sandwich that he packed for me and tossing my keys to him — which he caught very swiftly.

“What’s our agenda for today?” I ask the android as he starts to drive, and me getting a bite of the sandwich.

“Nothing much,” he replied. “Just gathering more information on the deviant cases. Unless another report comes in.”

I nod.

We arrive at the police department. “Hey, Charles,” I greet as I sit down on my desk. “Has Lieutenant Anderson arrived yet?”

“Hey, Tine. And uh, nope, not yet.”


Connor and I sit down at our respective desks. I turn on my computer.

More reports of assaults, homicides, and just...deviants.

“One in Monroe Avenue, one in Woodward, another in Lafayette, then in Clifford — what is happening?” I mumble.

“Deviant reports are swarming in more and more each day, we need to put a stop to this,” Connor says.

I only nod in return.

“Good morning, Lieutenant Anderson,” Connor says after more than an hour of silence.

I look up and there was our other partner, just arriving and sitting down at his desk, an hour and forty-five minutes late.

“Good morning, Hank,” I say.

“Agh, what’s good in the morning?” He grunts. I chuckle.

“All right, what do we have here?” The lieutenant turns on his computer and scrolls through the reports.

“Assaults, theft, homicides? Fuckin’ androids,” He snarls. 

A few hours later, I was chilling in the break room with Charles.

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