seventeen ; kamski

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d e t r o i t — 2 0 3 8

When I woke up, Simon wasn’t at the couch near my bed, or anywhere in my room, for that matter.

I jolted up, feeling a bit dizzy from the fast movement but I didn’t care.

Possibilities rushed through my head. Simon could be already captured by Connor right now.

Worse, Connor already probed Simon’s memory, killed him, and is now slaughtering Jericho.

I grabbed my wand, unlocked my room door and ran out, putting an ear to the door to Connor’s.

Nothing. I heard nothing.

Connor could just be on standby mode, I thought. Or he could not be in this building at all.

“Connor?” I call, knocking. “Connor, are you in here?”

A few moments pass but I got no response. My heart is beating so fast right now, I think I can hear it in my ears.

The door suddenly opened, and my dumb self leaning my whole body on the door stumbled forward, landing on Connor, who was fast enough to catch me.

“Fuck—” I curse, straightening myself up. “Sorry, Connor—”

“Florentine, are you all right?”

Connor looked me up and down, LED blinking amber. He’s probably scanning me.

“Your heart rate is above normal — what is it, Detective? Did something happen?”

I shook my head. “No, Nothing.”

“Please tell me the truth,” He said, never taking his eyes off of me. I looked away and sighed.

“Connor... I just thought Finn was missing. He wasn’t in my room.”

Fair enough, Finn was in the living room. A good excuse.

“We better get ready now,” I said.


But before that, I wrote the Minister for Magic a letter.

I had a plan.

But I won’t succeed without her help.


“Good morning, Tine,” Charles greets as Connor and I walk in the office.

“’Morning, Charles.”

As usual, Hank was late.

I let Connor sit down on his desk, but I went straight to Captain Fowler’s office.

He saw me by the door, and gestured for me to come in.

“Scamander,” He says. “What can I do for you?”

“Captain, I have to talk to you.”

He saw my expression, and seemed to have got the message that it was important and confidential.

He pressed a button on his desk, and the glass walls were suddenly tinted, blocking people outside from seeing what was happening inside.

“What is it, Florentine?” He asks, looking at me concerned.


I look down.

“I want to resign the mission.”

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