thirty - two ; the manor

257 12 7

( CURSED CHILD SPOILERS : in this story, scorpius obviously doesn't marry rose & delphini didn't exist. ok that's all )

w i l t s h i r e — 2 0 3 8

Of course, I wasn't stupid enough to go to Malfoy Manor in a group with six androids, a Muggle, and only two wizards.

My cousins James, Fred, Victoria, and Minerva were with me, along with Uncle Hugo, Uncle Albus, Aunt Victoire, and my father, Lysander Scamander were all with me.

I was reluctant with my android friends joining in, not because I was underestimating them for not having magical abilities, but I was scared of what might happen if ever those names on the map were actually here at the Manor. Their chances of surviving attacks from wizards skilled in the Dark Arts were half, if not lower.

Our group of seventeen were amongst the tall bushes surrounding the dark manor, hiding as we wait for Silvestre to return.

He was going to be the one to check the house if there were really other people. I had the map with me, so just in case, I knew where he was.

Connor, beside me, had a glimpse at the map spread in my hands.

Every Death Eater shown was in the drawing room, and I dart my eyes to where the name Silvestre Malfoy was. He was about to turn a corner, and then he'll finally be in front of the drawing room's door.

But he stopped — right before he reached the point in the map where the door was. I furrow my brows, confused. I look slightly up the map, and then I see it.

Helene Lestrange-Malfoy's name. His mother. She's in the same hallway as Silvestre, but Scorpius is in his office.

They're probably talking right now. I keep a close look at Sil's movements, I didn't notice Simon on my other side has started to observe, too.

Helene stepped closer to Silvestre — then went inside the door to the drawing room. I see Sil's name move towards the front of the door then in an instant, rapidly move towards the nearest exit, towards where we were hiding as if he was running. Oh no.

That must not be good.

I keep the map in my coat then brush off some snow in my hair before informing everyone that Sil's coming back. And that I had a bad feeling about it.

"Be prepared," I tell them.

There he was, Silvestre. Rushing toward us with the look on his face that said I have extremely bad news.

"One of them saw me," He said, catching his breath.

"What?" James said.

"—And he looked like he knew what I was there for. I stole a look inside the drawing room, and there they were : about thirty-five people in the room including Andronikov," Sil continued. "But only one of them saw me. I didn't know why I hadn't seen them before, or maybe they just went here today while I was at the Ministry?"

While he was speaking, I caught sight of something moving in my peripheral vision. From the exit Sil just came from. In a second, my wand was up and trained at the person in all black with his wand also raised, smirking at me.

A Death Eater.

The wizards with me raised their wands, too, and the Muggles aimed their guns.

I notice the others aiming at three different directions, then I realized there were four Death Eaters surrounding us right now.

Merlin's beard.

"There," one of them said, pointing his wand at me, showing his arm with the Dark Mark in the process, "The blonde. She has the map."

The map? What did they want with the map?

The said piece of parchment suddenly felt heavy in my pocket, and I lock eyes with the Death Eater in front of me.

"Give me the map," he says, raising his other hand but keeping his wand hand strictly trained at me. "And you won't be harmed."

I was about to retort with a no, but Markus spoke suddenly.

"What do you want with the map?"

The Death Eater laughed grimly. "It's not yours. It's the Dark Lord's property, and we're here to retrieve it, you piece of plastic."

The Dark Lord? What the heck is this, Voldemort all over again?

His last comment was enough for North to storm forward furiously and raise her gun at him before I can stop her. That causes him to shoot her a spell that made her gun fly out of her hands, and I ran in front of her, shielding her from the man.

"You're not getting the map," I say, though I didn't know why Zlatko wanted the map back so much, if it is really his.

What did this piece of parchment mean to Zlatko Andronikov?

"Suit yourself," is all the Death Eater says before a fight erupts from everyone.

Seventeen of us and four of them? It didn't take long for us to put them out cold, with me shooting a stupefy to one of them before Nines shoots him straight in the chest.

Dad took one of them out with a simple disarm and a petrificus totalus.

I stare at the body of the man, and at his exposed Dark Mark. The skull with the serpent coming out of its mouth. It gave me a very strange feeling. I didn't like it one bit.

"Is everyone okay?" Dad asked, looking around if anyone was hurt or damaged. Luckily, we were all okay.

We were preparing to apparate away when a voice stops us.

A voice no one wants to hear.

"Leaving so soon?"

Beside me, I felt Connor hold my wrist. He was already looking at the owner of the voice. If the RK800 still had his LED, it would probably be colored a burning red right now.

Slowly turning around, I turn to face the man, and there he was, dressed in black robes, looking straight at me. It sent a chill through my spine, but I felt no fear.


"Ah, yes, you remember my name," He grinned menacingly, taking a step towards me. "As you should. Now, I don't mean no harm, Florentine Scamander -- just give me the map."

He brought up a hand, cold eyes piercing through me.

It felt easy to just hand over the map to Zlatko and leave, because it was just a piece of parchment.

But I knew better.

He wouldn't want it so bad if it was just a random piece of parchment that mapped the Malfoy Manor. He could always make another one.

Also, he wouldn't let us leave -- let alone leave alive.

So why not put up a fight first?

"Why?" I ask, getting out the map from my coat pocket and showing it to him. "Why do you want this map so bad? It's just a piece of parchment -- make another one."

"Tine, what are you doing?" James hissed from behind me. I decide to not respond and stay focused on the dark wizard.

"That piece of parchment --" Zlatko snaps, lowering his extended hand and gripping his wand tighter. "-- happens to be mine."

Connor gripped my wrist tighter, as if saying the same thing as James.

I flip the parchment over, looking on both sides. "I don't see no Zlatko Andronikov written here?"

He chuckled, yet no hint of humor in it. "Alright, alright. It's not mine, it's my father's. Look closer, Scamander. There's his name, written on the flap."

Releasing my wrist from Connor's grip, I flip the parchment over, looking at the flap Zlatko mentioned, wishing I never did.

There it was. Written clear as day.

Property of Tom Riddle.

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