thirty ; mapping

296 16 6

shoutout to saetics!! wanted to thank you sm for the compliments and the floodvotes <333

also, ANNOUNCEMENT : i might be publishing an Outlast fic real soon 👀

l o n d o n — 2 0 3 8

"Kidnappings," Hermione Weasley announced in the Ministry's atrium, a week later. "Kidnappings have been happening, right under our noses.

"The dark wizards blend in well with the Muggles and wizards alike, and taking them outright. There's nothing common with all the people taken, and our operatives are working to search for Zlatko Andronikov's whereabouts, to save these people."

Whispers arose throughout the crowd.

"Muggles are getting kidnapped too?"

"What does Zlatko want, anyway?"

"Another attack might happen any moment now..."

I sigh. "Silvestre, when do you think this will end?"

My friend, standing beside me, shrugs. "Maybe when someone finally kills that lunatic son of a bitch."

He's not wrong, though.

A series of warnings and precautionaries were said by the Minister before she finally finishes her speech. It's just after lunch, and a few more names were in the newspapers' 'missing' headlines.

A week ago, these kidnappings started. The firstly one happened near the entrance to Diagon Alley, where a female wizard was allegedly robbed before getting taken by a wizard wearing all black robes.

We assumed that it was just a mere single case of a robbery and kidnapping, so the Ministry sent low-ranking Aurors to get to the case.

What they discovered with thorough searching was just a piece of parchment, left magically floating in the crime scene with a stain on it. No one ever knew what stain it was, since it didn't look like blood.

Most presumed that it was just a random piece of parchment, but I had a feeling that it wasn't. It wouldn't be planted specifically there where the crime happened for no reason. That's why, as a high-ranking Auror, I got authority of the evidence, and am still currently figuring out what to do with it. It's not entirely useless, though.

If only I can reveal your secrets...

A week later, now, there had been a total of thirteen kidnappings, three of them being Muggles. No one knew why Muggles were being brought into this. Does Andronikov hate Muggles and Muggle-borns too, like Grindelwald and Voldemort?

I stared at the stained parchment in confusion as I went back to my office, beside Sil's.

But why did Andronikov have to kidnap several Purebloods too if he might have a hatred for the unpure?

A copy of today's newspaper sat on my desk, brought in by a house-elf earlier this morning. I haven't touched it yet, feeling frustrated about this whole situation. Maybe it's time that I take a small break and read the Prophet.

Earlier at the atrium, the glimpses I got of The Daily Prophet's headline were only two names, but it seems that I didn't get all of it.

Now, in front of me, had two names and two models of androids.

I sat down at my desk and put my hands on my temples. Wizards, Muggles, and now, androids? What more can Andronikov want?

"What do we do about this..." I trailed off, letting out an exasperated sigh.

Something was missing. A vital piece of the investigation.

My eyes suddenly drifted off to an innocent - looking piece of parchment paper sitting on the corner of my desk, and a realization dawned. It can't be. But it has to be.

I hurriedly got up, grabbed the parchment, and a handful of Floo powder.


Godric's Hollow looked the same as always. The last time I was here was a month or so ago, when I went to bother James and the others.

The short walk to the Potter residence filled me with anticipation and nervousness, as I hoped that what I am thinking is true.

I knock, and James' little sister Lilian answers the door.

"Hey, Florentine," She says with a soft smile. "James is at the Ministry, why—"

"Is Grandpa Harry home?"

"Uh, yeah, just go up to his room. You know where it is, anyway," She opens the door wider and I thank her, greeting the other people I pass by in the house before knocking on Grandpa Harry's door.

"Yeah?" he called from the inside, almost inaudibly.

"It's Florentine, Grandpa Harry."

He tells me to come in and I twist the doorknob, finding him still on his bed, reading a book. He puts it down and pushes up his glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"Florentine? What are you doing here?" He asks me as soon as I enter. He gestures me to sit down and I make myself comfortable at the edge of his bed.

"What do you need, dear?" He asks.

I sigh. Here goes nothing, then.

"Can you..." I trail off, pulling out the parchment paper. "Tell me more about this?"

"What," Grandpa laughs. "I expected something, but most definitely not you asking me about blank parchment paper, Florentine."

"Hold it in your hand," I insist, pushing the paper towards The Boy Who Lived. "Hold it in your hand and tell me you feel no strange magic in that parchment."

A few moments pass and he finally takes it in his hand, examining it.


"Oh," he says, astonished. "I know this."

My ears perk at his reaction and I triumph a little in my mind. I knew it. So there was something strange in that paper.

Grandpa reaches for his wand at the bedside table and points it at the piece of paper, saying an all-too-familiar mantra.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."

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