eight ; run, kara

833 41 18

d e t r o i t — 2 0 3 8

“Is it alright if I go in the car with you to travel to Ravendale district, Detective?”

I look at Connor. “Why?”

“Well, I think Lieutenant Anderson would as much not want to be in the same room with me, let alone in the same vehicle. I would like to give him some space.”

I tilted my head. “Alright, if that’s what you see fitting.”

We were going out of the police department, to Ravendale to investigate the reported AX400 android.

“Hank,” I call as I went to him, “Connor wants to ride with me in my car for now, he wants to give you space, he said.”

“Jesus, Connor can go fuck himself for all I care.”

It’s a yes, then?

Our group walked towards the entrance to the parking lot. Officer Collins and Charles went in Hank’s car, and Connor followed me to mine.

“I’ll drive, Detective. You look like you haven’t got a good night’s sleep,” The android said. 

“I didn’t know you could drive?” I ask, completely ignoring what he said about me not having a good night’s sleep.

This was true, as I told Charles earlier, I was thinking about stuff.

“I have access to all parts of the Internet, and my computer program allows me to save data, learn in seconds, and execute. I just uploaded all driving techniques into my memory.”

Holy shit.

“All right then, just don’t get us killed.” I said then slid into the passenger seat.

I was amazed at how fast Connor learned to drive. Heck, he moved like he’d been driving for years.

Ah, the wonders of technology.

“What is a Chudley Cannon, Detective?” Connor asked, eyeing the sticker on the dashboard.

Fuck, fuck fuck. What do I tell him?

“Uh, a baseball team from London.”

Connor looked at me skeptically for a second, LED turning amber.

“My research shows that there is not a baseball team with that name, Detective,” he says.

“It’s a nickname my friend and I made for my school’s team, alright?” I answer, trying not to put my nervousness in my tone. Hopefully Connor lets the subject go.

“Oh. What school did you go to?”

A school for people with magical abilities, no shit Sherlock.

“Oxford,” Now I answered what the Minister wanted me to answer when people ask that specific question.

“And you finished top of your class. Impressive,” Connor said.

“How the bloody hell did you know that—”

The car came to a stop. We’ve arrived at Ravendale district. 

Connor didn’t answer my question. Fine, then. Leave me wondering.

“We've got officers sweeping the neighborhood, in case anybody saw anything. ” Ben says as Connor and I got out of the car.

The slight drizzle of rain didn’t faze me as I walked towards Hank and Ben.

The slight drizzle of rain didn’t faze me as I walked towards Hank and Ben

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