twenty - six ; mysteries and prophecies

489 20 37

[ trigger warning : death ]

l o n d o n - 2 0 3 8

"Who started this, exactly?"

I hear the faint sound of shoes against pavement and spells being cast as we huddle around Silvestre Malfoy's office.

We have just arrived.

The aforementioned put his hand on the backrest of a velvet emerald chair as he leans on it. Everyone else was tense, especially Hank and the androids. Magic is alien territory to them.

"Word has it that it's Voldemort's old recruits. They're attacking the Ministry not just because they're still against Hermione Weasley's position as Minister, but also how the Muggle and Wizarding world alike are starting to accept androids in their social hierarchy because of what happened in Detroit. But there's something that we still don't know yet. "

I walk near the door. "Are the Malfoys involved?"

Seeing as Silvestre's family was once an ancient Death Eater bloodline, I had to ask the question.

"Not that I know of."

"All right," I say as I now lean on the dark green door. "We need a plan. Now."

And so we formulate one. None of them looked like androids since all of them removed their LED already and nobody is in the norm of android clothing.

"Only use your guns when actually necessary," Hank says. "We wouldn't want to waste ammunition or kill an innocent wizard."

Knowing Hermione Weasley, she was never one to not fight. So she was surely out there, right now. Defending the Ministry. Her ministry.

I spoke. "Never let an enemy get too close to my grandmother."

They nod.

"Also," Sil said. "Don't let them get near the elevator. I have a feeling that they want to get something from the Department of Mysteries."

Nobody would dare attack the Ministry of Magic without a deep reason. Why would anyone in their right mind do that?

The real question is, how did they get past all the Ministry's security alarms and magic that's guarding it?

Unless the attackers are from the Ministry itself.

We hear an explosion from outside. Everyone scrambled. Since I was the closest to the door, I brought out my wand and opened it slightly.

The empty hallway that leads to the main atrium of the Ministry was eerily silent, but my Auror training senses tell me otherwise.


Nothing. Still silent.

It was suspicious. But we had no time to lose.

"Everyone. Move."

I turn the corner and see the statue at the middle of the atrium damaged. A single wanded man in black robes stands at its feet. He seems to be commanding his men (and women?) in the fight that was happening everywhere.

"Stick to the plan, everyone!" Sil says. I didn't get to hear what he said next because I was running towards my family.

Mostly redheads, the Weasleys stand out from everyone. They were at the middle of the atrium, trying to defend the Ministry from all these attackers.

My cousins - Fred, James, Alexandra, Minerva, Victoria, et cetera. My aunts and uncles - Lily, Albus, James, Victoire, Dominique, Molly, Hugo, and others. My father - Lysander Scamander.

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