twenty - seven ; who is it?

419 23 24

l o n d o n - 2 0 3 8

"Zlatko Andronikov. The man who reprograms androids and reassembles them into monstrosities."

Connor plopped down beside me on the emerald green sofa. "Kara, the AX400 you met on Jericho, almost became a victim of Andronikov."

The Malfoy manor was spacious, let alone this chill lounge we're at. The Malfoys were a powerful family, and this house is a contrast to their number - only three people reside in this house, not including the house elves.

Silvestre walks in, holding a brown envelope in his hand.

"Here's his file," he sets it down on the table in front of me and I take it.

I read. "Andronikov, Zlatko Cullens. Thirty - eight. Half Russian and half British. Moved to Detroit eight years ago. Has a reputation for being a git at Hogwarts and a dark wizard. House - Slytherin. What does he want with the Ministry?"

Hank reads the file next, but not before Connor scans it - most probably from one look he has everything in his android mind carbon copied.

Connor then looks at the other androids, passing the contents of the file so they don't need to get it from us humans. I sigh as I observe them.

Sometimes, I want to be an android.

"What?" The RK800 beside me whispers, a smirk on his face.

My eyes widen. Did I say that out loud?

Connor chuckled. "Yes, you did, Tine."

I put a palm to my face. "Oh."

"His people wanted to get the prophecy named 'rA9,' didn't they?" Josh asked. "Maybe it has something to do with why he attacked the Ministry."

"But who is rA9, first of all?" North waves a hand. "Or what exactly is it?"

I've seen it everywhere involving the deviant android crimes in Detroit. How did it end up here, in London?

"No one knows," Sil answered.

"It's all over The Daily Prophet, too," He continued, flicking a copy of the Prophet to the table. "The headline : 'Sudden Attack on Ministry : What is rA9?' Not even a day passed after the attack happened, Skeeter already has her pesky interviews done and in print."

Simon and the androids lean forward, looking at the moving picture in the paper : one of the Ministry atrium where everyone was in battle mode.

I sigh and slump in exasperation. "What is this, Voldemort part two? Or Grindelwald, even?"


Ever since he got the news that Nana wanted me to go to Detroit for that deviant mission, Silvestre started collecting books about androids.

He read them, absorbing information on these programmed machines that I were to encounter, and educated me about them in my first week in Detroit with him. Sprinkled me with facts, on what their parts are and what they do, the types of androids, et cetera.

I never knew that there was something in those androids that no book could ever put in print. Emotions.

But here I am now, in the Malfoy manor library, books about androids scattered all around myself, and an android himself in front of me.

"Are you all right, Florentine?"

I snap back to reality, shaking my head. Looking up, I see hazel eyes staring back.

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