fourteen ; i got you

737 38 8

d e t r o i t — 2 0 3 8

“That was our fourth Disney movie.”

“Connor, you can never watch too many Disney movies.”

“Well, Detective —”

“Nope. Be right back. Let me take a nice, hot shower.”

“All right.”

In a span of a few hours, Connor and Finn seemed to have made a bond with each other.

As I was about to enter my room, I watched him.

Connor stroked Finn’s feathers gently, as if he was so scared that he might hurt the owl — innocently, almost.

He looked at Finn with curiosity — this android that has witnessed homicides, hostages, deaths — turned soft for a winged animal.

How cute.

I shook my head, smiling as I turned the doorknob to my room, and proceeded to take a shower.

After I was done, I went out of my room to check on Connor and Finn. I found not both, but only one of them there.

Finn was perched on the bookshelf, tilting his head to look at me.

“Where’s Connor?” I asked. He only hooted at me. Alright, then.

Maybe he went out or was at his room. I let him do his thing.

It was three in the afternoon. I made myself coffee and sat down at the built-in seat beside the window.

The view is really pretty. It overlooked Detroit, and with the snow falling, it looked prettier. A quite bit of fog, but beautiful nonetheless.

I remembered those sleepless nights in winter at Gryffindor Tower where I did just this.

Something flew towards me. It wasn’t Finn, and it wasn’t a bug or moth. I was quick to spot it before it hit me.

“Got you—!” I exclaimed, catching the Golden Snitch in my hands, not before hearing footsteps from the hallway, Connor emerging from it.

Was Connor chasing the Snitch?

“Sorry—” He said, “I was just looking at a box in my room, and then that thing suddenly flew out—”

I laughed. “It’s alright, Connor, it’s just the Snitch.”

I opened my hand and looked at it, the cheeky little thing revealing its wings but stayed put on my hand.

“The what?” Connor asked, going to sit on the other side of the window seat

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“The what?” Connor asked, going to sit on the other side of the window seat.

“The Golden Snitch, the fastest yet smallest ball used in Quidditch, the sport I told you about before.”

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