twenty - one ; the calm

602 29 16

d e t r o i t - 2 0 3 8

First of all, I didn't know how to fucking swim.

Second, I'll drown if I don't swim.

Third, I don't know how to fucking swim!

I know I should have told Simon and the others about my nonexistent swimming ability earlier, but I was too focused on getting out of Jericho and making sure everyone was safe.

Flailing my arms around, I couldn't see anything but flaming pieces of metal falling in the river.

I'm sinking deeper and deeper into the river.

What do I do?!

I was struggling to breathe.

The others probably didn't notice that I wasn't with them.

But at least they survived. At least they have a chance to be free.

I felt the water coming in to my lungs, suffocating me.

Closing my eyes, I slowly accepted my tragic fate.


But I woke up.

I wasn't in Detroit, though.

Surprisingly I was in my room, in our house which was near the Burrow, where the Weasleys live.

What confused me is that everything around me was white. My bed, the ceilings, the drawers, my nightstand, everything.

What confused me even more, to the highest level, is who went through my door, sitting down beside me.


She smiled at me and held my hand. It felt so real.

"A-Am I - am I dead?"

Small tears escaped my eyes, just by being able to hold her hand again, to see her again, to hear her voice again.

She chuckled. "No, dear. It's still not your time, yet."

What did she mean by that?

And then I looked down. "I'm sorry, Mom... I failed the mission Nana wanted me to accomplish."

Mom looked at me and smiled. "Oh, believe me, Florentine - you are so close to accomplishing it."


"You were just on the wrong side at first."

I fell silent.

"What is this place, Mom?"

"Where life meets death," She answers. "You were meant to die in those waters. But somehow, you didn't. You still have a mission to accomplish, Tine."

She stood up and opened the door, where a bright white light shines through.

"I'm so proud of you, dear."

She steps out and everything starts to fade away.

"No!" I tried reaching for her. "No, Mom, wait-!"

Jolting awake, I open my eyes, struggling to catch my breath. "Mom- where-"

"Hey, hey, calm down, Tine," A voice said from beside me.


I couldn't contain it. I cried, sobbed on his shoulder.

"Shhh," He says as he hugged me, resting his head on my own. "Everything's fine now. You're safe."

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