thirty - one ; danger

234 11 8

( that was a long ass writer's block i had to deal with. i'm back now tho. hope everyone's staying safe. )

l o n d o n — 2 0 3 8

Ever since the legalization of having androids to be treated as people, my android friends have been looking for jobs to help and to pay rent. They got a separate flat, near mine and near Hank's.

Markus, apparently, left the leadership of Jericho to few trusted androids of his named Daniel and Daye.

The rest have decided to stay here, too, including Hank — since, he says, he has 'no family to leave behind' — to help with the investigations.

On the way home from Godric's Hollow — I didn't go back to the Ministry, it was already time to go home when Grandpa Harry and I finished talking — I decided to go to the coffee shop near home where Connor and Josh work and get myself a drink.

Particularly, I'd prefer tea in this winter weather.

The bell rang as I opened the door to the shop. I inhaled the heavenly scent and went straight to the counter, where Josh was situated.

"Good day! What would you like to ord— oh hey Tine, what would you like to order?" He smiles at me, and I return the gesture.

"Um, the usual, green tea frappe."

I know it was mental to order a cold drink in this cold as beans weather, but eh.

"One green tea frappe for Florentine..." He writes my name on the cup and I pay him, then I sit down and wait.

Connor's at the counter, making the drinks. I thought he looked attractive in their uniform of dark brown slacks, white polo, and green apron — I didn't notice I was staring until my name got called by none other than Connor himself.

"For Florentine?" He called, looking straight at me. Is that a smirk I see?

I glare at him playfully as I walk toward the counter to retrieve my much-needed green tea fix.

"I see you were fantasizing about me," The crackhead doesn't remove his smirk when I got there.

"I will hex you, Connor."

"No, you can't."

Bloody hell. He was right, I can't even if I wanted to. We were in public, in full sight of Muggles.

"Well," I start, leaning in so that only he could hear me. "I came to tell you that there'd be a small meeting at my flat — or apartment as y'all call it — later. 8pm sharp. Don't be late, and tell the others, please."

He was confused for a second but nodded anyway. "All right, Tine."

I didn't want to speak to Silvestre right now. Not after what I found out. I'll confront him later, though.

The reason why I wanted everyone to meet as early as possible was because we were already wasting time not moving right now.

Andronikov and his cronies may be planning mass destruction, or worse, a full-blown war and we would have known nothing.

If it weren't for that piece of parchment.


I paced in my living room back and forth at seven fifty-five, unable to keep myself in one place for too long.

I have been trying to formulate a plan this whole time, hoping Silvestre would come early as he always is so that I could talk to him.

And he did, arriving a few moments later. After letting him in, he noticed the look on my face and tilted his head.

"Why are you looking at me like tha—"

I raised my wand, cornering him instantly. "Show me your arms."

He was hesitant, confused at my command. "What—"

"Just show me, Silvestre Malfoy."

Still hesitant, he pulled his sleeves up, displaying his clean arms.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, and lowered my wand. I wasn't finished with him, though.

"What was that for?" he asked. "Did you think I was a—"

I cut him off. "How many people are at Malfoy Manor right now, Silvestre?"

His brows creased more, getting more confused at the moment. Still, he answered me.

"If you don't count the house-elves, there's only Mum and Dad, sometimes Grandma Astoria or Grandpa Draco would be there, too—"


Just then, a knock was at my door. Simon, Josh, Markus, North, Connor, Nines, and Hank were here. I let them in, greeting everyone and letting them settle down for a few minutes.

"I'd like everyone to have a look at this," I pulled out the parchment that had a stain on it.

I set it down on the table where everyone had a good view, and said the magic words.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."

Silvestre gasped. "It couldn't be—"

"It's not," I cut him off before he could say anything more.

I knew he was thinking about the Marauders' Map. No ; this was much, much worse.

The floor plan stood in plain sight, in navy blue magical ink. And no, there weren't only two people in this magical map.

There were about more or less fifty names on the map, all moving along and looking like they were in some sort of meeting.

I was sure every single one of them was a Death Eater, since Zlatko Andronikov's name is one of them. And they're all inked in black — the Marauders' Map inked Death Eaters in black, too.

Silvestre gasped. "No, it couldn't be."

Everyone else was confused.

"Wait, isn't that—" Simon starts, recognizing the halls and the places.

"Yes," I respond. "That, everyone, is Malfoy Manor."

Silvestre took a step forward, leaning in to get a better look at the map.

"Blimey," he started, getting more confused. "No way. I was there just earlier — I live there! I haven't seen any trace of other people in the manor than my family."

"Maybe that map is a fake," Hank says, shrugging. "Maybe someone just wanted to pull tricks on the Aurors."

It was a possibility. But something tells me the map wasn't left floating there just because it was a joke.

"But if it is real, Andronikov may be in the Manor at this very moment," Markus crosses his arms, brows furrowing. "Along with the thirteen people he kidnapped."

"We could either disregard this map as a fake or go to the Manor to see if there are really Death Eaters in there."

I sigh and mutter, "Why are there even Death Eaters existing at this year, again?"

Silvestre chuckled before answering. "I guess we'll have to see for ourselves. We're going to the Manor, everyone."

"When?" North asks.



yes i just made up that thing about the marauders' map inking death eaters in black lmaoo im back tho

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