seven ; partners

881 38 7

d e t r o i t — 2 0 3 8

“Sil! You would not believe what happened last night — I mean today, just at dawn.”

It was seven forty-five in the morning, and I was eating breakfast before I go to the police department.

I decided to video chat Sil through my computer while eating, and here we are now.

He’s at Malfoy Manor, enjoying the weekend since there are no pending Auror duties for him.

“Why? What happened? Did you jinx an android or something?”

I scoff. “Why would I do that? I don’t even know if obliviating androids would work, you know.”

I continue, “Well, I got my first homicide case in Detroit earlier.”

“Really? Tell me about it!”

And so I told him about Lieutenant Anderson and how he hates androids, and how — ironically — we had an android as a partner, and what happened in the crime scene, and in the interrogation room.

“Wow, this deviant thing is pretty serious out there. Good thing there are no androids in Britain,” he joked.

“True. Well, I better get going. Take care of yourself, Sil.”

“You too, Tine. Say hello to Finn for me!”

And then, he hung up.

I put my plate in the dishwasher, got my coat, then went out of the door.

The station was pretty busy when I got in. I even overheard a conversation a woman had with her husband, I think she got robbed or something?

“I'm getting nervous, Mark.” a woman says, presumably to her husband.

“It's okay... It's okay, just relax... Just tell 'em what happened to you.”

“But it was all over so quickly... I didn't even see his face!”

“Any little detail might help them catch the never know.”

I entered the office.

“’Morning, Charles,” I greeted him before I sat down at my desk.

“Yo,” He said. “Had a good night’s sleep?”

I actually did not. “Honestly? No.”

“Yeah,” he answered. “Why?”

“Well, that my first time interrogating an android, because usually I interrogate wi—”

Fuck, I almost said wizards.

“—People. So I was kinda nervous and thought about it, so I didn’t get that much of a good sleep.”

Charles nodded. “Ah, same. I don’t get to interrogate androids that much, but when I do, it’s hard as hell than interrogating people.”

“Considering androids don’t feel emotions...” I say.

I turned on my computer and browsed some more case files of deviants, trying to find a connection between them.

I was reading it, analyzing it, getting it stuck in my brain, trying to find a lead about the deviant case.

Can they all be connected?

I decided to get myself a soda from the break room’s vending machine.

Walking towards there, I heard Gavin’s voice, probably insulting someone again. I stopped.

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