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I do not own characters created by Marvel.
The Plot Line is my own and do not take it.
Forest was dark and scary, but Carol continued walking, suddenly she heard loud roar and immediately prepared her fists. Abruptly  ,immense, black lion appeared in front of her .
-Damn it-mumbled Carol.
Lion roared again and jumped to attack her, but Carol quickly threw photon blast from her hands. Giant ,lifeless lion fall on the ground miles away.
-Sorry, little one ,you made me do that -sighed Carol and continued walking.
After couple of hours finally found what she wanted.
-This must be Odin's Cave-said she with excitement.
Carol carefully walked in it, Cave was dark and empty but in the depth ,she saw purple light.
-That is it! – Carol cried with happiness and run towards the light- it was purple ,beautiful flower.
-,,power flower "- murmured she -,,It was so so difficult to find you, but fortunately I am here"-she picked up flower- Skrulls will be happy ,they need you and... -Carol could not finish her words, suddenly she felt terrible pain, she screamed ,grabbed flower and slowly walked out from Cave, but once she saw the night sky , Carol fell down and tears began streaming down her face,this awful feeling was unbearable ,even for her.
Suddenly she heard voices of men.
-I have no idea where Brol is -said the first one.this voice reminded Carol thunder.
-It is unbelievable ! who will believe that huge lion disappeared ?-said the second one ,his voice was mysterious.
-I do not know but I am sure father will be mad , Brol is his favorite, we have to find this lion as quickly as possible...wait, what is this?-he noticed Carol.
-You mean who is this, yeah?-man with mysterious voice seemed surprised.
-Who are you ?-yelled first man and run towards her.
Carol did not answer and prepared her fist.
-Calm down, Lady ,we are not going to hurt you ,Thor ,I think she is bleeding.
-even if you want, you cannot hurt me -said Carol with as strong voice as possible .
-Seems like you are already hurt enough.
-Loki!-said Thor sternly ,then knelt down and gently touched her arm.
-what happened to you?
-nothing important-mumbled Carol and bit her lip to avoid screaming, but she could not. Pain became lot stronger.
-Ohhhh-Loki covered his ears.
Thor had worried look on his face , Carol's teary eyes and suffering made him feel very apprehensive. He did not know who she was but he really wanted to help and protect her.
-Hold on Milady,I will take you in the Palace, everything will be fine-then he gently picked her up . Carol rested her head on his chest ,last thing she saw was his blue, warm eyes, full with concern and despite the terrible pain, she felt safe. Carol closed eyes and immediately became unconscious .

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