Chapter 16-You are Back

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Linnea had her head put on Thor's shoulder. Tears were streaming on her face.

-Dad,I am so heartbroken. I did everything to help you and you are angry. Saving people's lives and fighting for you family is that bad? Is that bad that I must be punished for that?
-Linnea-Thor looked at her blue-green beautiful eyes-I am so sorry for everything ,I am so sorry that I broke your heart. I feel really terrible now.I did not want to do it ,neither did Carol. We care about you very much,we want to protect you from any kind of danger. You are everything for us,our love,life,heart and seeing you in such danger ,made us mad and I can say we lost our minds. But I am sorry now and I just want you to forgive us,both. You will not be grounded when we return in Asgard and we are  so grateful for what you did for us,your uncle ,avengers ,people and New York. Remember,Linnea,we love you so much and breaking your heart is the last thing we want. Can you forgive us?

-Of course,dad-Linnea hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek.
Thor took sigh of relief.

-Now,lets return in house. Time to sleep.
-Dad,I want to stay with you and mom,tonight.
-Of course,sweetheart,I will tell you my adventures. What about fighting against Ice goliaths?
-That would be awesome !-Linnea grinned.

Weekend with Bartons was full of joy ,fun and happiness. Everyone felt amazing and they just did not want these days to end.Picnics,watching movies,warm conversations,laugh,positive emotions,but finally Sunday evening came.

  Everyone was in Bartons' green yard ,sitting around the table.
-What a beautiful evening!-said Tony and took sandwich.
-It is so calm here!-Natasha sipped her juice.
-We had great fun here,these two days were amazing,thanks for everything-Steve told to Clint and Laura.
-Weekend is not over yet,we still have to watch the movie -said Clint.
-Linnea,did you like with us?-Laura turned to little princess.
-Of course,aunt Laura,after all,I got new family and new friends in Midgard -said Linnea and looked to Derek and added-You know,Derek taught me how to play basketball ,this morning.
-Yeah and she is so talented ,she did not miss one single ball-said Derek with excitement.
-Woah.You are not kidding ,Kiddo-Tony smiled .
-I am really happy that you two became friends-said Clint.

In these two days,Derek and Linnea got really close to each other and felt very comfortable in each others company. That was why Derek felt very upset when Sunday night came. He and Linnea were laid on grass and watching night sky,full of stars.

-Linnea !-began Derek-I do not want you to go.
-Neither do I,but we have to return in Asgard.
-Will you return?
-Of course.
-I do not know exactly.
-I do not know,Derek,but one day I will return.
-And we still be friends?
-Sure.I already love you.

     Derek felt how his heart froze.
-You lo-love m-me?-he stuttered.
-Of course,Derek,you are my friend and I love you.
-Oh,yes,I love you too.

,,just friend"-thought Derek and felt how his heart filled with disappointment and sorrow.

-You know what-said Linnea-when we miss each other ,we can go on terrace at night,watch these beautiful stars and remember those days.
-These stars are as beautiful as you -Derek grabbed her hand

Next morning was really emotional.Everyone said goodbye to each other.Thor,Carol and Linnea were first ones who left.

-Goodbye my friends-Thor boomed-see you one day-then he held his hammer up and Heidmall opened the Bifrost.

After everyone left,Derek laid on his bed and closed his eyes.He just could not stop thinking about Linnea.

-Derek-Lexa walked in the room

-Lexie,please leave me alone-said Derek.

-Look,what I found,It is Linnea's jacket.

-What?-Derek quickly opened his eyes and shifted on his bed.

-Yeah,it is hers.I found in my room,seems like she forgot it.

Derek took red jacket.
,,Yes,it is hers,she was wearing that when we were watching night sky" -thought he and then told to his sister.
-I will keep it and give it to her when she return.
-Okay-Lexa shrugged and walked out from the room.

Derek laid on his bed again,hugged jacket tightly,closed his eyes and whispered:

,,One day she will return".

  Every night he was sleeping with Linnea's jacket ,meanwhile little princess was grabbing her pendant every night in Asgard and was thinking about his uncle,who was trying to heal with the help of Asgardian healers. Mind-control was really difficult to get rid of ,but finally Loki did. It was late night when healer told god of mischief that he was fully recovered.
-Sleep well ,your highness and next morning you can tell your family about this wonderful news-healer gently touched his arm.
-No ! I need to see my niece immediately-Loki quickly stood up.
-But her highness is sleeping now-healer resisted.
-Does not matter.
Loki was running through the halls of Asgard. He was not allowed to see Linnea,until full recovery and he waited too long.

  Loki opened the door and walked in Linnea's room. Little princess was sitting on window sill and watching night sky.She was deeply in her thoughts and did not hear door opening.
-Linnea!-said Loki with broken voice.

Princess quicky turned around.

-Uncle Loki !
-I am fully recovered!-said Loki and held his arms out.

Happy smile lit up Linnea's face,she quickly jumped down from the sill,ran and jumped in her uncle's arms.

Tears streamd down on their faces.

-I am so sorry-Loki was sobbing-I did terrible things to you,I put you in the danger.
-No,it was not you Uncle Loki,do not blame yourself .
-I hate myself ,Linnea.
-No you do not have to,it was not your fault.
-You were only one who realized that I was mind controlled.
-I always belived in you,uncle,I believe now and I always will.
-I love you,little one,so much.
-I love you too-Linnea put her head on Loki's shoulder and whispered happily:
-You are back.

Meanwhile,Derek Barton was watching night sky in Midgard and was dreaming about the day,when he will say same words to Linnea.

Linnea,Princess of AsgardWhere stories live. Discover now