Chapter 9 - Fifth Birthday

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-I just cannot believe that five years passed after I first held Linnea in my arms-Carol was standing on terrace and watching her daughter playing with Loki.
-Neither do I- said Thor.
-Will she like our present ?
-Sure , Gunborg is awesome little dragon.
- And I am not totally sure is it right to give her  a dragon as a present.
-She will be so happy.
-But it is dangerous ,Thor.
-Gunborg is little dragon , he will grow up with her. He will not hurt our daughter.
- Do you know what is her biggest dream?
-Yes, she told me yesterday. Powerful weapon, like my hammer.
-You know, fact that ,she has such a great  desire to fight ,astonishes me. She is just five years old.
-And she is Thor's daughter-Frigga and Odin walked on the terrace.
-Your majesties -Thor bowed and Carol curtsied.
-She is female version of my son-continued Frigga- Thor was exact same at her age.
-I remember ,how he was running through the halls and yelling : ,,I will kill the monsters ,I will destroy them !" being fierce, brave and vigorous hero was always his dream- added Odin.
-My daughter will become hero too, someday-smiled Thor.
         While Princess's parents and grandparents were talking about her , Linnea was playing with his uncle.
-Got You -laughed Loki and picked his niece up.
-Once again uncle Loki, please-giggled Linnea-It is so fun.
-Are not you tired from running?
-No and I want to win at once! I always lose, you are so fast.
-What about another game ?
-Like what?
-It is not a game ,actually, but we can ride a horse.
-That will be awesome, you are the best uncle in Asgard !-little princess  hugged him.
      Linnea was happiness and joy of her family. Everyone was adoring her. People called her ,,light of Asgard". Princess was very close with her uncle. Loki was playing with her frequently, telling her interesting stories about monsters and heroes, fights against them and also his and Thor's adventures. Linnea 's favorite part in the stories were fight scenes, once Frigga asked her:
-Linnea, why do you always want to hear stories about evil goliaths and monsters? What about fairy tales of  beautiful princesses  and brave knights ? It is very interesting ! I can tell you stories where pretty princesses with flowers in their heads are saved by fearless warriors.
-It will be interesting , grandmother ,but I do not like princesses like that -said Linnea.
-Why are they waiting for knights when they can save themselves? My dream is to be brave warrior like my father and mother and kill evil monsters myself.
-She is definitely your daughter , Thor-chuckled Loki.
           Linnea was still like that and she had truly impressive warrior skills, despite the fact that she was just 5 years old ,Sif was training her almost every day and was amazed ,because she was extremely talented for her age.
     Now, on her birthday ,Linnea decided to have more hard training than other days ,but Sif refused that and told little princess that she must enjoy her birthday and spend whole time with her family ,so Linnea found her uncle and asked him to play with her, of course Loki agreed and these two had great fun together. Linnea especially liked riding horse.

-Dad!- Princess ran to her father.
Thor picked her up and hugged her tightly.
-How is my most beautiful Princess?
-Uncle Loki and I rode the horse.
-Aham. It was amazing.
-I am glad you liked it,now I think it is gift time.
-Yes it is-giggled Linnea.
-Come ,your mother and I have very special gift for you.
-What is it ?
-You will see.
     Thor was sure that Linnea would be happy ,but he never imagined reaction like that.  
      Princess began crying ,yelling and running. She was  overwhelmed with happiness.
-I have my own dragon ! We will fight evil monsters together! Grandma! Grandpa ! look at that !-she grabbed her grandparents' hands-look ! how amazing this dragon is!
-Calm down ,Linnea -Carol laughed.
-I cannot calm down ,mommy ,I have my own dragon!
   This was definitely happiest birthday in Linnea's life and Gunborg-best gift ,but later she received another wonderful present from her uncle.
    It was night ,already, stars were shining on the sky ,Linnea  was laid on her bed
and almost fall asleep when Loki walked in her room.
-Uncle Loki!-said she with sleepy voice and slightly smiled.
-I have a gift for you.
-Yes. I wanted to give you it earlier ,but you were so excited and overwhelmed with Gunborg,so I decided to give it to you later.
-What is that!
-Look !-Loki showed his niece beautiful  pendant,green Linnea flower was hung om long chain.
-It is so beautiful!-gasped Princess.
-It is ,,Linnea" flower, which is your name too.
-I like it so much.
-little one, I love you  since I firstly held you in my arms. Does not matter what happens in future, I will be always by your side, protect you from any danger . May  be sometimes I will be far from you ,but with whole my heart I will be with my little ,sweet niece .Take this pendant and whenever you feel alone or sad ,remember that I am with you -Loki gently kissed her forehead.
-I love you ,uncle Loki-said Linnea ,put pendant on her neck and grabbed it.
  Loki stood up to leave.
-Uncle Loki?
-Yes ,Linnea.
-Can you stay with me until I fall asleep?
   Loki lay down on the bed on top of the covers ,Linnea put her head down on his arm and they fell asleep.

Linnea,Princess of AsgardWhere stories live. Discover now