Chapter 22-Doctor Strange

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-Guys, do you want some juice?- asked Monica Rambeau and opened fridge.
-I want -said Wanda.
-Me too-added Natasha.
-I don't. Thank you-Linnea shook her head.
-Monica, why are you going such early ,we will miss you so much- Wanda sighed.
-Yeah,she is right,Mon,please stay few more days-Linnea begged her.
-Linn,I want to stay too, but my husband has some urgent affairs to deal with. We should leave tomorrow - Monica hugged Linnea and leaned head on her shoulder.
Last 2 weeks were so emotional and hard for Linnea. Tony was mad at everyone and he left Avengers Tower, Nick Fury , Maria Rambeau ,Monica,her husband and children arrived , Linnea did her best to heal Winter Soldier and due to the fact that her goddess powers were incredibly effective, Bucky Barnes remembered almost everything ,Linnea was so happy ,but simultaneously sad, because of Tony.
-Where are your kids now?-asked Natasha.
-Clint and Laura took them In the cinema,with Lexa and Nate-answered Monica-they are so sweet.
-Yeah,Bartons are great,especially one-Wanda winked and giggled.
Natasha and Monica looked at each other and then to Linnea with amused faces.
-What?-groaned Linnea.
-I meant your crush.
-He Is not my chrush,Wanda.
-Oh,sorry,you are right ,he is already your lover,is not he?
-Oh,Wanda,shut up.Derek and I are just friends.
-Come on,Linn-chuckled Monica-Friends do not look each other like you do.
-I do not love him like that way,I just feel comfortable with him ,also he calms me down and has positive impact on my mood.
-And he is very handsome,sexy and crazy for you-Wanda added.
Everyone laughed.
-Two weeks ago,we slept together.
-W H A T ?-Natasha and Monica spitted their juices out, while Wanda almost fell down from her chair.
-No ,No ,not what you thought ,we just slept ,literally slept together. Nothing dirty-Linnea began laughing. Shocked faces of Natasha,Monica and Wanda were so funny.
-You want us to believe that you and Derek were laying in one bed and you just fell asleep and did not make anything dirty?-Wanda almost lost her mind.
-Yeah,Wanda.I was just so sad,because of Tony and I did not want to be alone,so I just asked Derek to sleep with me. That was all. Friendly sleepover.
-You are crazy-said Monica.
Natasha wanted to say something but suddenly Steve walked in kitchen ,he seemed very excited and was breathing heavily.
-Sorry ladies for interrupting . Linnea,Bucky remembered everything.Our childhood memories ,our past,battles ,everything,Can you come with me? He wants to see you.
-Sure ,Cap-Linnea quickly stood up.
-This conversation is not over,Princess,we will continue that-Wanda chuckled and winked to her. Linnea rolled her eyes and followed Steve.
Bucky was sitting on his bed and looking at picture,Steve gave to him. They were so young,Steve was so funny and thin. Bucky felt tears on his cheeks.
Cap carefully opened the door and Linnea walked in room.
-Princess Linnea-Bucky stood up,ran and hugged her.
-Good Morning Uncle Bucky,how do you feel?
-Fantastic. I think I am fully recovered. I do not know how to thank you. Your goddess powers saved me.
-There is nothing to thank , I am so glad that I helped you.
-We have your debt Linnea. You can ask anything you want-Steve grabbed her hand.
- Be happy. There is only thing I want from you-Linnea warmly  smiled and hugged super soldiers.
Next morning Maria and Monica left with their family. Linnea sadly looked at their car,which was leaving Stark Tower.
-Hei-Derek approached her and put his head on her shoulder-You look sad.
-Because I feel sad. I will miss them terribly.
-Lets go stroll somewhere. We can eat some Ice cream, popcorn or some other snacks. This will change your mood.
-Thank you-Linnea slightly smiled.
Streets of New York were busy and noisy as always.
Derek and Linnea were eating strawberry ice cream.
-Linnea,may I ask you something?
-Go ahead.
-What do you think about us?
-Yeah,after we slept together I cannot stop thinking about us as a hmmm how Can I say...
-Oh,no ,I me—mean yes-Derek Stuttered.
Linnea did not answer anything. They kept moving quietly.
-Linnea I just -began Derek ,but suddenly ground began shaking and terrible thunder-like sounds filled the air.
-What Happens?-Linnea looked around and then up to the sky-Oh no !- she saw giant doughnut -like ship in the sky.
-What the hell is that?-Derek seemed terrified.
-I do not know ,yet-said Linnea and flew in the air.
-Linnea ,wait,oh no-Derek yelled.
Princess Linnea and Derek Barton were not only ones who decided to find out what was happening. Doctor Strange and Wong quickly approached the ship and got ready for fight.
Suddenly they saw blue light,spreading from the ship and Ebony Maw and Cull obsidian landed in front of them.
-Children of Thanos! Fate loves you! You are lucky enough to be a part of my master's great destiny.
-Who the hell are you and what do you want?-Doctor Starange asked sternly.
-Time stone.
-Sorry ,but you are going to be disappointed. I am not going to give you that.
-And I am not going to ask second time. Give me stone and you will die without pain and torture.
-As I said I will not give you time stone.
Cull obsidian roared and prepared his huge axe,meanwhile Doctor Strange and Wong made their sparkling yellow things (as Peter said in Endgame :D )
Suddenly Linnea jumped in front of them and prepared her fists.
-Something tells me that you are not good guy-said she and threw poweful photon blasts to Cull Obsidian.
Doctor Strange looked at Wong :
-Is she with you?
-I thought she was with you-Wong shrugged.
Meanwhile Ebony Maw said :
-Oh,Princess of Asgard herself! Save your energy,your highness, you will need it  when my master and my queen  come for you.
-What?-asked Linnea with confused face.
Ebony Maw chuchkled,lift cars in the air with magic and threw them to trinity ,but Doctor Strange and Wong turned them into leaves.
-Well done -Ebony Maw now threw large rock to them ,but Linnea crushed it into several pieces with bare hands.
-Woah !- Wong seemed Impressed.
Meanwhile Cull Obsidian roared again and rushed to them,but suddenly someone wrapped him  in spiderwebs.
-Peter-yelled Princess.
-Linnea!-spiderman jumped on her side-What happens?
-I do not know.
-Hi-Peter waved to Wong and Doctor Strange.
-You will be punished you stubborn creatures-yelled Ebony Maw ,but suddenly someone kicked leg to his head.
-Derek-yelled Linnea.
-You will regret that stupid boy-Ebony Maw lift Derek with one hand ,but Barton kicked him in his belly and then punched him in face.
-Remove your hand from him-Linnea threw thunder blast to Maw.
Meanwhile Cull Obsidian removed spider webs and stood up again.
-I am really tired of this guy -Linnea groaned ,then jumped in the air ,punched Cull in face,made him fell down and then hit him with two blasts. She was throwing thunder blast from her right hand and photon blast from her left hand. Cull Obsidian could not endure such immense energy and soon died.
-Oh, That was -Peter began,but Derek yelled:
-Peter,careful-he pushed Peter down to survive him from the knife thrown by Ebony Maw.
Doctor Strange hit Ebony Maw with powerful Energy,but he was quite strong,Wong joined Strange and Peter threw spiderwebs to Maw.
-His turn-said Linnea and threw  thunder and photon blasts to Ebony Maw.Definitely he was lot stronger than Cull Obsidian but not strong enough to resist Linnea.
-Well done-said Princess when Maw died.
There was silence couple of minutes,then Doctor Srange said:
-We should warn Vision.
-What ?-asked Linnea , Peter and Derek simultaneously.
-Someone needs all infinity stones and  I know who he is .Thanos the Mad titan. He will send someone for mind stone too and for the reasons I do not know yet,he needs you too ,Princess Linnea.
-Wait ,wait,wait.First of all ,who are you and how do you know about Vision?-Derek interrupted.
-I know everything . I am Doctor Stephen Strange. Magician,who controls and protects timeline and our reality.
-Woah-said Peter and Derek together.
-Well,then come with us in Avengers Tower . I guess we need some plan-offered Linnea.
-Yes ,your highness,we do need the plan,because I am sure that universe is in great trouble and today Thanos will come for you.
-Wait ,this monster said that his master and his queen were coming for me and if Thanos is his master,who is the queen?-asked Linnea.
-I do not know exactly,but if she is the one I assume, you are in immense danger-said Doctor Strange.
Derek grabbed Linnea's hand tightly and pulled her close to him.

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