Chapter 19-Terrible Discovery

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  Wanda,Linnea,Derek ,Ned and Peter were sitting in Cafe and drinking hot tea. Before returning in Avengers Tower,they all needed some hot drink to recover from shock.
-So,Wanda,if I understand,this Winter Soldier is trained assassin from 1940s,who works for HYDRA?-asked Linnea second time.
-Yes and he is super soldier with immense strength ,stamina and durability.
-Like Steve?-asked Peter.
-Yes,Peter,also,he is skilled hand to hand combatant, martial artist and marksman.
-Seems like he is quite dangerous-Ned sighed.
-Question is what the hell he wants from us? why he shot our taxis?-Derek looked very confused.
-I think he wants to kill Avengers.I am sure he did  not know anything about Linnea.Well,Derek,sorry,but technically you are not Avenger.Most likely,he wanted to kill Peter and me.
-I think she is right-Linnea nodded.
-That means HYDRA is after you,guys,as you said,Wanda,Winter Soldier works for them,so it was HYDRAS's order-said Ned.
-Guys,we should tell Avengers,because this Winter Soldier will come for all of them,they are in danger  now.Linnea,I am sorry,but we cannot hide this anymore.HYDRA is too dangerous-said Derek.
-I agree-Peter nodded.Wanda and Ned as well.
-Fine-Linnea gave up-but...just wait one day.Tomorrow my parents and uncle will leave.
-Okay-they all agreed.
-I think it is time to go-Wanda checked her watch.
-Yeah,of course-Derek called waitress and paid for teas.
-Thanks,Derek and take  it-Peter and Ned took money form their wallets,but Derek refused.
    Then Ned returned to his home,while Peter,Derek,Linnea and Wanda went in Avengers tower.
   Everyone was gathered in large dining room.
Tony introduced Peter to Thor,Carol and Loki.
-Uncle Clint,where are Aunt Laura,Lexa and little Nathaniel?-asked Linnea.
-Laura's cousin's child has birthday today,so Lexa missed the school and they are on party now.I did not tell them about your arrival,it will be surp-Clint could not finish his words,right at this moment,door opened and Lexa Barton screamed:
-Uncle Thor-god of thunder was first one,she noticed.
  Linnea turned around and saw astonished faces of Laura and Lexa ,little Nate was hiding his face in his mother's dress.
-Surprise!-Clint smirked and clapped.
     Linnea was glowing from happiness.
Finally,Avengers were together again.
-I am so sad that I should leave tomorrow-said Bruce.
-Why,where?-asked Linnea with sad tone.
-In Switzerland,I must attended Doctors' conference.
-Oh,uncle Bruce-Linnea hugged him-I wish you could stay here.
-I will return soon,I hope.
    This night was one of the most memorable part of  Linnea's life,all the avengers were together,they watched movies,ate delicious food ,told each other funny stories and had such a great fan,that  Thor,Carol,Loki and Bruce almost forgot about Hela ,while Derek,Peter,Wanda and Linnea forgot about Winter Soldier.
  Next morning was too emotional.
  Thor picked Linnea up ,hugged her tightly,kissed her forehead and princess felt his  tears on her face.
-I love you ,Linnea,more than everyone and everything ,never forget that,please.
-Calm down,Dad,why are you  so emotional,I will see you after just one month-Linnea slightly laughed and kissed Thor on cheek.
-Linnea,I love you-now Carol hugged her daughter and Linnea felt her tears too.
-Come on,what happens,why did everyone become such emotional,Grandmother cried when I left Asgard,Grandfather almost cried and now you two.
-We just ..-Carol could not finish her words.
   Everyone had concern in their eyes.
-We just love you so much and that is why we are so emotional-said Loki and picked his niece up.
-I love you little one.
-I love you too,uncle.
    Then Thor,Carol and Loki exchanged hugs with another avengers.
-Goodbye my friends-said Thor.
-Everything will be fine-said Steve Firmly.
-I have a feeling that my family is going to war-laughed Linnea.
    Thor and Carol looked at each other,while Loki paled.
-Kid is right,what the hell happens,enough emotions for today,go,see you in one month-Tony tried to make situation easier with his sarcasm.Sam and Rhodey joined:
-It is just freaking one month and you act like it is going to be century.
   Finally everyone laughed and Asgardians left.Bruce left with car and After he went far from Tower,Heimdall opened the Bifrost and Banner joined Thor,Carol and Loki.
    Meanwhile Linnea,Wanda,Derek and Peter were trying to tell rest Avengers about winter soldier.They were sitting in Peter's room.
-Tony has meeting,Steve and Natasha are in training room,Clint and Laura went in Cinema with Lexa and Nate.We should wait for evening ,when all the avengers will be here-said Wanda.
-Before that we can gather more information about this winter soldier-Linnea offered.
-But how?-asked Derek.
-Peter can hack HYDRA and S.H.I.E.L.D bases-Wanda looked at Parker.
-What? no-Peter resisted.
-Come on,man,you are only genious here,you can do that-Derek patted on his shoulder.
-Peter,please-said Linnea and Wanda simultaneously.
-Okayyy,I will begin now,but I will need some time.
-OK.We just leave and not bother you.Go on-trinity left the room and Peter began working.
-What can we do now?-asked Derek.
-I will sleep,I really feel little bit tired,you guys,can stroll somewhere-Wanda winked to Linnea and left.
-Derek,what about playing basketball?hah?-Linnea slightly kicked his shoulder.
-Great Idea,did you remember?-Derek's face lit up.
-We will see.
   Linnea did remember basketball and she easily won.
-Wow!-Derek was shocked-you are going to make me mad,years passed after you played basketball and you are still awesome.
-That is because I had amazing teacher-Linnea laughed and leaned his shoulder,Derek  put his hand on her waist and  pulled her closer.
-What are you  doing?
-I just...-Derek blushed.
-Derek,are you okay?-Linnea touched his face with both her hands,their faces were so close to each other.
-I -Derek wanted to kiss her,but suddenly someone cleared her  throat.
    Linnea and Derek quickly turned around and saw Natasha,who had cunning smile on her face.
-Sorry for interrupting,but Sam wants to see you,Derek.
-Okay,bye ,Linnea,see you later.
-What is going between you two-Natasha smiled to Linnea,when Derek went.
-What do you mean,aunt Natasha?
-I had feeling,that you were going to kiss each other.
-What? K I S S? no,we are just friends.
-Friends do not act like that.
-We were just playing basketball.
-Listen to me ,Linnea-Natasha put her hands on princess's arms.
-It is obvious that you two like each other,but problem is that we,avengers promised your family that we would protect you from this kind of boy stuff,so try to hide your feelings in front of Stark,Steve,Sam,Rhodey and others,but.....I will help you guys,I promised your parents to PROTECT you and as far as I am concerned Derek is not going to hurt you.
-Aunt Natasha,I do not understand what are you talking about,nothing happens between  Derek and me-princess was really confused.
-Oh,Linnea-Natasha shook her head-now I have to leave,Coulson wants to see me and by the way,soon,Fury,Maria Rambeau and your friend Monica will arrive with her husband and kids.
-Oh,great,when exactly? I miss them.
-I do not know yet,but soon.
    Linnea took shower and   chose  red dress and sneakers,from bunch of clothes and shoes ,Wanda gave to her,Tony also promised princess that he would take her on shopping and buy everything she needs.
   Princess went in kitchen and saw Steve,who was preparing omelets.
-Where did Captain America learn how to prepare eggs-Linnea laughed and hugged Steve.
Steve kissed her forehead and said:
-My best friend taught me when we were  still children.
-Yes-Steve sighed.
    last time Linnea was on the earth,Steve told her about his past,how he fell in love with Peggy Carter,how Bucky died.
-I am so sorry,uncle Steve-Linnea hugged him more
-Sometimes ,I think that I would die with pleasure if I see him just once.
-I understand it is so hard.
-I try not to think about it,but few monthes ago,Fury sent me one picture he found.Me and Bucky together.I am such funny,weak and thin,no one will recognize me.
-I would love to see it.
-Wait,I keep it in my room-said Steve and left,meanwhile Linnea took orange juice from fridge.
-Here it is-Steve returned after 5 minutes and gave picture to Linnea.
  Princess almost spit orange juice.
-Is this your friend? are you sure?-she almost screamed.
-Linnea are you okay-Steve confused,when he saw Linnea's shocked face.
-Are you sure that he is Bucky?
-Of course I do,Linnea,he was by best friend.
-Yeah,sure,sorry-princess tried to calm down.
-What happened to you?
-Nothing,I I was just shocked because of your your wick body,as you said I did not recognize you  and I confused and I just had inadequate reaction and stuff,sorry,I have to go-Princess quickly stood up.
-Linnea,tell me what happens-Steve said Sternly.
-Nothing,uncle Steve.
-Really nothing,uncle Steve,sorry,I have to go.
Princess was not listening.
,,That is him,that is Winter Soldier,Bucky Barnes is alive and he  is Winter Soldier,oh,oh ,oh"-she rushed in Peter's room.Derek and Wanda were already here.
-Linnea,I was going to call you right now,Peter found something,something very important and -Wanda's pace was paled.
-Terrible-Derek sighed and closed the door.
-Winter soldier was one who  killed Mister Stark's parents,Howard and Maria Starks-Peter had tears in his eyes.
-W H A T?-Linnea almost lost her consciousness.
-Linnea-Derek ran to her.
-Steve's best friend killed Tony's parents-said Linnea with extremely shocked and concerned voice.
-What?-everyone asked simultaneously and their already paled faces paled even worse.

Linnea,Princess of AsgardWhere stories live. Discover now