Chapter 28 -Battle of the Asgard

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Asgardians and Midgardians were outnumbered by huge army of Thanos and Hela.Odin was fighting against his daughter,while Carol and Thor-against mad titan.Valkyries were flying in the sky and trying to resist Hela's and Thanos's immense monsters,but army almost lost the hope.Steve Rogers fell down,King T'Challa as well.Terrible creatures attacked them and almost  killed when suddenly,Bifrost opened and large,blue-glowing axe made a circle against Thanos and Hela's army. This axe removed black creatures from Steve and Black Panther,this axe saved Sharon Carter,Phil Coulson and Nick Fury from huge monster,killed giant scorpion who was trying to eat Hogun and saved many others,than this axe returned in the hand of its owner.Everybody looked at the Bifrost and they saw a picture,they would never ever forget.Princess Linnea was wearing similar suit to her father,red cloak was swirling in the air as well as her long,beautiful golden-brown hair.Her blue-green eyes were glowing and she had thunder in them,her whole body was glowing and spreading lightings as well. Guardians of the Galaxy were standing by her side and whole army of powerful dwarves was standing behind them.

-That is my granddaughter-yelled Odin,whose face was lit up by proudest smile.

  -Bring me Hela and Thanoooos-yelled Linnea ,began running,then she flew in the air,roared loudly,held her stormbreaker up ,thunder filled everything,then she jumped down ,hit her weapon forcefully on the ground and killed at least 100 creatures of Thanos's army.
-For the Princess!-Yelled Eitri and ran,army of Dwarves followed their king,Star-lord flew in the air ,while Nebula,Gamora,Groot,Rocket,Mantis and Drax began running.They attacked Thanos's army and confused them,they also gave Asgardians and Midgardians hope.battle continued.

    Valkyries were flaying in the sky and killing Thanos's monsters,Brunhild alongside with Odin was resisting Hela,Wanda and Vision were attacking Thanos,Iron Man and Rescue were throwing blasts from the sky,War Machine was throwing bombs in the enemies' army.Ant-Man was giant size and was falling down Thanos's huge monsters by single punch.
Captain America,Wasp and Lady Sif were attacking generals of Hela's army and M'Baku ,Okoye and Princess Shuri-generals of Thanos's army.
Black Panther was fighting against immense scorpions,while Bucky was throwing bullets from his gun.Rocket approached him and asked:
-How much for the gun?
-Not for sale-Bucky answered.
-Okay how much for the arm?
Bucky did not say anything and continued throwing bullets ,Rocket continued as well.
Groot was fighting alongside with Gamora and Nebula.Fierce sisters were killing scary creatures of Hela's army.
Mantis was using her powers,thus she was one of the most powerful ally in this battle. Drax was stubbing Thanos's creatures one by one,Star-lord was flying in the air and fighting against Hela's immense eagles.Wong and Doctor Strange were resisting  giant creatures of Thanos's army. Another magicians were also making their sparkling yellow things and attacking Thanos's monsters.
Thor and Carol were flying and destroying biggest monsters.Banner turned into hulk and was fighting against Hela's immense wolf-Fenrir.
Loki,Volstagg,Hogun and Fandral were fighting side by side.while Fury,Coulson ,Maria Hill and Sharon Carter were trying to resist large number of Thanos's black creatures,they tried so hard ,but almost died,fortunately Falcon and Spider-Man helped them.Sam stabbed enemies with his sharp wings,while Peter Parker activated instant kill mode. Heimdall was fighting with his immense sword,Clint was throwing arrows,Natasha-bullets from guns.while Derek was using his Nunchakus.Eitri was roaring and using his immense sword,he was brilliant fighter.Meanwhile Linnea destroyed every single space ship of Thanos and Hela.
Then she flew down on the ground and forcefully hit stormbreaker,every black creature near her fell down.
-Linnea-Loki yelled,ran to his niece and hugged her.
-Uncle Loki-Princess wrapped her arms around his neck.
-You are..I just cannot describe you with words.It was great.
-Princess Linnea-Volstagg,Hogun and Fandral ran to her as well.
-We are so proud ,so so proud,we remember you as a little ,sweet girl and now you are the greatest warrior in Asgard's history-Volstagg was almost crying.
-My friends,I missed you much-Linnea smiled.
Suddenly everyone heard terrible roar ,shadows of the Wings of large Dragon darkened battle field.First everyone thought that it was Hela's monster,but suddenly Linnea realized that it was Gunborg,her lovely dragon.
Dragon flew on the ground,roared and killed Thanos's creatures with his fire.
Soon everyone once again saw a picture,they would never ever forget. Linnea carefully approached her dragon,caressed him,then she crawled on his back ,set and said:
Dragon roared, flew in the air and began burning Thanos's army.Fire was coming out of his mouth. Linnea threw Stormbreaker,which  killed off every single giant eagle,snake and Scorpion of Hela's army,Meanwhile Linnea was without her weapon,she glowed up like her mother and began throwing photon blasts from her right hand and thunder blasts from her left hand.Soon 80 percent of Thanos's and Hela's reunited army was destroyed.
  Stormbreaker flew back in Linnea's hand.
-Gunborg continue burning-said Linnea,then she flew down on the ground with her weapon and stood right in front of her parents.
-Linnea-Thor yelled ,ran to her and picked her up-my daughter!-tears of pride and happiness streamed on his face.
-Thor let me hug my daughter as well-Carol told her husband.
Thor kissed Linnea on her forehead and put her down.Now Carol hugged her so tightly.
-I missed you my babygirl and I am so proud of you.You won this battle.
-No ,mother,we everyone did it,besides battle is not over yet.
-Linnea,I know that it is not right time but I want to tell you something.You are going to have brother or sister-said Captain Marvel.
-Yes-Carol put her hand on her belly.
-Mom,that is great-Linnea yelled happily and hugged Carol,Thor hugged them as well.

Their family hug was interrupted by sharp voice of Hela,she yelled:

-You everyone think that you won?does not matter how powerful is my niece she is still weaker than meeee-with these words Hela hit her large sword on the ground and soon terrible ,black creatures began rising from the cracks.
-I still have an army-yelled she and attacked Odin again.
Suddenly extremely large,lion-like creature rose from the crack and fire came out of his mouth.Thor grabbed Mjolnir,but Linnea resisted.
-Mom,dad go help grandfather and fight against Hela.Leave it to me-she looked at monster and flew in the sky.

-Linnea be careful-Carol yelled ,then she and Thor attacked Hela.
Princess Linnea threw her stormbreaker to the Lion-like monster and cut off his head.
-So easy-chuckled she and flew down on the ground.
-Linnea!-someone called her.
     She turned around and saw Derek,who was holding his Nunchakus and was running to her.

-Derek-Linnea yelled and hugged him.
-Linnea,I am incredibly proud and happy for you,I just cannot believe that it was you.You are perfect-Derek seemed extremely excited and overwhelmed with emotions.
-Thanks-Linnea chuckled.
-You know when you came with your weapon I happily smiled ,looked around and told everyone with proudest voice:
-That is my lover.
-Oh,Derek-Linnea kissed him passionately-I love you.
-I love you more.
Suddenly black creatures attacked them,but Derek killed them with his Nunchakus easily.
-You are great warrior,too-Linnea smiled to him.
-Well,thank you.
-Derek I have to go-Linnea looked up in the sky and saw giant eagles,they came out from cracks as well-I destroyed them all,but looks like Hela recruited her army.
Derek nodded and kissed her again. Linnea flew in the sky,while Derek joined Clint,Steve,Natasha  and Fury,who were fighting against large  group of Thanos's scary creatures.
   Linnea killed off again Hela's flying monsters,this time Tony ,Pepper,Sam and Wasp joined her.Then Linnea flew down near Doctor Strange and Wong,they were destroying  creatures of Hela's army with their yellow,sparkling things.
,,Indeed they are very powerful''-thought Linnea and approached them,but they did not notice her.
-Strange,you said that you saw 14 000 605 possibilities of future-said Wong.
-Yes,I did.
-In how much we won?
  Strange exhaled.
Linnea was shocked.
-Tell me that it is the one-said Wong.
Strange did not say anything.
-Strange ,tell me that we will win-Wong begged to him.
-We will-Strange nodded.
-Good then-Wong said,flew in the air and attacked one large monster of Thanos's army.
-Yes,we will win,but what cost-Strange told himself-Stark,Romanoff,Heimdall,allfather,Queen Frigga,Loki...
  Linnea felt how her heart froze.
-Doctor Strange!-yelled she.
Stephen turned around and saw Linnea.
-Princess Linnea! You were here all this time?
- I heard everything! what does it mean ,,but what cost" do not you say that everyone you said: Uncle Tony,Auntie Nat,Heimdall,my grandparents and my uncle will die-Linnea felt tears on her face.
  Strange looked down.
-Show me this possibility of future-Linnea demanded.
-Sorry,Princess,but there is only one possibility,in which we won and it did cost these lives and more...
-Show me,now-Linnea was yelling.
-Show me I command you-Linnea yelled and lighting spread from her whole body.
Strange nodded ,then he whispered something and made unusual movements with his hands.
   Suddenly Linnea saw how everything disappeared,now she was not in the Asgard,she was not on the battle field,Doctor Strange was not standing,in front of her.Instead of that she saw Hela ,whose eyes were glowing from anger  and she saw her father and uncle.Thor threw Mjolnir to Hela,but goddess of death caught it and destroyed it with one hand. Linnea realized that now she was seeing the future.

 Linnea realized that now she was seeing the future

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