Chapter 24 - Night

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       Stark tower was quite  damaged , so avengers moved in one of the Tony Stark's  other luxurious houses. Captain America and Doctor Strange carefully planned everything and everyone agreed that they must go to Asgard as quickly as possible.

-We can go tomorrow ,Linnea,you will tell Heimdall to open the Bifrost-said Captain America.
-Yes,uncle Steve,but you should go without me.
-When I fought Hela,I  realized that she is too powerful ,besides mad titan has infinity stones, we need something extremely strong,like a weapon.
-Your father has Mjolnir and your grandfather has Gungnir-said Derek.
-I need something even more powerful and I should go to Nidavellir-a neutron star and one of the Nine Realms, orbited by a multi-ringed megastructure which serves as the homeworld of the Dwarves. Their King-Eitri can make the most forceful weapon in the universe.
-Why are you sure that he will do that for you?-asked Vision.
-Because I am his future Queen. He must obey my commands-said Linnea and held her head up proudly.
-Linnea,I understand that,but there is no way we will let you go there. We promised your family to protect you-said Tony.
-Uncle Tony,I need this weapon to protect whole universe,besides there is no danger for me. I will just fly to Nidavellir and dwarves are not my enemy. I am their Princess why would they hurt me?
-What if they will?-asked Natasha with concerned voice.
-Well,on this case,I will use my blasts-chuckled Linnea.
-I do not like that idea-Steve shook his head.
-Neither do I -Tony agreed.
-Nor I-said Derek sternly.
-I think her highness is right-said Doctor Strange-we should let her go to Nidavellir.Because as she said there is no danger on the way and dwarves will not hurt her and now we do need a powerful weapon.
-It was always my dream-said Linnea-to have a weapon,strong and mighty,like Mjolnir  and Gungnir.
-Linnea,I still do not like that,I cant lose  you,now when you are finally mine-said Derek and grabbed her hand.
-Derek,I will return to you,I promise.
-Hmmmmm-Steve coughed.
-Romeo and Juliet,we are still here-Tony smirked.
-Okay,that is enough-said Doctor Strange ,go prepare everything ,we are going in Asgard tomorrow and Princess Linnea will go to Nidavellir.

Everyone nodded and left the room.

-Uncle Tony,can you stay-Linnea grabbed his hand.
-Are you still mad to me?
-Well...-Tony began,but Linnea interrupted:
-Uncle Tony,I love you so much,please,never forget that,may be now you think that I do not care about you and I was very evil towards you,but that is not true.I killed murderer of your parents.Winter Soldier is gone,gone forever. Bucky Barnes was a victim,victim of HYDRA,he is a victim like your parents. I am so sorry for your great lose,I am sorry about everything,what you thought about me,how alone and how heartbroken you felt and I promise I will do everything to make you happy ,to protect you from any kind of danger-tears steamed on Linnea's  face and on Tony's face as well.
-Do you still love me ?-asked princess with broken voice.
    Tony was silent for one minute,then he held his arms out and said :
-Come here ,kid.
Linnea immediately jumped in his arms.
-I do love you,Linnea,afterall you saved my life two times-chuckled Tony.
-Actually three times.
-Ultron accident does not count.
-Whatever.I love you metal man,I love you three thousand.
-Oh,three thousand?!wow that is cool and may I ask you how many times do you love Capsicle?
-Uncle Tony!-Linnea laughed.
-Tell me.
-Yeeeees!!!,I won-yelled Tony and spun Linnea around. Princess was laughing happily.
-Now I should go ,Uncle Tony,because I have  one thing to make-smiled Linnea and kissed tony on cheek.
-What exactly?
-Nothing important-said Linnea and left the room. She was happy, extremely happy.
      It was late night,when Derek knocked on Linnea's door.
-Come in-said Princess.
-My mother had panic attack-sighed Derek and set on Linnea's bed.
-About future fight ,yes?
-She insisted me to stay.
-Derek you should understand it.She worries about you.
-Does she want her son to be coward.
-When it comes to parents,they prefer their children to be cowards,shameful and alive ,rather then honorable,brave and dead.
-I do not agree with it.
-That is because you are not parent,yet.
-Derek remember how worried you were,when I told everyone about Nidavellir.Tell me truth,what do you prefer about me. Being fierce, courageous and bold ,but dead or shameful ,frightened and alive?
-Man,alive of course-said Derek and hugged Linnea tightly.
-See youself. Now you understand,do not you?
-I do.
-Okay,lets talk about something else. By the way ,did you meet recruits?
-Antman and the wasp.
-Aaah,they are the ones ,Doctor Strange was talking about.
-Yes,he said that they will be very useful in our future fight.
-They are powerful,yeah?
-Well,Antman can grow giant or molecular size and Wasp is good martial artist,can fly and also her suit can throw very powerful  blasts.
-So she is stronger than Antman.
-What are their real names,I do not remember,Scott or Sean...
-Scott ,Scott Lang and Hope van Dyne. They are so sweet and funny and by the way,Hope is very beautiful.
-Are they lovers?
-Yes.Scott looks at Hope same way you look at me,but your eyes are far more warm and beautiful-Linnea flirted.
-Nothing is more beautiful than you-said Derek and leant forward. Their faces were so close to each other.
-I love you-whispered Linnea.
-I love you too- said Derek and kissed her.
Linnea felt how butterflies began flying in  her stomach, that was the most beautiful and exciting feeling she has ever felt. Derek's lips were so warm ,soft and passionate. Linnea closed her eyes. She wanted this moment to continue forever,then she slowly opened her eyes and saw how tears were streaming on Derek's face.
-Honey,why are you crying ?! -Princess put her hands on Derek's cheeks and smiled to him.
-It is tears of happiness,Linnea,I was dreaming about this moment since I first saw you.

        They were silent for ten minutes and listening to the night sounds,then Derek said:
-Linn,may I ask you,something?
-Of course.
-Will you ever forget me?
-What?-Linnea shifted and looked at Derek.
-Mom and Dad told me today,that you are immortal,you know your father Is more than 1500 years and you will have long life like him,and centuries will pass after my death,so probably forget about me-Linnea felt pain in Derek's voice.
-Honey,listen to me carefully,you are my first love,you are the person for whom I will die without hesitation,you own my whole heart,how can I possibly forget about you? Does not matter how many years,decades  centuries will pass,I will never ever forget you. You know why?! Because our love is real-Linnea kissed Derek and then put her head on his chest,Derek wrapped his arm protectively around her and whispered:
-I love you ,Linnea,to the moon and back.
-I love you too-said Princess,closed her eyes and began listening to the night sounds,soon she fell asleep in the arms of her first and real love.

Linnea,Princess of AsgardWhere stories live. Discover now