Chapter 3 - None of these matters

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     2 weeks passed after Thor and Carol's  first kiss. Everyday they had sightseeing ,god of thunder showed Danvers the most beautiful and interesting places in Asgard , told her  about old gods and myths while Carol acquainted him with fairy tales and different stories of earth , almost everything she knew. Thor introduced her to his friends : Volstagg ,Hogun ,Fandral and Sif. They all liked Carol so much,but Danvers felt jealousy because of Sif's beauty and asked Thor approximately 10 times, was goddess his love interest  or  just friend.
-She is my childhood friend ,we are like brother and sister for each other, so calm down , Snow White-Thor was laughing every time Carol had hysterical attack of jealousy .

     These amazing  two weeks  passed  , Danvers fully recovered and time of leaving Asgard has come.

          Thor knocked on the door of Loki's room.
-Come In-said god of mischief .
-Brother , I want to talk to you . It is important-said Thor and sat in the gold chair.
-What happens ?
-I fall in love with Carol.
-What ? No Way ,are you kidding ? I have never noticed it before -said Loki sarcastically .
       Thor rolled his eyes.
-She is going to leave Asgard tomorrow and I cannot let that happen.
-Are you going to fight with her ?  I warn you brother ,she is so powerful ,but I have to admit ,this battle will be incredibly interesting .I do not want to miss it.
-Can you listen to me seriously without your stupid jokes?
-No ,but continue anyway.
-I want to marry her.

   This time god of mischief was really surprised.

-W H A T ?
-I cannot live without her ,Loki. These two weeks , which we spent together were happiest days of my life and I miss her every time she is not with me . 10 minutes without her is like 10 years for me.

-10 years ? not so much ,you know you are  approximately 1500 years, so...
-Loki ! -said Thor severely – please be serious for just 5 minutes.
-fine, countdown starts now.
-I do not know whether she will agree to marry me or not.
    Loki sighed.
-Brother, she adores you. I feel and see it in her eyes. The way Carol looks at you  reminds me the way you look at Mjølnir. So imagine how strongly she loves you.
Thor slightly laughed.
-You really think that ?
-of course.
-I will ask her tonight.
-But ,Thor there is one big problem.
-Father. He will never let you marry mortal, does not matter how powerful she is , Carol is still mortal . Asgard's rules resist this.
-None of these  matters for me . I love her.
-In this way you have to choose between your family and Carol.

   god of thunder  heavily sighed.Loki  gently put his hand on Thor's back.
-Come on ,brother , do not worry about it . You will forget her.
-Never , I cannot.
-well then talk to father . If you truly love her that much , it is definitely worth to try.
-I will – Thor hugged Loki -Thank you, brother.
-Crashing my bones is not the best way for thanking me.
-Sorry-laughed god of thunder.
-Now ,go and see Father.
      Thor  nodded and walked out from Loki's room.  He found Odin on terrace . The King of Asgard was watching evening sky.
      Thor took deep breath and approached him. Now his happiness was depended on Odin's decision.

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