Chapter 27-Threat To the Universe

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A/N : I love Valkyries so much from the mythology ,so I decided that they are alive in my book and Hela did not kill off them long time ago.Leader of the Valkyries is one who is played by Tessa Thompson in Ragnarok and Endgame and I named this Valkyrie -Brunhild.So when you read Brunhild it is Tessa's character and also in Norse Mythology both goddess of death and her kingdom have same name-Hel.In this chapter I mentioned Hel as Hela's kingdom.
       All the avengers including King T'Challa , Princess Shuri,Okoye and M'Baku were gathered in large hall of Asgard's palace. Phil Coulson ,Maria Hill and Sharon Carter were there too,these three brave human decided to join Nick Fury and the avengers and fight alongside with them.
    Odin was sitting on his golden throne,Frigga,Thor,Carol and Loki were standing by his right side and Volstagg,Hogun,Fandral,Sif and Brunhild - left side.
-Midgardians,we are so grateful for your help,thank you for warning us and thank you for fighting with us-said Odin.
-Mad titan and goddess of death are threat to the  whole universe,your majesty-said Steve politely-so there is nothing to thank.
-Also,Wakanda pays it's debt-said Black Panther.
-I am terribly sorry for your  lose,King T'Chaka was great man-Carol told to T'Challa.
-Thanks,your highness.
-I am still worried about my niece-said Loki with very concerned voice-why did you let her go to Nidavellir?-he turned to the Avengers.
-They will not hurt Princess-said Doctor Strange-and powerful weapon is vital for us now.
-If they hurt single hair on my daughter's head they will regret it terribly. Linnea will give us weapon and then hide-said Thor sternly-I will not let my daughter to fight,it is too dangerous.
-Sorry,point break...-began Tony,but stopped when everyone glared at him,Pepper slightly kicked her elbow to him ,Stark coughed and continued :-I mean your highness.I wanted to say that sometimes I think that you do not know anything about your daughter.She is the bravest being I ever now and I can assure you that there is no way you will convince her to hide.
-He is right-said Frigga,she will not hide.
-She always wanted to fight against enemies-Odin slightly smiled.
-And it was always her dream to have powerful weapon,like Gungnir and Mjolnir-added Carol.
-Your Highness,you cannot forbid Linnea to be hero,it is not your decision to make,if she wants to be hero,to protect her people,her friends,her family,her kingdom,she must do it-Steve told Thor.
-I understand,but it is hard for me to know that my only daughter is in danger-god of thunder looked down.
-Thor,I feel exactly same about my son-Clint began-My wife-Laura cried hysterically ,we both begged Derek to stay,but he refused and said that he wanted to be hero and then my wife and I respected his decision and now he is here.I know that it is hard,but as Captain said,it is not our decision to make.
-I think Barton is right-Carol patted on Thor's shoulder.
   Thor slightly nodded.
-Father,what do you think?-Loki asked to Odin.
   King of Asgard exhaled and said:
-I agree with my daughter-in-law.I will let Linnea to fight. Now if there is nothing more to discuss,you can go and rest.
   Everyone nodded ,but suddenly Derek stepped forward and said:
  Everyone turned and looked at him.
-Your majesties,your highnesses,ladies and gentlemen-Derek began.
-Kid are you okay?-Rhodey seemed surprised ,like everyone else.
-Yes,I am fine,I just want to say some very important hmmm ...kind of information.
-Go ahead-Odin nodded.
-Princess Linnea and I are lovers.
   Tension filled the air.
Carol and Thor looked at each other with confused faces,Thor seemed pissed.
-What did you say?-asked Loki with extremely angry voice.
-Princess Linnea and I are lovers-Derek
-You-Thor roared ,ran to him , picked Derek up with one hand and hold his throat.
   Derek began choking.He became blue-green.
-Thor,Thor,let him go-Clint,Tony,Steve,Bucky and Sam ran to him.
-Thor,calm down-Bruce Banner ran to him as well alogside with King T'Challa and M'Baku.
-Your highness please-Pepper and Wanda begged.
-Thor -Nick Fury and Phil Coulson yelled to him,but god of thunder was not listening,his eyes were glowing from anger.
-Thor let the boy go-Odin's voice boomed.
  Thor was still holding Derek's throat.
-I said let him go-Odin roared.
    Thor stop holding Derek's throat and Barton fell down.
  Clint ran to him and yelled angrily  to Thor:
-What the hell was that?
-Oh my God,Derek-Natasha hold him in her arms.
   Derek almost lost his consciousness.
-Give me the way-Frigga ran to Derek,put her hand on  his forehead and began whispering.Her goddess powers healed Barton. Derek strongly exhaled and stood up.
-Thank God-said Clint,Tony and Natasha simultaneously.
-Please,let me speak-Derek begged.
  Odin nodded.
-I fell in love with Linnea  when I saw her first time. I still remember this day,I was such amazed with her stunning beauty that I asked loudly why was she so perfect.I still remember how  Butterflies flew in my stomach when she touched me,when she smiled to me and how my heart broke in several pieces when she left Midgard.After that every night I was watching stars and moon in the  sky and waiting for her,every night I was sleeping with her red jacket,which fortunately she forgot and thus left in my house.I have never had a girlfriend,lover or even a crush.You know why? because Linnea was ,is and always be one and only love of my life.I want she to be happy,I want to protect her and I will do everything for that,I will gladly die for her.I love her as much as you all do and she loves me too,yes,I am lucky enough and she loves me. Believe me nothing can ever stop this feeling,because it is real,our love is real-tears streamed on Derek's face.
   Wanda,Hope and Pepper had tears in their eyes too.
-I am not crying,I just have something in my eye-said Ant-Man and wiped out tears.
-Derek is not lying,everything he said is true-Frigga gently smiled-he truly loves my granddaughter ,I feel it.
-And I see it in his eyes -Carol smiled as well.
-Do not worry,Derek-Odin began-I am not angry with you for loving my granddaughter,but I just warn you that if you ever break her heart or make her unhappy ,I will dye my spear with your blood.
-And I will throw my hammer right to your head,if something goes wrong with my daughter-said Thor sternly,somehow he was still angry.
-Your death will be extremely slow and painful if Linnea will not be happy with you-Loki added.
-Well,Prince Loki,seems like you will be third in row-Derek shrugged.
-And I will be fourth-Volstagg held his Axe up.
-Fifth-Hogun added.
-Sixth-said Fandral.
-Okay,you made poor boy frightened enough-Sam  interrupted.
-Derek,do you know that Linnea will live centuries more than  you?-Thor asked to him.
-Yes,your highness,I do know,but it does not matter. I do not care what will resist me,you,your hammer,allfather,my family,length of life,mad titan,goddess of death,none of these matters to me,because I love her,I truly love her.
    This time Thor smiled.He remembered how he told Loki same words about Carol. ,,None of these matters"-said he because it was true,he loved Carol and nothing else matted for him.
   Thor approached to Derek ,patted on his shoulder and told him:
-I am sorry for choking you,now I realize that I was totally wrong about you,but ...fatherly reactions... Clint, what would you do if you knew that your daughter-Lexa had a lover.
-Probably punch his lover directly in  face.
-I would do the same-Scott Lang said-I have a daughter too,her name is Cassie and I am sure if someone will dare and tell me that he loves her ,my first reaction will be same as Crown Prince Thor's was.
-Here we are-Thor chuckled.
-If this time there is nothing more to discuss,you can leave-Odin said-rest and get ready for fight,which is near.
    The King of Asgard was right,after two days,Thanos and Hela attacked Asgard with huge army.Hela rose terrible creatures from her kingdom-Hel,large monsters,snakes,scorpions,also immense wolf-Fenrir. Reunited army  of Thanos and Hela was such a huge,that no one can imagine.
   Army of Asgardians and Migardians were standing on one side of the battle field and their enemies were standing on second side.
   Odin was riding his horse and had spear in his hand.
-Nice to meet you ,father-Hela yelled-but it will be far more nice to kill you.
-Surrender now and give us space stone-Thanos said.
-Go to Hel-Odin answered and held up his spear.
-For the Universe-yelled he and whole army began attack.
Thanos raised his giant sword too and roared:
-Destroy them all!
      The battle for the universe began.

Linnea,Princess of AsgardWhere stories live. Discover now