Chapte 15- Bartons

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    Linnea and all the Avengers  were sitting around table and eating shawarma.
-I really Like this food-said Thor and bit eighth one.
-I like it too-Captain America nodded and took his fifth shawarma.
-Eating delicious food is real pleasure,especially after saving planet-sighed Tony.
-Totally agree-smiled Linnea.
-By the way,little one,you are so so grounded-Carol pointed on her.
-What? why?
-You know why,Linnea.You disobeyed us,lied to Heimdall ,secretly left  Asgard and then disobeyed us again,when you began fighting in New York-said Thor.
-But,dad,then I saved people's lives and helped you-Linnea resisted.
-That does not
change the fact that you disobeyed us-said Thor Sternly.
-Hey,relax,point break-said Tony-Linnea saved me twice.
-And without her I probably would be dead now-added Steve.
-Also,he fought very bravely to defend people and I guess it is very important for her as future queen of Asgard- Bruce stated.
-Besides,she found out that Loki was mind-controlled-added Natasha.
-To sum up,without her we could not win and some of us would not  be sitting here right now.Is not it enough ?-said Clint and winked to Linnea.
   Carol and Thor looked at each other.
-I understand it all, but still she is so stubborn ,she disobeyed us and she must learn to follow rules-said Thor firmly.
-I agree with him.She will
be grounded anyway-Carol nodded.
   Suddenly Linnea felt how her eyes became teary and said with broken voice:
-I understand.
     Everyone thought that they heard how her heart broke.Their mood changed and continued eating in silence.
      after five days from battle of New York ,Tony Stark and Pepper Pots began working on repairing Stark Tower and time of farewell came.Thor,Carol and Linnea were returning to Asgard,Clint was returning to his house ,etc. Tony asked all the avengers to gather in dining room of Stark Tower.
-So guys,we are going to divide soon-began Tony -and I thought that kind of farewell party would
be good.What do You think?
-I like parties,it would be great-clapped Natasha.
-But I have better idea-Clint said.
-What idea?-asked Thor.
-I invite you in my house,where we can spend this weekend together in family situation ,also I have wife and two children and I really want you to meet them.
-Wait ,Barton,you fave family?-Tony was shocked.
-I do  ,Stark,But it was secret.Fury helped me to keep it that way,only Nat knew.
-Yeah it is true-black widow nodded.
-Well ,no offense ,Stark but I prefer Clint's offer-said Steve Carefully.
-None taken,capsicle.It would be great-Tony smiled.
-It would be great for Linnea son is her age:I am sure you will
friends-Clint added and smiled to Linnea.
-I hope so
,uncle Clint-Princess slightly smiled.She was very upset since Thor and Carol
told her that she will be grounded after returning in Asgard.
      It was sunny day ,when Avengers and Linnea arrived in Clint's house.
-Honey,I am
home-called Clint to
his wife.
-Hello,dear-pretty woman  hugged him and then waved to avengers.
-This is Laura ,guys.My wife-Clint introduced her to his friends.
-Hi,I know all of you names,gentlemen -Laura warmly Smiled.
-Nice to meet you,Mrs Barton-Steve politely kissed her hand.
-I am glad to
meet you-Tony grinned.
-I am
glad too-Bruce shook her hand.
-Lady Laura,thanks for warm
welcome-Thor smiled.
-Yes,thank you very much-Carol
-You are very welcome,your highnesses-Laura curtsied.
-Oh,please,no need for this and please call us Thor and Carol-god of thunder said.
-And who is this little  one?-Laura warmly smiled to Linnea-you must be princess Linnea .O my God you are so
-Thanks ,Lady Laura-Linnea  grinned.
-Call me aunt Laura.
-as you wish.
-Dad!-suddenly two children ran in the room and hugged Clint.
-Lexa!-hawkeye picked little
girl up.
-I missed you.
-I missed you too,sweetie-then Clint
hugged his son,Derek.
   Derek Barton was tall  and blonde and  had very beautiful,green eyes.
  Clint introduced his children to Avengers and when Derek shook Linnea's hand,he felt how his heart skipped.
,,She is so beautiful "-thought he.
-My name is Linnea and it is nice to meet you Derek-said princess  with wide smile,but Derek was silent.
-Derek!-Laura put her hand on his shoulder.
-Why is she so beautiful? she  is perfect-Derek said with shocked voice.
-Emmm,Thank you-Linnea Blushed.
-Did I say it loudly?-Derek's face became extremely red.
  Tony was first one who began laughing and then everyone joined.
-Seems like someone has crush-Tony said.
-Stark,they are eleven-said Thor sternly.
-Calm down ,point break,It was just joke.
-We all thought the same when we first saw Linnea ,but Derek just said it loudly.That is all-Steve saved Derek from further embarrassment.
-So guys,please unpack your stuff,get some rest and than join us at supper.I prepared really delicious food-Laura Clapped-Come with me ,I will show your rooms.
   Bartons had one guest room and 5 bedrooms  ,but they were using only three.
Clint and Laura had their bedroom,while Derek and Lexa had their owns.
-Princess Linnea will be in Lexa's room.Mister Stark,Captain,Doctor Banner  you will be together,your highnesses you as well and Nat,you will stay in guest room-said Laura.
   Avengers packed their stuff out,then got some rest and gathered in dining room for supper.Food was as delicious as Laura said.
-Mrs Barton,it is just amazing-said Tony and added food.
-Yeah,you are indeed great cook-added Steve.
-Oh,thanks gentlemen and little princess why are not you eating? you do not like it? I
can prepare something else for you-Laura turned to Linnea.
-No,Aunt Laura.This food is really delicious,I was just thinking about something.
-You look upset,sweetie,Is everything okay?
-Oh,yes ,thanks Aunt Laura.
  Everyone looked at Linnea sadly.They knew why was she so upset. Thor felt pain in
his heart,seeing his only daughter like that ,besides because of him,was just destroying him.
-Well,How can we spend this weekend ? any ideas?-Natasha changed the subject.
   Soon everyone began speaking and laughing.Linnea looked at them and suddenly felt very upset.She quietly stood up and murmured:
-Sorry,I just need some fresh air.
    She left the room and got outside.Linnea set on the green grass and looked up to the night sky.Then she grabbed her pendant and whispered:
-I miss you,uncle ,so much.
   Teats streamed on her face.She felt really alone.Few minutes later she felt how someone took
warm jacket on her shoulders.
-It is cold here-Derek said and set next to Linnea.
-Thanks-princess whispered.
-Why are you crying?-asked Derek with concerned voice.
-I really feel alone and heartbroken-Linnea sobbed.
    Princess quickly told him everything,how she left Asgard and how everything happend in New York.
-I did everything to save people,avengers and my uncle ,but  still  my parents are angry with me and are going to get me grounded.Why are they so unfair with me?
-You know,Linnea.They are just overprotective.They care about you so much and do not want you to get hurt.My dad and mom act same way.They are too protective and sometimes It is really boring and unfair ,but they love us with whole their hearts and that is why they act like that.
-My be that is true,but it still
breaks my heart-Linnea leaned on Derek's shoulder.
   Suddenly they heard voice of Thor.
-Here you are! Derek,can you leave me alone with my daughter?-Thor smiled to
-Sure,uncle Thor-Derek quickly stood up and left.
  Thor set next to his daughter ,he had pain and concern in his eyes.
-Linnea!-said he gently and held his arms
   little princess
immediately jumped in her father's arms and began sobbing.
-We need to
how tears
streamed on his face.

Linnea,Princess of AsgardWhere stories live. Discover now