Chapter 14-Battle Continues

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Carol shot two blasts to the group of chitauris and then to one monster, suddenly she saw Captain America, who was fighting with at least 20 chitauris , so she helped him too.
-Thanks Your...emmm Carol-said Steve.
-Pleasure is mine ,Cap.
-Here he is – Carol gasped.
-What ?
-I saw Loki.
-Good luck,your...emm Carol . I am sure your daughter is safe- but Carol did not listen to this part of Captain's words, once she saw Loki,anger filled her mind.god of mischief was flying and chasing Natasha.
-Hold on ,Black Widow-yelled Carol ,flew towards Loki, grabbed his throat and threw him on the top of Stark tower, then flew down ,grabbed his throat again, lifted Loki with one hand and yelled :
-Where did you take my daughter? Tell me where is she ,or I kill you ?- Carol prepared her second hand to throw blast.
-Wait-said Loki-I know where she is and I will tell you, but first, let me go.
-Not until you tell me where Linnea is.
-How I will tell you, if you kill me ?- Loki tried to smile.
-Do not play with my patience -said Carol angrily and almost choked her brother-in-law.
-Fine, fine-said Loki with gurgling voice. She is here.
-In Stark Tower.
-Show me where!
-Follow me.

After five minutes, they were in Tony Stark's room. Linnea was laid on his bed. She was unconscious.

-Linnea -screamed Carol and rushed to the bed and took princess in her arms.
-What did you do to her, you evil monster.
-Nothing bad. It is just magic.
-Remove your magic tricks from her, now , or I swear I will kill you !

Loki approached Linnea,put his hand on her forehead, whispered some words and after couple of minutes, princess opened her eyes.

-Linnea !-tears streamed down on her Carol's face and hugged her daughter tightly.
-Mommy- Linnea hugged her back-Was it just bad dream? Am I in Asgard ? please tell me that it was dream and Uncle Loki is not evil now.
-Baby,I am so sorry,but it was not dream,but now you are safe-she kissed her forehead.
-Uncle Loki-Linnea looked to him with teary eyes-Why did you do that?

Loki did not answer.He could not look at her eyes.
-I found Linnea -said Carol in her earpiece- tell Thor that she is okay and we are in Stark Tower,now,In Tony's room. Loki is here too.

After five minutes Thor rushed in room.
-Linnea !-yelled he, picked princess up and hugged her tightly.
-Dad-whispered Linnea and put her head on Thor's shoulder.
-I am here, with you , you are safe now.

Then Thor put Linnea down and turned to Loki:
-You !-How did you dare to touch my daughter – god of thunder hit his brother and almost crushed his nose. He hit him again.
-Linnea,do not look at them- Carol hugged her daughter.
-You monster-Thor was knocking his brother again-Did you lose your mind?
,,Mind" -thought Linnea ,removed her mother's hands and screamed:
-Father Stop! I realized what happened! He is mind-controlled by someone!
-What?-asked Thor and Carol simultaneously-Someone controls his mind,this is one ,who sends armies to conquer the earth.I am sure Uncle Loki would never hurt me . I am sure he is mind-controlled- said Linnea and tears of happiness streamed on her face.
-He did not do that, it is not his fault ,someone controlled him.

Thor and Carol looked at each other with confuse.
-I think she is right-said Carol after several minutes.

-May be-Thor nodded.
Loki was already unconscious. Thor really hit him hard.
-Uncle-Linnea knelt and kissed his forehead-It was not you. I knew it.

Suddenly they heard voice of Steve.
-What happens here ?-All the rest avengers rushed in room,including Hulk.
-What is she doing?-asked   Clint with shocked face.
-She thinks and we agree with her that my brother is mind-controlled.Someone,who sends chitauris on the earth,controls him-said Thor.
-Thor,are you sure about it?-asked Natasha with concerned voice.
-Milady-Linnea stood up and showed Natasha her pendant-my uncle named me Linnea and on my fifth birthday he gifted me this pendant,it is Linnea flower,he told me that he loved me so much and he would never ever leave me alone. He really loved me,ask my parents,he was always carrying uncle.That is why I am sure that he is mind-controlled.
-I think she is right-Carol nodded.
-Well,I have to admit that it seems like truth-said Clint.
-We will take him to Asgard and try to heal him-said Thor.
-But before we have to continue fight.Chitauris are still here and portal is not closed-Steve was worried.
-Okay,lets go.Carol stay with Linnea !-Thor grabbed his hammer.
-No you can go,mother-Linnea resisted-they need you more now.Uncle Loki is unconscious besides if he will try something,I will...-Linnea throw thunder and photon blasts simultaneously and destroyed one wall of bedroom.
-hey ,kid,it is my bedroom-said Tony with annoyed voice.
-Sorry,mister Stark.
-I think her highness is right.Carol come with us-said Steve and all the avengers left the room.

Linnea,Princess of AsgardWhere stories live. Discover now