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After 10 days from Linnea's funeral , King Eitri and his dwarves returned in Nidavellir,Guardians of the Galaxy left with their ship,Skrulls returned on their planet and Midgardians returned to the earth.Odin and Asgardian royal family once again thanked everyone for helping them in the battle and expressed great sorrow for every Asgardian,Wakandian and Nidavellirian warrior who died on the battle field and Odin made sure that their families would have everything they needed.
After returning on the earth,Steve once again thanked Black Panther and Wakandians.
-I wish Princess Linnea and every fallen warrior be alive and be with us-said King T'Challa -lose is terrible,but I hope and I am sure we will endure.
-Heroes of battle of Asgard will never be forgotten-said Okoye firmly.
-Princess Linnea sacrificed her life for all of us.She was real hero-said Shuri and tear drop streamed on her face.
-My heart still is in Asgard,with Princess's family.I am so sorry.-said M'Baku.
-We ,everyone,are so sorry-Steve tried to stop tears.
-Statue of Princess Linnea will be built in front of Royal Palace.Wakandians will never forget her-said King T'Challa.
-Thank you,your majesty-Steve shook his hand.
Black Panther slightly smiled,then he,Shuri,Okoye and M'Baku said farewell to everyone,after that Doctor Strange opened the portals and Wakandians left.
-We should leave,too-said Wong.
-It was honor to fight alongside with you Avengers-said Doctor Strange.
-You are Avengers too-Tony smiled.
Stephen Strange smiled as well and winked to Tony.
-Goodbye-said Wong ,then he,Doctor Strange and another magicians opened portals and left.
-Seems like it is right time for us to leave too-Scott smirked.
-Yes,we should go now.I cannot discribe with words,what a great honor was it for us,to fight alongside with you-said Hope.
-We are very grateful for your help.Ant-Man and The Wasp are Avengers as well.Now you are members of our big family and we will be by your side whenever you need us-Steve smiled to them.
Scott and Hope left,they were followed by Phil Coulson,Maria Hill and Sharon Carter.Soon Monica Rambeau's husband left with his children.Monica herself and Maria left in Asgard with Carol.She needed them.
-So what will be now-asked Tony.
-We will continue life,Tony,save the universe from any kind of danger and make sure that Linnea's legacy will live forever-said Steve firmly.
-I want to make her statue as well-said Tony.
-Good idea-Rhodey nodded.
-I still cannot believe that she is dead-said Derek with shaking voice-I cannot believe that Linnea is dead.
Clint hugged his son and Laura patted on his back.
-Excuse me,sir,but I have to show you something-suddenly everyone heard FRIDAY's voice.
-What is it FRIDAY?-asked Tony.
-Her Highness Princess Linnea of Asgard left the hologram for you and told me to show you that if something would happen to her.
-What?-Tony's voice began shaking.
-Let me show you.
Tony wanted to say something,but he could not,so Pepper sighed and said:
-Go ahead FRIDAY.
Suddenly video began playing on one wall.It was Linnea,she was sitting on the chair.Her golden-brown hair was so beautiful and her blue-green eyes were shining.She was smiling.Derek felt how his heart broke.Clint and Laura grabbed his hands tightly.
-Avengers...-Linnea smiled and began: Everybody wants a happy ending,right? ! but it does not always roll that way.Maybe this time.I am hoping if you play this back it is in celebration.I hope families are reunited.I hope we saved the universe,I hope everyone is safe and mad titan and goddess of death are not danger anymore. I know that great war is coming and I know that there might be a victim,so I decided to record that,because if something happens to me I want you to see that.I want to tell you that you became my family,you were my journey,my happiness,you became part of my life and I am incredibly proud of being an avenger,being a member of your family. I will do anything to protect you and if it will cost my life I will not regret it,because it is worth ,it is worth for me.So if you are watching and listening this hologram ,it means that I am not alive anymore-Linnea sighed-I know that it feels weird,it sounds weird,but I want you all to move on,to live happily,to have families and build better future.Derek,if you are listening to this hologram,I just want to tell you once again that you are love of my life,my real love and I adore you-Linnea warmly smiled and continued: Last thing I want to tell you is that you do not need any kind of suit,weapon or serum to be heroes,because you already are.Your kind heart,brave spirit and courageous nature make you heroes and earth needs you,universe needs you,so believe in youself and never give up.Thank you for everything,thank you for this amazing journey.I love you three thousand-Linnea smiled again and stopped the hologram.
Tears were streaming on Tony's face,he rested his head on Pepper's shoulder and began sobbing.Pepper,who was crying herself caressed his hair,while Rhodey wiped out tears and patted on his back.
Steve and Bucky were crying as well and they hugged each other.Bruce wiped out tears and grabbed Natasha's hand,whose face was already wet,so was Wanda's. Scarlet Witch buried her face in Vision's chest.Nick Fury turned around and tried to stop tears,but he could not.Sam patted on his shoulder,he was crying as well.
Peter Parker tried to comfort Derek,but he could not,because he was crying himself.
Derek Barton had immense pain in his eyes and tears were streaming on his face.Laura and Clint were trying to calm him down,but their voices were shaking ,they could not stop tears.Everyone was in agony.Linnea's distressing hologram destroyed their already broken hearts.
10 years passed after battle of Asgard.Avengers continued their lives.Tony and Pepper married and began happy life. Their only child-Morgan growed up with the stories of the most beautiful,kind and brave Princess,who saved the universe and thanks to her,Morgan had a father.Every night Tony was telling his daughter ,,I love you three thousand" and Morgan was answering the same.Stark made statues of Linnea in different cities,he even hired writer,who wrote the book about her.Iron Man did everything to spread her name around the world. Bruce Banner and Natasha Romanoff finally found their happiness-they married ,adopted daughter and began happy family life.Steve Rogers got married as well.During one mission,he met Charlize,beautiful Australian woman,whose intrepidity,heroism and kind heart made him fall for her. They were living happily and raising their children-daughter and son.Wanda and Vision married as well and with Tony's support established charity foundation to help refugees and like Bruce and Natasha,they adopted child.Bucky found his happiness too and married,after his daughter was born,he named her Linnea.Every other Avenger moved on,but Derek never fell in love again.He tried to think about other women,but it did not work and he realized that Linnea was his one and only,true love and he could not forget her,so he began learning and working more seriously,he also trained ten times harder and became great martial artist,he became even better than his father.He also joined many charity organizations and helped people.He was always sleeping with Linnea's red jacket and wherever he was going,he had it with him.
Life went on and every time avengers were looking at night sky and constellation of Linnea,they remembered that Princess's sacrifice was not vain.

Loki was standing on the terrace of palace and watching Linnea's constellation.He had tears in his eyes,10 years passed after his niece's death,but it still hurt like a hell.

-I miss you,little one,I miss you so much-he looked down and grabbed Linnea pendant.
,,Where is she now,how she feels,oh,Linnea"-tears made his face wet.Then he turned around and looked at his family.
Asgardian royal family was sitting together and eating fruit.Frey and Freya ,twin brother and sister ,children of Thor and Carol were laughing on the story,their grandfather,Odin was telling to them.Freya was sitting on his father's lap,while Carol had wrapped her arms around Frey.Loki's wife,Brunhild,leader of Valkyries ,was eating an apple and talking to her mother-in-law.Frigga was laughing with her.Loki's four years old daughter-Katarina was sitting on Odin's lap and carefully listening to her grandfather.
Loki slightly smiled and approached them.
-Dad!-yelled Katarina ,jumped out from Odin's lap and ran to her father.
Loki picked her up and kissed her forehead. Little Princess wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him on cheek.
Loki warmly smiled,then he looked at Linnea's constellant again and realized that it was exactly what Linnea wanted and now she was happy,because her family was together.She did not die in vain and Loki knew it.
-I love you Linnea,I love you my little flower-said he,once again smiled to the constellation and approached his family and set on Brunhild's side.Katarina was still hugging him.
And stars were shining on night sky in the memory of Linnea,Princess of Asgard.

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