Chapter 12 - Princess VS Hulk

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     After few seconds,another ,but more powerful explosion hit the Helicarrier. Everyone fell down.
-Linnea !- yelled Thor and Carol simultaneously.
-I am  fine ! - princess stood up.
    Terrible Chaos began. Everyone was running. Nick Fury was giving orders to agents. Helicarrier  was going to destroy. They were in great danger.
-Carol,take Linnea  and fly out of here,quickly -Thor grabbed his wife's arms.
-I will  take her on safe place and return.You take care of Loki,he must not escape.
-Wait,Uncle Loki is here ?-asked Linnea with wide eyes.
-Yes,he is,but now we have to go-Carol grabbed her hand,but Linnea resisted and ran.
-Linnea! Come back !- Carol and Thor followed her.
-I have to find my uncle , he is here- princess was whispering and running.
  another explosion hit helicarrier and separated Thor and Carol.
-Thor! where are you ?- Carol tried to stand up.
-Carol -yelled Thor ,but suddenly strange roar stole his attention and saw terrible thing. Immense,green monster was chasing Natasha Romanoff.
-Banner !-Whispered Thor ,quickly stood up and ran towards him. He hit Hulk and saved Natasha's life,if he would late for just several seconds,Romanoff would be dead. Thor hit Hulk and then caught his huge fist.
-We are not you enemies,Banner !Try to think!-said he,but Hulk struck him.
-Dad !-suddenly Thor heard  Linnea's voice.
-Linnea ! get out of here ! now !-but she was not listening,princess threw two blasts to hulk and knocked him down.
-Dad are you okay ?!-Linnea ran towards him.
-I am okay,sweetheart,but please,run!-Thor grabbed her arms,but abruptly Hulk stood up,roared and ran towards them.
   Thor stood in front of his daughter protectively and held his hand like he was waiting for something. Suddenly,Mjolnir flew to his hand and Thor hit it to Hulk. Green monster fell down.
-Wow,good job , dad !- said  Linnea and threw thunder blast. Hulk was getting very angry,when S.H.I.E.L.D  Escort 6-0 began shooting him. Monster became lot more angrier,roared terribly and jumped towards it.He crushed whole plane,fortunately Pilot jumped out with parachute.
-Linnea!-Thor hugged his daughter tightly
-Dad,where is uncle Loki?
-I am going with him right now,stay here and wait for your mother.
-No,dad I want to see him.
-Linnea,it is dangerous.
-Dad,he loves me,he will never hurt me and most importantly he will listen to me.
   Thor was hesitating ,but finally agreed.
   While father and daughter were fighting against Hulk,Carol was helping Iron Man ,she wanted to find her family first,but situation was such a critical that her help became vital.
    Once Thor and Linnea reached Loki's cell,they saw that he was out.
-No!-yelled Thor and ran towards him,but Loki used his magic and  with Thor just got through his body and fell in cell.Loki immediately locked it down.
-No! Dad !-screamed princess.
-Linnea !- Loki's eyes widened-what are you doing here ?
-What am I doing here ? the question is what the hell are you doing here ? what is wrong with you? we are your  family,Thor is your brother ? why are you doing that ?-tears streamed down on her face.
-I am sorry,but I have to do this.
-No,uncle,you do not have to ! remember this?-Linnea showed him her pendant-you gave it to me and told me that you loved me and you would never leave me alone! remember?
   Loki's eyes became teary ,but then he shook his head.
-Sorry,Linnea!-then he pressed one button ,near the cell.
-Noooo,dad!-Linnea screamed when he saw how this cell ejected from the helicarrier.She wanted to fly,but Loki stopped her.
-Let me go! Dad will die !-Princess tried to resist.
-He must die ,he is worth of it !-then Loki put  a dagger on Linnea's throat.
-What are you doing ?-Linnea thought that it was dream,bad dream.She just could not believe that his dearest uncle Loki was holding a dagger on his throat.
-Now you have a choice ,Linnea ,help me and we can conquer whole planet or die just like your  father.
- Loki,remove your dagger  from her !-Phil Coulson was holding  destroyer gun.
-Mortal cannot command to god -yelled Loki-tell my sweet sister-in-law that her husband is dead and her daughter will be alive as long as she will not do anything stupid against me.
   Loki used his magic,made Linnea uncoscious and flew out with her.

Linnea,Princess of AsgardWhere stories live. Discover now