Chapter 17 - Reunion

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     Strong,cold wind was swirling Linnea's long,beautiful,golden-brown hair.Her blue-green eyes were sparkling with happiness and excitement. Riding her immense,already full-sized dragon -Gunborg ,above the high mountains of Asgard was her favorite activity.Seeing amazing sights and flying above the clouds was great pleasure beautiful princess. Unfortunately,she had no idea that soon her life would change dramatically and new ,evil family member would show off.
Odin was sitting on his throne with worried look on his face. Frigga,Thor,Loki and Carol were standing around him.
-So ,our evil sister,Hela-goddess of death is coming,as well as Ragnarok ?yeah?-asked Thor second time.
-Yes,my son. Ragnarok-Destruction of Asgard is prophecy and I am sure it is inevitable-Odin heavily sighed.
-There must be a way to prevent it,your majesty-Carol resisted.
-She is right.We should fight-Thor said firmly.
-Of course, we will fight ,but Hela is incredibly strong-said Odin.
-But we have you,father and Thor and Carol as well-stated Loki.
-Still,my son,it would be incredibly hard to fight agianst her.
-Harder than fight against Surtur?
Odin nodded.
-I am mostly worried about my granddaughter-said Frigga ,who was silent all this time.
-I will die and not let my sister to touch her-said Loki firmly.
-We will evacuate her on safe place,with people-said Odin.
Frigga slightly laughed.
-Odin,she is your granddaughter and Thor's daughter.How do you think,she will hide,when her people and family are in danger?
-Her majesty is right.There is no way we can assure Linnea to hide-Carol nodded.
-Then do not tell anything to her and assure to go somewhere-Thor offered-may be on the earth,with avengers.
-Great idea,brother,besides,after Ultron,we became so close to each other,they are second family to Linnea-Loki clapped.
Thor,Carol,Loki and Linnea fought against Ultron alongside with avengers and Linnea got really close with them.She was one who was hugging Wanda and holding her hand,when she was mourning her twin brother. Linnea was one ,who encouraged Natasha and Bruce and helped them to defeat their terrible depressions.Linnea also saved Tony's life again during fight.Avengers became family for her and Thor could not imagine safer place for his daughter to stay.
-That is really great idea,Thor.Do not tell Linnea anything about Hela or Ragnarok,leave her on the earth,with avengers and then return-said Frigga.
-And we can also get some help-said Loki.
-What do you mean-asked Carol.
-We can get help from some of the Avengers.
-No,my son,that is not their fight-Odin refused that Idea.
-Neither Ultron was ours,but we helped-Loki resisted.
-I think Loki is partially right-began Carol-we can ask for help to Bruce Banner.Hulk will be definately useful in this fight,but rest of Avengers will stay on earth with Linnea.
Odin,Frigga and Thor liked Loki's and Carol's idea and took a decision.
It was sunny day,when Linnea said farewell to Heimdall,Volstagg,Fandral,Hogun ,Sif and all of her Asgardian friends.Then caressed Gunborg,her dragon and finally family's turn came.
Linnea hugged Odin tightly.
-Goodbye,grandfather,I will miss you.
-Goodbye,Linnea.I love you so much-Odin kissed on her forehead.
,,May be it is last time I see her "-thought he and felt how his heart froze from fear and pain. Frigga cried while hugging her only granddaughter.
-Grandmother,calm down,I am just going for month -Linnea laughed and kissed Frigga's cheek.
-I am just little bit emotional-Frigga wiped out her tears and hugged Linnea again.
Finally,Heimdall opened the Bifrost and Thor,Carol,Linnea and Loki left Asgard.
Avengers were delighted to see Asgardian royal family again.
-Linnea-Wanda ran and pulled princess in huge hug-tears streamed on her face-I missed you terribly.
-I missed you too ,Wanda.
-Point break-shouted Tony and hugged Thor.
Natasha ran to Carol ,while Loki and Clint exchanged hugs.
After everyone hugged each other,Tony said :
-We have some changes here.Clint moved here with his family and one new Avenger joined our team.
-Who ?-asked Carol curiously.
-Peter Parker,also known as Spider-man.
-Spider-man? what are his powers?-asked Thor.
-Superhuman strength, stamina, speed, agility, durability , reflexes,reactions, coordination, balance and endurance,genius-level intellect,he is clinging to surfaces, shooting spider-webs from wrist-mounted devices, and detecting danger with his spider-sense.
-Woah-said Thor,Carol,Linnea and Loki simultaneously.
-He is very good,smart ,polite and sweet boy.He is student and he is learning in same college  with Clint's son-said Steve.
-Yeah,when me and my family moved in here Derek began learning in same college where Peter was.He helped them to adapt and soon Derek and he became very close friends-added Clint.
-It will be great pleasure to meet him-smiled Linnea-and Derek,oh,I miss him so much,almost 6 years passed after I saw him.
Unfortunately,during fighting with Ultron,Linnea did not see him,because Derek was in Italy on school camp.
-He mentions you almost every day-laughed Clint.
-Where is he now? I cannot wait-Linnea giggled.
-In college.He will return soon.
-What If I wil come with him?
-In college?
-Why not-said Wanda-come on,sweetie,lets change in some Midgardian cloth and then we can see Derek,you will be able to meet Parker too.
-Great idea-Linnea clapped.
-Lets go.
-It is good that they left.We have to talk-said Thor ,after Wanda and Linnea left the room.
-What happens?-asked Steve.
Thor sighed and began,after he finished,there was silence for couple of minutes.
-Well,Thor,I will come anyway and help you-said Bruce firmly.
-Bruce,you know,it is not your fight and if you refuse,we will understand-Carol patted on his shoulder.
-No,Carol,I want to fight for you.Besides,without Linnea I would never ever defeat my depression during Ultron and I have a debt for her,so I can pay that with fighting against her enemies.
-We will fight too-Steve added.
-I am in-Tony raised his hand.
-Me too-Sam Wilson raised his hand too.
Clint,Natasha,Vision and Rhodey joined them.
-No,no,no-Thor shook his head-We are so happy and grateful for your kind wishes to help Asgard,but we cannot put you in such danger.
-No offense,but Hela is stronger than Surtur and Ultron simultaneously and Banner is only Avenger from you who would be safe-said Loki.
-Yeah,I understand,shooting arrows or martial arts,even Captain's shield will not be useful,right?-Clint smirked.
-Well-Carol hesitated,but Loki said firmly:
-Sorry,but yes.
Thor glared at him and said:
-Your best help will be protecting Linnea.Keep her safe and do not tell anything about Hela and Ragnarok,do not tell Wanda too,they are so close,she may tell her something.
-We understand Thor and promise you that your daughter will be safe and we will protect her from any kind of danger-Tony told Thor and patted on his shoulder.
-And if you will need our help we will be ready to fight for Asgard-Steve added.
-Thank you so much,we will never forget it-Thor happily smiled.
-I think it is time for group hug-said Sam.
Avengers hugged each other.
-No-Loki rolled his eyes,but finally joined them.

Linnea,Princess of AsgardWhere stories live. Discover now