Chapter 20-Broken Hearts

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-2 days passed after we made this terrible discovery and we still do not know how to tell the avengers-Sighed Linnea and set on the chair.
-It is not easy to tell them Linn, especially to Tony and Steve-said Wanda.
-Hi,Tony,you know Steve's best friend killed your parents and by the way ,Steve,everyone thought that your friend was dead and ...began Peter,but Derek interrupted:
-That's enough,Pal,you scare us more.
-Someday They will find it anyway,so we have to tell them today,I will ask everyone to gather on evening-said Linnea firmly.
Everyone nodded.Time passed incredibly quickly and Evening came.Avengers gathered in one of the large dining rooms of Stark Tower.
-Do you Have any idea what is going on?-asked Clint.
-Nope-Tony shook his head.
-We will see-Rhodey shrugged.
After 5 minutes Linnea,Derek,Peter and Wanda walked in room.
-Thank you for coming,we do have some important and unfortunately terrible news and you should know them-Began Linnea.
-What Happens?-asked Steve with concerned voice.
-Remember when Wanda and I went in Derek's University to see him?
-We caught Taxi to return in tower,Wanda and I were sitting in first one and Derek,Peter and his friend-Ned in second one.Suddenly someone shot our taxis.
-What?-Said Tony with shocked voice.
-Shot?-Clint jumped from the sit.
-Clint,Tony,let them finish-said Natasha with worried look on her face.
-Suddenly man ,who had metal arm,jumped on our Taxi ,crushed window and tried to kill taxi driver but I was fast enough and threw him blasts-Linnea continued-someone shot boys' Taxi as well.None of us recognized this metal-armed man expect Wanda.
-This man was Winter Soldier-sighed Scarlet Witch.
Natasha's and Clint's faces paled.
-What did you say?-asked black widow with shocked voice.
-He was winter soldier.You know him?
-Yes,Wanda,I do-Natasha stood up and raised her black blouse.Everyone saw Large,terrible scar near her belly-He did it to me.
-So you are telling me that one of the most dangerous assassin tried to kill
you and you did not tell us anything before now?-Clint was triggering from anger.
-We are not finished yet,Uncle Clint-Linnea sighed.
-Continue-said Steve firmly.
-We asked Peter to hack S.H.I.E.L.D and HYDRA bases to find some information about winter soldier and he did-Wanda took deep breathe ,looked at Tony with sad eyes and said:
-Winter soldier was one,who murdered your parents,Tony.
Everyone froze.
-W H A T-Tony jumped from his seat-What did you just say?
-I am so sorry ,Mister Stark,but it is true-Peter had tears in his eyes.
-And you know what is the most terrible in this story?-asked Linnea and looked down.
-What possibly can be more
horrible than that?-Sam had worried looked his face.
-Winter Soldier is James Buchenan Barnes ,Steve's best friend-said Derek,who was silent all this time.
-Impossible!-Steve stood up-Bucky died long time ago.
-Uncle Steve,remember,when you showed me picture of you and Bucky? I was shocked ,do you remember my reaction?
-I do-Steve's heart began beating five times faster.
-That was because I recognized him.He is winter soldier.He has super soldier serum like you.This serum saved him and he survived from fall.
-He fell
down from very high place-Steve resisted-train was...
-Uncle Steve,he is super soldier,just like you.
-Bucky would never do that,he was so kind,generous and honorable.He would never become assassin,I just cannot believe that-tear rolled on Steve's face.
-May be he is brainwashed or mind-controlled  ,just like my uncle was years ago-said Linnea.
-Brainwashed by who?-asked Vision.
Everyone was silent for couple of minutes,then Tony said:
-I do not know and do not care is he brainwashed or not,this bastard murdered my parents and I will kill
him slowly and painfully.
-Uncle Tony,if he is brainwashed you will kill innocent man,think about it-Linnea tried to resist.
-Innocent? It is very easy for you to say,because you do not know how does it feel to lost your parents ,it very easy to you to say,but try to think...-Tony's words was interrupted by sound of explosion.
Fire and smoke filled the room.
group of black-clothed men rushed in room with guns in their hands.
-Kill them all!kill all the avengers!-yelled one and shot bullet to Linnea.
-No! Linnea-Derek yelled desperately,but Princess was totally unharmed.
-Seriously? Bullet ? Don't you know that No bullets can harm goddess?-Linnea slightly laughed and threw thunder blasts to group of men.
Everyone began fight,but it did not last long,because Linnea and Wanda were powerful enough to destroy whole group of enemies in just 5 minutes.Only one left,this one was winter soldier.He raised his gun ,but Steve kicked him in the leg and made him fall.He looked at his face and said with shaking voice:
-Who the hell is bucky?-Winter Soldier punched Steve with metal arm.
-So this is murderer of my parents ! You will die for this-yelled Tony and ran to him,but Linnea stopped him.
-Tony,wait,he does not know who he is,he is brainwashed.
-Get out of
my way-Tony yelled,but Linnea caught him with both of her hands.
Meanwhile Natasha,Sam and Rhodey made Winter Soldier unconscious.
Steve was watching his friend lying on the bed,tied with metal chains.
-Uncle Steve-Linnea approached him and gently put her hand on his shoulder.
-I still cannot believe it ,Linnea.Bucky was everything for me.Even when I had nothing,I had Bucky.He meant so much for me and now he....
-Uncle Steve I understand ,I understand it very well.I felt same when I heard about murders and crimes of my dearest uncle Loki.I was shocked and I just could not believe it until he put dagger on my throat.But he was not Loki,he was mind controlled ,just like your friend.He is not Bucky ,you used to know,he is someone else,he is brain washed but we can heal him,I will use my goddess powers and I will do my best to kill winter soldier and let Bukcy Barnes return.I promise-Linnea grabbed Steve's hand.
-Oh-That was all Steve could say ,but Linnea saw immense gratitude in his teary eyes.
-Sorry for interrupt this kind-lovely uncle-niece moment-Stark walked in with extremely angry and disappointed look on his face.
-Tony-Steve carefully began.
-Oh,wait,Cap,what are you trying to say? that your bastard friend is innocent and he did not want to kill my father and my mom...-tears rolled on Tony's cheeks and he said ,,mom" with such pain in his voice that Linnea and Steve felt really terrible.
-Uncle Tony-Princess ran to him but Stark yelled:
-Do not you dare to touch me!
-Uncle Tony,please,just listen to me,he is brain washed ,he is not Bucky,he is winter soldier.You are mad about him
because he killed your parents,so help me and we can destroy winter soldier and ...
-Let Bucky return-Steve finished.
-So easy for you,but imagine that someone horrible killed your parents,what you would do? Answer to me ! I said answer to me-Tony was mad.
-Why do not want you to understand that Bucky Barnes did not murder your parents?-Linnea tried to calm Stark down.
-Why do not want you to understand that only feeling I have now is anger.A N G E R .
-I understand ,I do.
-No ,Linnea,you do not and neither Steve,nor you care about me.I am just selfish billionaire,who has no feelings and does not deserve compassion at all,right?
Tony had such immense pain and sorrow in his brown eyes that Linnea began crying.
-No,Uncle Tony,No-she ran to him and tried to hug,but Tony roughly removed her hands and walked out.
-Linnea,I am so sorry-Steve gently patted on her shoulder.
-No ,it is not your fault,I will just go-Linnea wiped out her tears and ran to Derek's room.She quickly knocked and when Derek opened the door,Princess immediately jumped in his arms.
-Linnea,what happened?!-Derek cuddled her.
-I just do not want to be alone-Linnea's tears made Derek's T-shirt wet.
-You will never be alone,come in-Derek closed door and Linnea set on his bed.
-May be I am terrible person,Derek,may be I am not worthy to have you,avengers,may be I...
-Linnea do not repeat those words again,I do not know what happened and what made you think such stupidity ,One thing I know for sure is that you are the most amazing ,kind,sweet,cute and beautiful person inside and out. Positive and love spreads from you. Your bravery ,your compassion make you perfect.
-Uncle Tony thinks differently,he thinks that I do not care about him-Linnea sobbed and told Derek everything.
-You and Steve are right and you must heal Bucky Barnes,because it is not his fault but we all should understand Tony ,because it is hard for him to watch murderer of his family.
-Of course,but I do not want Tony to feel alone,I love him.
-He knows it,he is just so angry now,he will realize everything,He just needs some time.
-You think so?
-Of course.
-Thank you ,Derek-Linnea wiped out tears and pur her head on Derek's pillow.
-You want some sleep?
-Yeah,I am tired,it was difficult day-Linnea slid her hand under pillow and felt some soft material.
-What is that-Linnea gasped when she saw red jacket.
-Ohhhh,that is-Derek blushed and could not finish his words.
-Why do you have red jacket under your pillow?
-That is just Amm I do not know.
-Wait that is my jacket.I wore it...
-When you were with us,after battle of New York-Derek finished her words.
-And what?
-Why do you have it?
-I do not know.
-What does it mean you do not know?
-I just ...just missed you so much and wanted to have something of you,something which would remind me your smell,your smile-Derek blushed again.
-Oh,Derek,it is so sweet.
-I kept it and I always have this jacket wherever I go.
Linnea warmly smiled to him and made his heart melt.
-You know what,Derek,I really want to sleep,I should go.
-As you wish.
Linnea stood up and Derek opened door for her.
-I will be there for you,if you need.
-Thanks-Linnea hugged him again and walked out from the room,but after several steps she turned around and knocked on door again.
-Linnea? did you forget something-Derek slightly chuckled.
-I do not want to sleep alone.
-You can sleep with Wanda or Lexa,if you want.
-No,Derek,I want to sleep with you.
-Ww-hat?-Derek stuttered.
-Oh,come one,you said you would be there for me and I need you know.So change in your pajamas and come to my room. I will wait to you.
-Linnea,I ...I just.... you know it is not appropriate ,because someone will think that we you know-Derek's face became more red than tomato.
Linnea slightly laughed.
-I do not
care what others will
think ,we will just sleep and we are not going to do something dirty.
-Okkay.Just give me ten minutes.I will
come,you are right,we are not
going to do something dirty.Once Derek closed the door,Linnea chuckled and said:
Derek quickly changed in his
blue-black pajamas.His heart was beating hundred times faster and almost burst when he knocked on Linnea's door.
-Come in.
Derek walked in the room and saw princess in long,pink teddy bear Pajamas.
-Linnea-Derek began laughing.
-I look like Idiot yeah? Wanda gave me this pajamas,she told me that I looked cute in them.But it is funny ?is not it?
-You do look cute,Linnea.You are the cutest thing I have ever seen-Derek hugged her and kissed her forehead.
-You look good as well. Come here-Linnea rolled on her bed and wrapped in blankets.Derek did the same.
-Goodnight ,Derek-said Linnea and put her head on his shoulder.
Princess quickly fell asleep,but Derek did not.He just could not sleep ,because his heart was full of excitement and love.
-I love you ,Linnea.That is all I know and all I need to know-whispered he and gently kissed her forehead.
Night sky was full of stars ,moon rays were lighting the room ,Linnea was slipping in his arms,he was listening to her slow breath and despite the terrible events of the day ,Derek felt happiness.

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