Chapter Three

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We were all sitting at lunch when someone raced up to our table, it was that girl.

?- Seriously, think about what your doing, my brother and his friends are crazy!
J- I'll be good
?- Whatever you say, just know, I warned you
J- Mhm

She walked away and I turned to everyone. They were all looking at me like they had seen a ghost.

J- What?
C- That's the school slut, she flirts with almost every guy she sees
L- But she didn't flirt with you
J- So?
A- She probably actually likes you
J- Nah, you can tell she already hates my guts
M- Whatever you say bro

We all finished lunch and went to our last classes.


I walked out of the locker rooms and I saw the crew.

M- You ready Jake?
J- Yep, this is gonna be easy
G- Your up against Anthony, the one that was talking to you earlier, the girls brother
J- I'll be fine, ok!?
L- Mkay bro
J- Do you even think he'll win?
L- I don't know man, he looks tough
J- Whatever

I walked out, the crew following me. They all went onto the bleachers and I walked onto the field. My muscles were showing and I saw lots of the guys with wide eyes and the cheerleaders with their jaws dropped. I chuckled and we all got in line.

The End Of Tryouts

We all got lined up again, all panting out of breath. Then the coach got our attention.

Co- Ok! The team is Anthony Trujillo! Kade Spiser! Chad Tepper! Chance Sutton! Brandon Amato! Adam Quinn! Alex Lange! Austin Mcbroom! Tanner Fox! Tristan Tales! And last but not least.. Jake Paul!
All- *claps*
Co- And your captain and quarterback is.. Jake Paul!
All- *claps*

I looked at Anthony and he smirked and nodded his head. When the coach left he walked up to me.

An- Congrats, you did well
J- Thanks bro
An- You was hard though
J- Your pretty tough yourself

We did a bro hug and I walked up to the crew. They all hugged me and we sat down.

L- You were amazing bro!
J- Thanks
M- I can't believe you bet him!
J- Well, better believe it because it happened

They all cheered and we grabbed out stuff. I saw that girl sitting with her squad and she slightly smiled at me and nodded a little. I smiled back at her and continued walking. Me, Mark and George got in my car while Logan, Chloe, Ayla and Lydia all got in his car. We drove to our house and chilled out, watched Netflix and ate snacks.

I woke up to my brother shouting. I got up and went into his room to see him gaming.

J- Could you please... SHUT THE FUCK UP!

I walked back into my room and took a quick shower. I then went into my closet and picked out a decent outfit.

 I then went into my closet and picked out a decent outfit

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I walked downstairs and made myself and Logan breakfast. I left Logan's on the counter and when I had finished I grabbed my things for school.

J- He's sick, suuure, OK!

I walked out and got in my car. I drove to school and I saw the crew waiting at the doors. I walked up to them and said hi.

C- Where's Logan?
J- He's "sick"
M- What do you mean "sick"?
J- He is in his room, playing Fortnite or some shit, saying that he's sick
G- Ahh ok
J- Yeah

We all talked for a little and then I saw Anthony and them come up to me.

An- Whats going on?
J- Nothing much, you?
An- Nothing much, Jake can I speak to you for a minute?
J- Sure

Me and Anthony walked around the corner of the school and we sat on a wall.

J- Whats up?
An- Tell me about yourself
J- What?
An- Look, we set off on the wrong track, I wanna be friends
J- Sure ok, well as you know I'm Jake, I do football obviously, but I also like to sing
An- Wow, I've never met someone who likes to sing, like as a hobby
J- It relaxes me I guess you could say, I lost my dad to cancer about 4 years ago
An- I'm sorry bro
J- It's fine, he wasn't really around since my mom and dad got a divorce when I was 10
An- Ouch
J- Yeah, there's a little more but it's not that interesting
An- Dude, I'm so sorry
J- It's fine *chuckles* what about you?
An- As you know I'm Anthony Trujillo, I also do football but I like to do basketball ball as well sometimes
J- Sick
An- I do game as well, I was actually playing this morning against a guy called BrotherLogey
J- Omg
An- What?
J- That's my brother *chuckles*
An- *chuckles* Why is his name brother Logey?
J- I got him his XBox for Christmas so I had it set up, so I made his account for him and chose that name
An- *chuckles* I like it
J- Thanks *smiles*
An- Then I have my sister *chuckles* God, Erika is, she is something
J- How so?
An- She's been through a lot, she's my little superwoman, literally
J- *chuckles*
An- She's been in some bad relationships so I'm very protective over her
J- I get it, I've been in bad relationships too, it's hard to deal with
An- Yeah, Do you mind telling me?
J- No not at all, Uh, I had a girlfriend, her name was Alissa, one night we were at a party and lots of guys told me she had been having sex and making out with them all the time, so she cheated on me through the whole relationship

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