Chapter Twenty

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All- *cheers*

Erika dropped it and ran into my arms. We cried onto each other's shoulders and I soon later let her down. We hugged everyone and the all congratulated us. Then Dan and Angel came along.
J- Dan
D- Jake
E- Mom
A- Rik
D- We wanted to say congratulations
A- And that we're sorry
E- Thanks Guys

Erika hugged her mom and I gave Dan a bro hug. I then hugged Angel and Erika hugged her dad. We put on some music and we all chilled outside. I then needed to talk to Dan.. he was standing by the door way talking to my mom, dad and Angel.

J- Hey guys
P- Hi son
G- Congratulations son
J- Thanks Guys, um, Dan?
D- Yes Jake?
J- Could I Maybe talk to you in private?
D- Sure, I'll be back soon

He kissed Angel on the cheek and we walked to the front of the house so no one could hear us.

D- Is everything alright?
J- As you know, me and Erika have been together for a year and a half
D- Mhm
J- Well, I love her more than I love myself and we are soon having our beautiful baby girl, so I was wondering if I could have you blessing to marry your daughter?

I looked down and then I looked back up. Dan was tearing up and he hugged me.

D- Of course you can
J- Really!?
D- Yeah, I see how much you guys care for each other and I know you'll protect her for the rest of your life, I also really like you unlike her last boyfriend
J- *chuckles* Thanks Dan
D- No problem

We hugged once more and we walked back into the garden. Erika came up to me and hugged me.

E- What did Dan want?
J- He was just asking about stuff
E- Ok

She kissed me and we talked to a few more people and then everyone left. We walked upstairs and we got changed into some pjs. My joggers and a hoodie for Erika, the usual. We were laying on my bed when Erika sat on my waist, holding her belly. I placed my hands on her belly too and she looked at me and smiled.

E- Should we move in together?
J- What?
E- Like, because of the baby, the house situation
J- Good thinking smarty pants
E- *giggles*
J- I think we should
E- Wait, an apartment or a house?
J- Lets look at houses because it'll be best, but if they're waayyyy too expensive then we'll look at an apartment
E- Ok

Me and Erika went on my computer and looked at a few houses. There were a lot that we liked, but they were really expensive. I was scrolling past when Erika stopped me.

E- Wait go back up

I scrolled back up a little and she pointed to a house. A prefect size. It was really nice too.

J- Whats the price?

I clicked on it. Decently priced. Damn.

J- Wow
E- Are we going to buy a house right now? *smiles*
J- Yes we are *smiles*
E- Omg! *smiles*

And we bought it, just like that.

And we bought it, just like that

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