Chapter Five

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I woke up on a hospital bed. I groaned in pain and looked around. I saw everyone outside and then a doctor walked in.

Dr- Hi Jake, how are you?
J- I'm in a lot of pain, my head hurts and my muscles hurt, but that's about it
Dr- Do you remember why you are here?
J- No
Dr- Ok, well you were involved in a fight with Ms Brooke Michaels (idk😂)
J- Oh..
Dr- Who is she to you?
J- My abusive ex girlfriend
Dr- I'm sorry
J- It's fine
Dr- Ok, well you have many visitors out waiting for you, shall I send them in?
J- Yes please
Dr- Alright

The doctor left and a few seconds later, I heard lots of voices.

All- Jake!

I turned my head to see all of my friends. Logan, Chloe, Mark, George, Ayla, Lydia, Anthony, Erika, Chance, Adam, Kade, Chad, Tanner, Alex, Brandon, Austin and Tristan. They all ran over and sat down and obviously lots stood up because there wasn't enough chairs.

J- Hey guys *chuckles*
L- I'm sorry I didn't text you or call you to warn you about her..
J- Logan it's fine
L- But, it's not!
J- Calm down, it's fine

Then the doctor came in.

Dr- Jake you are free to leave whenever
J- Thanks Doc
Dr- No problem

Everyone helped me get my things together and we left. We all left and went to my house and we all chilled out. After a few hours, everyone left other than Chloe. Me, Logan and Chloe were all chilling on the sofa when Logan got up and ran upstairs.

J- Logan you ok!?
L- Mhm!
J- Ok?

I looked at Chloe and she looked just as confused as I did. After a few minutes, I heard a loud thud come from upstairs. Chloe stopped what we were watching.

J- Wait here
C- Ok

I ran upstairs and couldn't find Logan. I then tried to open the bathroom door, but he had locked it.

J- Logan open the door

Wait, did he- no, he wouldn't. I ran into Logan's room and grabbed on of Chloe's bobby pins. I ran back out and unlocked the door, there I saw Logan, laying on the floor, blood everywhere. I fell to the ground and I pulled him in to a hug. I cried onto his chest and I felt his heartbeat, it was faint, but it was there.

C- OK!

I just kept him close, hoping that I won't loose my brother. I soon heard sirens and I heard footsteps coming closer. The paramedics rushed in and got Logan on a stretcher. They quickly took him down and into the ambulance. Chloe and I were balling our eyes out when I heard one of the paramedics.

Pa- Who are you guys to Logan Paul?
J- Brother
C- Girlfriend
Pa- Ok, lets go

Me and Chloe ran out and got in the back of the ambulance. They drove us all to the hospital and they took Logan away as soon as we stopped. They told me and Chloe to wait in the waiting room.

A few hours later, a doctor came out.

Dr- Logan Paul?

Me and Close stood up, both bloodshot eyes, all red and puffy.

Dr- I'm very sorry but Mr Paul is in a coma..

I collapsed to the ground and cried. Chloe bent down and hugged me. I hugged her back and we soon after got up and walked into Logan's room. I ran over to him and held his hand.

J- ... Why... why Logan... I love you... I miss you so much.. I wish you didn't do this *crying*

Me and Chloe stayed for a few more hours, then we were told to leave. I took Chloe home and I went back to the house. I ran upstairs and I got changed into some joggers. I went into Logan's room and started writing. I wrote a song. It's called Hold on.. I'll sing it for him, I hope he likes it.

I woke up in Logan's room, laying on his bed with my notepad and pen on my stomach. I got up and took a quick shower, then I went into my closet and picked out a decent outfit, seen as I wasn't feeling it today.

 I got up and took a quick shower, then I went into my closet and picked out a decent outfit, seen as I wasn't feeling it today

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I decided to take Logan's car today. I skipped breakfast and I grabbed my things for school. I got in Logan's car and drove to hell, a.k.a school.

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