Chapter TwentyFour

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I woke up, today is the day. I checked the time, it was 9:57am, a little later than usual because I woke up to Liliana crying. I walked downstairs to see Erika feeding Liliana.

J- Good morning to my two favourite girls
E- Morning bubba

Erika pecked my lips and I kissed Liliana's forehead. I made me and Erika some breakfast and then I went upstairs to get ready. I took a quick shower and I got dressed into something quick.

 I took a quick shower and I got dressed into something quick

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I then walked back downstairs and walked up to Erika.

J- I need to head out, then later, you me and Liliana are going out
E- Where are we going?
J- Somewhere that you need to dress fancy
E- Ok? Bye bubba, I love you
J- Bye I love you too

I kissed her and Liliana, and then I walked out. I got in my car and drove to the mall. I went into some random jewellery store and picked out the perfect engagement ring, and I think I found it.

I soon walked back out and drove back home, I kept the ring in the car through so that Erika wouldn't see it

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I soon walked back out and drove back home, I kept the ring in the car through so that Erika wouldn't see it. I walked in and I saw Erika and Liliana playing on the floor.

E- Hi bubba
J- Hey beautiful

I went up and kissed her and I sat on the sofa.

E- What did you get?
J- Something for later
E- I want to knowwww
J- Well, it's 1 just now, so you better go get ready
E- Ok

She jumped up all excited and I took Liliana. About an hour later, she came back down, she looked incredible.

E- Is this ok?

She looked up at me with my jaw dropped and she giggled.

J- Is that ok? You look incredible!
E- Thank you bubba, now you go get dressed
J- Will Do

I kissed Erika and walked upstairs. I went into my bathroom, had a shower, then I went into my closet and picked out my outfit.

 I went into my bathroom, had a shower, then I went into my closet and picked out my outfit

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I walked downstairs and Erika wasn't there.

J- Baby!
E- Yeah!
J- Where are you!?
E- I'm in Liliana's nursery!
J- Oh *chuckles*

I walked up and went in. Erika was dressing Liliana so I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. She turned her head a little and pecked my lips. Then she held us Liliana, let me tell you, my baby is beautiful.

 Then she held us Liliana, let me tell you, my baby is beautiful

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(That's not their baby, it's just what the baby is wearing)

It was now 4pm. Me and Erika grabbed our things and left. We hopped in my car and we drove to the mystery destination. We pulled up to a venue. Erika looked at me confused. I just got out and walked around to her side. I took her hand and we walked up to a little

 I took her hand and we walked up to a little

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(Ik Its Cole And Sav But Whatever 😂)

We stood there for a minute and then Anthony came over.

E- What is he-

Anthony took Liliana and Erika looked at me really confused. Just then, music started and our families and friends all walked out. She started tearing up. I took her hands and we looked each other in the eye.

J- Erika, I love you so much, you have changed my life for the better and I hope I have done the same for you, I never thought that after my ex's, that someone as perfect like you, would love me endlessly. You truly are my little superhero, you make me happier on a day to day basis, and I'm unbelievably grateful for that seen as I wasn't loved anywhere as much in my past relationships. Together, we accomplish so much, we are partners in crime, and we had our beautiful baby girl together, I just want you to know how beautiful and incredible you are and how I will never stop loving you, so with that said, *gets on one knee* Erika Michaelann Costell, will you marry me?

She was in tears at the point. She nodded and everyone cheered. I hugged her and kissed her forehead, also shedding a few tears. I put the ring on her finger and she had her hands on my neck, mine were on her waist.

E- I love you so much
J- I love you so much

She smiled and I wiped one of her tears. She kissed me and at kissed back. Everyone cheered louder than ever and Anthony came back over and gave me Liliana.

J- I'll always be happy as long as I have my two perfect girls with me

Erika smiled and kissed me, then kissed Liliana's forehead. My life is amazing. I love my life.


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