Chapter Eleven

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We walked out of the restaurant and I figured Now was the time. I stopped at my car before getting in and Erika looked at me confused.

E- Are you ok?
J- Yeah, I'm fine, I just wanted to ask you something
E- Yeah?
J- First off, I just want to tell you that you are the most beautiful girl I have ever met, as soon as I saw you that night when you were running around the neighbourhood, causing trouble, I knew there was something about you, I knew from then on that I had to have you, I needed to call you my own, words can describe right now how nervous I am to ask you, but will you, Erika Michaelann Costell, be my girlfriend?

I pulled out the promise ring and Erika was in tears. She just nodded. I put the ring on her finger and she hugged me tight. We pulled back and she kissed me. It was a passionate kiss, not like any other. We soon got back in my car and I drove us back to my house. When we got there, I ran round and opened Erika's door for her. We interlocked fingers and walked in. Everyone looked over and Anthony looked at Erika confused, probably because she was crying.

E- My boyfriend is unbelievable! *giggles*
All- *cheers*

Anthony came up to me and bro hugged me, then hugged Erika. Me and Erika soon after went upstairs. I gave her one of my hoodies and I put on some joggers, we then walked downstairs and lay on the sofa with everyone else.

C- Why were you crying?
E- Cause of this sweet ass

She hugged me tight and everyone laughed at the nickname. Erika cuddled into my chest and we all watched movies, soon causing us all to fall asleep.

I woke up to someone lightly crying. I looked around and I didn't see anyone, then I looked at Erika. She had red puffy eyes and had tears down her cheeks. I stroked the back of her hair, pulled her close and kissed her forehead. She started to calm down a little and soon enough went back to sleep. I checked the time, 6:24am. Ugh. I just decided to stay awake. I got up and went into the kitchen. I made everyone breakfast and sat it on the dining table. It was now 9:48am, so I went to wake everyone up, other than Erika because of her little nightmare.

An- Why you letting Erika sleep in?
J- She had a weird nightmare I guess
An- What do you mean?
J- I woke up to crying, I looked around and no one was crying, I then looked at Erika and she had red puffy eyes with tears running down her cheeks, I stroked the back of her hair and pulled her close into a hug and she started to calm down
An- Hm, ok, at least theres breakfast
J- *chuckles*

We all walked over and sat at the table. As we were eating, I heard something move in the living room.

J- It must be Erika

I got up and peeked my head past. I saw her, tears in her eyes and running down her cheeks. I ran in and hugged her tight.

J- Whats wrong baby
E- I s-saw Cam-Cameron in m-my nightmare *crying*
J- Who is Cameron?
E- M-M-My ex
J- Aw Baby

I hugged her tight and kissed her forehead. She started to calm down and I wiped her tears. We walked into the dining room and she told everyone she was ok. She sat next to me because she was still really shaken up about Cameron in her dream. I held her hand the whole time and then we went upstairs as she wanted to shower, but didn't want to be upstairs alone. I needed to shower to so I got in with her. We made out a few times, but she really just wanted to hug me, I thought she was being adorable. We soon got out and I gave Erika some of my shorts and a shirt that was too small for me and I put on some joggers and a white shirt. We walked downstairs, hand in hand and everyone was getting their shoes on.

J- Where are you all off to?
L- The park, you 2 coming?
J- You wanna go?

Erika shook her head no and I didn't really wanna go either.

J- Nah we're good
L- Ok, bye bro, bye Rik
J- Bye Guys

Erika just waved and we walked over to the sofa. We lay down and watched the TV, then Erika turned to me.

E- I'm sorry
J- What for baby?
E- I'm being dead clingy today..
J- It's fine
E- Are you sure?
J- 110%

She smiled and pecked my lips. We watched Riverdale and we both drifted off to sleep.

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