Chapter Seventeen

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Oh god, he looks pissed.

An- I'll be back soon
E- Don't tell anyone! Me and Jake will

He just walked out of the house. Erika looked at me and noticed I was sweating a lot.

E- Bubba are you ok?
J- Uh, I-I was just a l-little nervous in case h-he tried to kill me
E- He won't, I won't let him
J- *nervously chuckles*
E- just relax
J- Ok

I took a few deep breaths and me and Erika cuddled up close. We were watching Riverdale when I heard the door open again. I looked up and saw the whole crew. Everyone. Erika sat up too and they all came over and sat down in front of us. Anthony wasn't here though.

J- What are you all doing here?
C- Anthony called and told us to come, something about you and Erika?
L- Yeah, whats up?
E- Bubba Do you want to tell them?
J- Um, uh, y-you c-can
L- Jake are you ok bro?
J- M-Mhm
E- Well, I'm pregnant
All- What!? Congratulations?
E- Thanks

I let out a deep breath and that's when I looked at Logan. He had tears in his eyes and he got up. He jerked his head over to the kitchen and au followed him.

J- Y-Yeah?
L- Your going to be a dad, yeah?
J- Mhm
L- And I'm going to be an uncle?
J- Yeah

Logan just smiled and hugged me tight. I hugged him back and we walked back over. I was about to sit back down when the doorbell rang. I walked over and opened the door to see Anthony, an older guy and an older lady.

J- Um, h-Hi Tony

He just walked in and the older people gave me a soft smile. Then I heard Erika.


I then heard something smash. I ran into the living room and saw Erika's phone on the ground, the screen shattered completely, and Erika was balling her eyes out. I ran over to her and hugged her tight, leaning her forehead on mine.

J- Shhh, calm down baby, deep breaths

She took deep breaths but was still crying her heart out, which broke my heart.

J- Lets go calm down

She nodded and I helped her up. She wrapped her legs around my waist, her arms around my neck and she was covering her face, digging her head into the crook of my neck. I walked upstairs with her and we went into her room. I lay her on her bed and I lay next to her, holding her close, her head rested on my chest.

E- Take your shirt off *sniff*
J- Ok baby

I took my shirt off seen as she likes to have her head on my bare chest. She closed her eyes, still with tears running down her cheeks.

J- I love you

She didn't respond. I looked down and saw that she was asleep. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, slowly but surely drifting off to sleep too.

I woke up to Erika still in my arms but she was awake this time.

E- Morning sleepyhead
J- *chuckles* Morning

I kissed her forehead and we got up. I was only wearing my joggers and Erika wanted one of my hoodies, so she was wearing one of those. We walked downstairs and everyone was still here, they probably stayed the night.

L- Morning sleepyheads
J- Morning
E- Morning

Just then, Erika's face lit up.

E- Mom! Dad!


?- Hi Honey! Did you not see us last night?
E- No, Jake took my upstairs to c- Jake?
J- Yeah?
E- You tried to stay away from them didn't you
J- What? No
E- Just admit it! You just don't want to! UGH!

She ran upstairs and I sat on one of the steps with my head in my hands. Then, I felt a hand on my back. I looked up to see Logan.

L- Just be patient
J- I did nothing *tears up*
L- I know, just remember about it
J- Yeah
?- So, you must be Jake

The man stuck his hand out for me to shake it. I did.

J- Yeah
?- Well I'm Dan, Erika's dad
?- And I'm Angel, Erika's Mom
J- Nice to meet you both
D- So how long have you and Erika been together?
J- A year and 1 month
An- Do you guys love each other yet?
J- Uh, yeah
D- Do you want to marry her?
J- Uh- I- um- I-
An- Mom! Dad! Just chill with the questions

Anthony came over and whispered to me.

An- I'm sorry bro *whispers*

I gave him a slight smile to show that it's fine.

An- I'll go talk to Erika
J- Ok bro

Anthony ran upstairs and I ran my fingers through my hair.

L- We're all gonna go man
J- Ok
C- Good luck
J- Bye Guys
All- Bye

They all left so it was just me, Dan and Angel.

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