Chapter TwentyTwo

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They ran up and they were all out of breath.

An- Jake! Is Erika ok!? Also why have you no shirt on
J- She's in so much pain, I hate seeing her that way, but at least we're getting our little miracle out of it, also, we were eating breakfast when her water broke and I only wear joggers to bed so I had grabbed the baby bag and nothing else, I just needed to get here as soon as possible
All- Aww
L- Whats that? *points to the bag*
J- I got her a little goat teddy
C- Aw, is she awake?
J- No she's asleep
D- Did they tell you how many centimetres dilated she was?
J- Yeah she's only 6, so a little while longer

We all walked to Erika's room and there was a little glass window on the door so I looked in and saw her still asleep.

J- She's still asleep, I'm gonna head in and see how she is though
All- Ok

I walked in and Erika opened her eyes and yawned.

J- Hey Baby
E- Hi bubba

I walked over and I held her hand.

J- I got you something
E- Oo What?

I pulled out the little goat and her face lit up. She held it close and I kissed her forehead. She soon fell asleep again and she looked like she was in a lot of pain. I started tearing up, soon letting out a tear or two. I walked out the room to get some water but I forgot everyone was here.

An- Whats wrong?
A- Is Erika ok?
J- She's Fine I just hate seeing her in pain, I just needed to-
E- Bubba!?
J- I'll be back in a second

I walked in and walked up to her.

J- Yeah? Is everything ok baby?
E- Who are you talking to?
J- Everyone's here, I was just talking to Anthony
E- Oh ok, you can go back to that now
J- Do you want anything? Like water?
E- Yes please
J- Ok I'll be back soon

I kissed her and walked out, closing the door softly behind me.

D- She ok?
J- She's Fine, she just wanted to know who I was talking to, she also wants water so I'm going to go get us some
L- Coolio

I walked around the corner to get me and Erika some water. I filled up 2 plastic cups and I walked back. Anthony, Dan and Angel were gone.

P- They walked in
J- Were they allowed?
G- Yeah, the doctor came by said that mom, dad and siblings could head in
J- Ok

I walked in and they all looked at me.

J- I got your water
E- Thank you

I sat her water on the little side table and I sat on the chair next to her. I held her hand as she talked to Anthony, Dan and Angel. They later left and so did the squad, they all went to get properly dressed because they had gotten a call from the doctors I'm guessing. Me and Erika were talking a little when Erika smiled really big.

J- What?
E- Can you sing me a song?
J- Oof, What song?
E- Any
J- Ok

I went on my phone and pulled up the beat to a song that I had originally made for Erika.

J- I actually wrote this for you
E- *smiles*

I played the beat and Erika cuddled her goat.

By the time I was done, Erika had fallen asleep. I smiled and there was a knock at the door.

J- Come in

The doctor walked through the door and he smiled at me.

Dr- Hi Jake, that was a lovely song
J- Oh, thanks
Dr- I just need to check how many centimetres dilated she is and how big her contractions are
J- Ok

I moved and the doctor checked.

Dr- The contractions are getting bigger and Erika is officially 8 centimetres dilated which means she can give birth, but well obviously do it when she is awake
J- Wow thanks
Dr- No problem

I called Anthony just to let him know.

J- Anthony?
An- Hey bro
J- Are you with everyone just now?
An- Yeah, We're at mine, why?
J- You all might wanna come back to the hospital
An- Why? Is Erika ok?
J- She's asleep right now, but when she wakes up, she's gonna start pushing
An- Omg! We're on our way
J- *chuckles* Bye bro
An- Bye

I ended the call and I just held Erika's hand. About 5 minutes later, I heard a knock at the door.

J- Come in

The door opened and I saw Anthony's head peak through.

J- *chuckles* You ok bro?
An- Has sh-
E- Bubba!
J- I'm here baby, Tony get a doctor

Anthony ran out and Erika was squeezing my hand. A few minutes later, 4 doctors came in and ran over to me and Erika. They got her legs up and they explained what she had to do.

Dr- And push, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, goood

After about 3 pushes, the doctor smiled.

Dr- I see a head, Jake you wanna see?
J- Sure?

I walked over and saw my baby. I started tearing up and Erika squeezed my hand.

J- Your doing it baby, you got this

Erika nodded and they had her push 2 more times, that's when I heard a loud cry.. it was my baby girl.

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