Chapter TwentyThree

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The doctors lay her on Erika's chest and we both started crying. I kissed Erika and they wiped the baby a little. They pumped the oxygen thing in her and they gave me the scissors.

Dr- Jake you ready to cut the umbilical cord?
J- Yeah

They told me where to cut, I did it. They took our baby over to the weights and they weighed her.

Dr- A total of 7 pounds 11 ounces!

Erika smiled and I kissed her forehead. They cleaned our baby a little, just to get the white stuff off of her and then they gave her back to Erika. Erika gave her some milk and then I got to dress her, I put her in a little onesie.

It's true, my baby girl has pretty green eyes, just like her mommy and cute chubby thighs

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It's true, my baby girl has pretty green eyes, just like her mommy and cute chubby thighs. The doctor came over to me and Erika and asked for her name.

Dr- What are you naming your beautiful baby girl?
E- Liliana
Dr- Lovely
J- Thanks *smiles*

I looked at Erika and kissed her then I kissed Liliana's little tiny forehead.

E- She's perfect
J- Just like you

Erika smiled at me and cuddled Liliana.

J- Should I go get everyone?
E- Yeah
J- Ok

I kissed Erika once more before walking out. I walked out and everyone looked up at me.

J- She's perfect

They all cheered and I smiled.

An- Can we see her?
J- Yes, but there's a lot of you so I would say family then friends
L- Fair enough, can Chloe come though
J- Well, she kinda is family Logan
L- Ok
J- What? *chuckles* Ok come on

My mom, my dad, Dan, Angel, Anthony, Logan and Chloe all got up and walked in. Erika had Liliana on her chest, kissing her forehead.

L- That's ma niece!
J- Ok Logan, chill
All- *laughs*

Everyone got to hold Liliana, including everyone else outside the room.

P- I love her little onesie
E- Jake picked it
J- Because the slogan is true, she has pretty eyes like her mom, and cute chubby thighs, don't you

I was holding her and she smiled.

J- I made her smile!
E- Aww, I'm guessing she'll be a daddy's girl
J- Maybe, my little princess
E- What about meeee?
J- Your my Queen

Erika smiled and the doctor said we could leave early seen as Erika is completely healthy. We got everything packed up and we went home. We walked into our room and just played with Liliana the whole time. Her nursery was just finished by an interior designer while we were gone, it's literally perfect. It was really late so we put Liliana to bed and we got changed into pjs. We got into bed and cuddled up close.

J- I'm so proud of you
E- I love you
J- I love you

We pecked lips and then I remembered.

J- Baby!
E- What?
J- We can have fun now *smirks*
E- Jake, I've just pushed a fucking baby outa there, I'm good just now
J- Just now, hm? *smirks*
E- Omg *giggles* go to sleep!
J- Ok, ok, goodnight beautiful
E- Goodnight

I kissed her and she rested her head on my chest and we both drifted off to sleep.

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