Chapter Eighteen

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I was still just sitting on the step when Dan spoke up.

D- We're Sorry Jake
J- No, no, it's fine, I just wasn't expecting lots of questions
A- I just have one more
J- Sure
A- How old are you?
J- I'm 18
A- Ok

Angel gave me a smile and I smiled back at them.

D- I can tell you care about Erika a lot

They sat down on the sofa in front of me.

J- Yeah, I do
A- I can tell she cares about you a lot too

Not always during this pregnancy. I just smiled and we talked about mine and Erika's relationship when Anthony came back downstairs.

An- Um, Jake?
J- Yeah?
An- She, um, she wants you to leave
J- Oh.. ok, tell her I said bye and that I love her
An- Will Do bro

I grabbed my stuff and said bye to Dan and Angel, then to Anthony since he had walked to the door with me.

J- Hey, um, Anthony?
An- Yeah?
J- Let Erika know she can tell Dan and Angel, if she wants of course
An- Ok, bye man
J- Bye Tony

I left and drove back home. When I got there, the crew was there too.

L- Where's Erika?
J- She wanted me to leave
C- You ok?
J- I guess..
G- Come chill with us
M- Try to get your mind off of it for a while
J- Fine..

I walked over but all I could think about was Erika. I hate that she wanted me to leave, I started tearing up at the thought of her not wanting to see me at all. I got up and walked upstairs. Logan was shouting on me to come back down, but I didn't. I lay in my bed and cried. I was thinking about what mine and Erika's baby would be like when I got a call.

J- Hello?
An- Hey Its Tony
J- Oh Hey Tony
An- Come to the hospital
J- What Why?
An- No time to explain, all I know is that Erika fell
J- I'm on my way

I ended the call and grabbed my jacket. I ran downstairs and started putting my shoes on.

L- Jake where are you going!?
J- Erika fell and she's in the hospital! I gotta go!

I ran out and hopped in my car. I speeded to the hospital and I ran in. I saw Anthony, Dan and Angel sitting in the waiting room. I ran over and Anthony stood up.

An- She's ok, the babies or baby is ok-
D- Baby!?
J- Shit
A- Erika's pregnant?

Dan and Angel looked at me and Anthony, mainly me though.

J- Uh-
An- Yeah, she's pregnant
D- She's only 17, she's getting an abortion

I started tearing up at the thought of Erika being forced into having an abortion.

An- Well she's not, Erika and Jake can make their own choices wether they keep their child or not!
A- Jake?
J- Mhm
A- Do you want Erika to have an abortion?
J- N-No, it's my kid as well as hers, I don't want my child being killed by force

Anthony fist bumped me behind my back. They rolled their eyes and sat back down, then the doctor came out.

Dr- Erika Costell?

We walked over and he looked at me.

Dr- I'm guessing your Jake Paul?
J- Yeah
Dr- Erika keeps asking for you, Coll's you come with my first?
J- Yes o-
D- No! I'm her father! Her parents should see her first
Dr- Actually sir, Erika wants Jake, Sorry bout it
An- Oof *chuckles*

The doctor led me to Erika's room. I walked in and she was laying on a bed. She looked over and was about to stand up but I stopped her and hugged her tight.

E- I'm sorry for making you leave *crying*
J- It's fine, I know it's only the pregnancy symptoms but I don't want to make you more mad at me
E- I love you so much
J- I love you so much

I kissed her lips and held her hand. The doctor then came in with a nurse.

Dr- So, first about Erika herself, everything is fine, she just has a minor cut on her leg

He showed me the cut and it was big, but it wasn't deep.

Dr- Your Baby is fine
E- Baby? We're having one?
Dr- Yes your having one baby

I looked at Erika and she had the biggest smile spread across her face.

Dr- Congratulations, we can book you in for your appointment to find out the gender
J- Ok, but can you not tell us the gender?
E- We are doing a gender reveal party
Dr- Of course, you can leave when your ready

The doctor left and I turned to Erika.

E- I'm really excited for our little miracle to come
J- About our little miracle..
E- What?
J- Your dad heard Anthony talking to me about the baby and so did your mom
E- Oh..
J- They want you to have an abortion..

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