Chapter Fourteen

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When he said that I questioned so many things. I only gave her 1 aspirin, how the fuck did she overdose!?

J- How!? I only gave her 1!
Dr- She probably took more while you were out
J- Whatever, can I see her?
Dr- Sure come with me

The doctor led me to Erika's room, but before I had walked in, I was balling my eyes out. He let me in and I walked over. She had a breathing mask on her face and a few needles in her arms. I cried harder and I pulled a chair over and sat down. I held her hand the whole time and I rubbed the back of it with my thumb. I had set her flowers on the table beside the bed and everything else on the floor. I put her teddy on her bed, laying it next to her, then I heard another voice.

?- Hey bro

I turned around to see Anthony.

J- Oh Uh, Hey
An- She ok?
J- I guess, I just don't understand, I only gave her one this morning because she had a headache and a sore stomach, then I'm in the store shopping for her and I get a phone call that she is in the hospital because of an overdose? I just don't understand man *crying*

Anthony patted me on the back and smiled.

An- She'll be ok, she's a fighter
J- Yeah she is, I know, I just want her to be ok just now
An- I know bro, I like those flowers
J- They're Nothing special

I was just moving around her promise ring, still gripped onto her hand, I squeezed her hand, that's when I felt a squeeze back. I looked up to see her smiling at me.

J- Baby

I hugged her and she hugged me back. I was slightly crying a little because I thought I might have lost her.

J- How? How did you overdose?
E- I took some more pills because I thought it would help but I guess it didn't..
J- Don't take anymore when I'm not around ok?
E- Ok, I love you
J- I love you too

I kissed Erika and I forgot that Anthony was there.

An- I'm still here you know
J- *chuckles*
E- Have you got a girlfriend yet?
An- I have a thing going on
E- Oooo
J- Spill the tea *girly*
An- *chuckles* Her name is Rocky, she's really cute and I really like her, we're going on a date tomorrow
J- My boy might have a girl
E- Damn, my brothers getting himself a girl
All- *laughs*

Soon after Anthony has to leave and the doctor said Erika could leave. I signed her discharge papers and I then helped her get dressed. We left the hospital and I drove to Erika's house to drop her off. That's not what happened though. Erika wanted me to stay so we walked up to her room and chilled out and watched Netflix, eventually falling asleep.

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