Chapter Six

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I arrived at school and lots of people came up to me and tried to comfort me. I walked up to my locker and I saw millions of notes from kids in the school and mine and Logan's friends. I read them all, by the end I was crying. I wiped my tears and took out what I needed. I saw the crew all standing together, so I walked over.

An- Hey bro
J- Hey *sniff*
G- Chloe's not in today
J- Ok..
M- They're hosting an assembly today
J- Cool..

I felt a tap on my back. I turned around and I was immediately engulfed into a hug. I knew it was Erika. I hugged her back and I feared uo a bit. After a while, we pulled back and we turned to look at everyone again. They were all talking, other than Anthony, he was just looking at me, smiling. I slightly smiled back and then it was time for assembly. We all walked in and before it started, I had gotten a text.

Tony- Hey bro, thanks for helping my sister trust guys, she definitely trusts you, your one of the only guys she actually trusts, thanks man 🙏🙃

I smiled and put my phone away. Then the principal came out with, Chloe?

Pr- Good morning everyone
All- Good morning
Pr- As we have all heard, there is some bad news going around the campus

I just looked down.

Pr- Chloe has something to say..
C- Hi, um, as you have all heard about Logan *voice cracks* I would like to share something, it's not about me and Logan though, or Logan, it's about his little brother, Jake

I looked up and everyone was looking at me. Seen as Erika was sitting beside me, I felt her put her hand on my thigh, I just smiled at her and she smiled back.

C- Jake, first I would like to Same something for you, I think we would all agree to this too, I would like to say thank you, thank you for making Logan happy, happier than I do sometimes, you have made him the guy he is today and I am very grateful seen as I do love him a lot, I know you miss him like crazy seen as you guys grew up together, but we all know that you can stay strong and that you will stay strong..
All- *claps*

I got up and walked over and hugged Chloe.

J- Thank you
C- No need to thank me
J- I love you Chlo (sister/friend way)
C- I love you too Jake (Brother/Friend way)

I walked back over and wiped my tears.

C- Next thing, is also about Jake, if you don't know already, Jake is one of the best brothers anyone could ever ask for, Yes Logan and Jake do fight like all brothers, but sometimes it's on a different page, last night Jake had Taken me home from seeing Logan, I felt bad so about 2 hours later, I drove down to his house, I walked in to no one downstairs, I then walked upstairs and Jake wasn't in his room, so I checked Logan's room, I saw Jake laying in Logan's bed, fast asleep with a notebook and a pen, if you don't know, Jake is a singer and loves to write music, I walked up and picked up the notebook, it was a song about Logan *voice cracks* I read through it and I could tell it really meant something to him, and I think he should preform it
All- Yeah!! *cheers*
C- What do you say Jake?

I had tears on my cheeks. I wiped them away and I was about to wipe my other eye, when someone else did it for me. I looked to my side to see Erika.

E- Go on up there, sing that song, and be brave *smiles*

I smiled back and looked back at Chloe. I took a deep breath and stood up.

All- *cheers*

I walked up to her and chuckled.

J- See you!
C- Sawy! *baby voice* *giggles*
J- *chuckles*

I put the cd that I had put the backing track on and I played the music, everyone went silent.

(HEY! Btw when it says "saying baby, lets go home" pretend instead of baby, it's brother, K BAI)

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