Chapter Nine

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I woke up with my head rested on someone's chest. I looked up and saw Erika, that's when I remembered the events from last night. I smiled and looked over at my alarm. 11:24am. Not bad. I closed my eyes again and waited on Erika waking up. About 20 minutes later, I felt someone playing with my hair. I looked up and saw Erika awake. She smiled and I smiled back.

J- Good morning
E- Good morning

I pecked my lips on hers and I rested my head back on her chest.

E- What time is it?
J- Umm.. *looks at alarm* 11:46am
E- It's not bad
J- Yeah I know *smiles*
E- What time did you wake up?
J- Only 20 minutes ago
E- Why did you stay asleep with me?
J- I wanted to wait until you woke up
E- *smiles*
J- I don't wanna get up
E- Neither, this bed is comfy
J- *chuckles* But we're gonna have to, aren't we?
E- Yeah *sighs*
J- Lets go then
E- Where?
J- The shower, then we'll get dressed then you can cover out hickeys
E- Oh ok *smiles*

We stood up and we interlocked hands. I turned the shower on and as we were waiting for it to heat up, I turned to Erika and put my hands on her hips. She put her arms around my neck and we leaned in. We started making out and about 10 minutes later, I remembered that we had to go in the shower.

J- Oh shit
E- Oh *giggles*

I smiled and me and Erika hopped in. We made out most of the time, but anyway. When we got out, we headed into my closet and we got dressed. I just gave her some of my joggers and I found an old shirt and she cut it into a crop top.

 I just gave her some of my joggers and I found an old shirt and she cut it into a crop top

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We walked out of my room and I quickly but quietly walked to the other side of the stairs without anyone seeing

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We walked out of my room and I quickly but quietly walked to the other side of the stairs without anyone seeing. We both then walked downstairs and everyone looked at us, shit. I grabbed Erika's hand and ran back upstairs.

E- What!? *whispers*
J- We didn't cover our hickeys! *whispers*
E- Shit *whispers*

She took me into my room and locked the door. She grabbed her makeup bag and pulled out a tube of tan stuff. She also grabbed an egg shaped sponge and started to put the tan stuff on my neck.

E- It's kinda dark but I'll put concealer and power on and it'll be lighter
J- Ok

She was straddling me on my bed so I had my hands on her thighs. I was just smiling at her, then she noticed.

E- What? *smiles*
J- Your really beautiful you know
E- *blushes*
J- I made you blush!
E- Staaaaap!

I chuckled and held her by her waist. She finished covering my hickeys and then she covered her own. We finally walked downstairs and everyone looked over.

L- Where were you guys last night? *smirks*
J- You didn't read the letter?
L- I don't like to read
J- Whatever

We walked over to the sofa and sat down. We all talked about what we were going to do today, we thought about the movies, but we have movies at home. We thought about the beach, it's a little cold for that. The girls said the mall, guys would rather die.

E- How about we go get food
L- Yeahhhhh!
K- Finally a good answer!
C- 100%
A- Yesss!
Li- I'm so hungry
All- Food it is

We all got up and got our shoes on. Then I quickly texted Erika.

Baby- My girl always comes up with the best answers ❤️
MyGirl- Aww ❤️

We all walked out and got in our cars.

Jakes Car= Jake, Erika
Logan's Car= Logan, Chloe, Mark, Lydia
Tanners Car= Tanner, Chad, Kade, Austin
Brandon's Car= Brandon, Chance, Adam
Alex's Car= Alex, Tristan, Ayla, George

Erika came in a car with me because there was no room in any other cars. Plus she would've been in my car anyway. We got in the cars and everyone took off. Erika put her hand on my thigh, so I held her hand and we pulled up to the food place. We all walked in and the waiter was checking me out, I could tell Erika was a little pissed.

W- Hi, welcome to (Whatever place) how many seat do you need at your table?
An- A table for 17 or 2 split tables or something
W- Yeah, we have the big tables in the back, follow me

She looked at me and bit her lip. I just looked away and we followed her to our table. She walked away and grabbed a notepad. She then came back and put her hand on my bicep, I just looked at everyone with wide eyes, they could tell I was uncomfortable.

W- What would you guys like to order?
J- I'll have the chicken
W- Great choice *bites lip*
E- I'll have the salad
W- Mhm *rolls eyes*

She noticed Erika and I were close so she got annoyed. I held Erika's hand under the table and she smiled at me. We all ordered and she soon enough brought us the food.

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