Chapter Thirteen

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We just landed and Erika was asleep. I kissed her forehead a few times and she sat up, that's when she realised we landed. She jumped up and we walked off. We walked to get our luggage and that's where I saw Alissa. I put my hood up but she still saw me.

J- Shit
E- Babe whats wrong?
J- My ex-
Al- Hey Jakey
J- Leave me alone Alissa
Al- Aw But you love me
J- No I don't, I don't love you, I love someone else

I squeezed Erika's hand and she squeezed back. I looked at her and we smiled.

Al- I'm coming for you, just be careful

Me and Erika walked away as soon as we saw our bags. We grabbed them and found our Uber driver. He drove us down to our hotel and damn, it was a nice hotel. We got our room number and we walked up. I opened the door and Erika ran in. I chuckled and I walked into the room to see her laying on the bed.

 I chuckled and I walked into the room to see her laying on the bed

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J- Your so cute
E- Your so amazing!

I walked over to her and I put my stuff down. I lay beside her and looked at her.

J- I need to tell you something
E- What?
J- I love you
E- *tears up* Really?
J- Yeah
E- I love you too

Erika shed a tear, I wiped it away and hugged her tight. We lay on the bed, hugging for about an hour. Then Erika was hungry so we ordered room service. She got a salad and I got a pasta. We watched some movies and drank some alcohol, but only a glass or 2.

E- Baby I'm tired
J- Wanna go to bed then?
E- Yeah
J- Ok

I turned the TV off and me and Erika got up and got into bed. She took her hoodie off so she was only in her underwear, I was shirtless with joggers on. We got into bed and she cuddled up close to me, both of us slowly drifting off to sleep.

Back Home (seen as I had no ideas for them in Hawaii)

I woke up next to Erika, 4:30am. Why do I keep waking up so late? Ugh, whatever. I walked downstairs and watched some TV. At 8:47am, I went into the kitchen and started making me and Erika breakfast. About 10 minutes later, I hear a sweet, soft, angelic voice.

E- Bubba?

I looked up and saw Erika, holding a blanket really close, she looked really pale too.

J- Yeah beautiful?
E- I don't feel so good..
J- Come here

She walked over to me and I hugged her tight. I picked her up and sat her on the counter, standing between her legs.

J- Whats wrong?
E- My head hurts and my stomach too
J- Do you want any medication?
E- Yes please
J- Ok

I looked in one of the cabinets and found some medication that will hopefully help Erika. I gave her one, like the package said, and she swallowed it with water.

J- Im gonna head out and get you some stuff ok?
E- Ok

I put my shoes on and grabbed my keys and wallet.

J- I'll be back as soon as I can baby ok?
E- Ok bubba, Bye, I love you
J- Bye, I love you

I walked out and got in my car. I drove down to target and walked in. I had picked up some more medication and some soup and ice cream for her, I was in the isle with the flowers when I had gotten a phone call.

J- Hello?
?- Hello is this Jake Paul?
J- Yes Who is this?
?- This is Dr.Marshal (idk)
J- Is everything ok?
Dr- It's Erika
J- Whats wrong with her?
Dr- You might want to come to the hospital for me to tell you
J- Ok, I'm on my way
Dr- Ok, Bye Jake
J- Bye

I ended the call and quickly picked up some flowers and payed for everything. I got in my car and speeded to the hospital, tears forming in my eyes wondering if she is ok. I pulled up to the hospital and I grabbed everything from the passengers seat. I ran in and saw Dr.Marshal waiting at the front desk. I ran up to him and he looked disappointed almost.

J- Whats wrong with her!?
Dr- Jake, she overdosed on Aspirin.. she's currently asleep..

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