Chapter Four

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I was tearing up a bit but Anthony patted my back making me smile a bit.

An- At least your free now
J- True *chuckles* then my most recent ex girlfriend, her name was Brooke, she *tears up* she was a-abusive.. um

Anthony hugged me and I hugged him back. When we pulled back I had wiped my tears and finished telling him how she abused me and cheated on me all the time. Then he opened up too.

An- Erika, she, wow, I don't know how she does it, she was abused and raped by her ex boyfriend
J- Oh, I get why your so protective over her
An- Yeah, I mean, yeah you always hate your siblings guts to the point where you want to rip their head off *chuckles*
J- *chuckles*
An- But she is my sister and I do love her, so I keep her safe, I don't want anything like that happening again
J- I get it

I checked the time, FUCK!

J- Bro! It's already the end of school! Everyone will be coming out in- *bell rings* now!
An- Holy shit!
J- Yeah!
An- Wow, I didn't think I would ever talk to someone for that long
J- Neither, well I've got to go man
An- I'll see you tomorrow then
J- Yep, bye bro
An- Bye!

I jumped off the wall and waved to Anthony. I got in my car and drove off back home, there I saw my mom. She looked mad.

P- Jake Joseph Paul!
J- Yes?
P- Why did you skip school today!?
J- I was caught up in talking to one of my friends, we zoned out and I only realised the time when school was over
P- Go to your room
J- *sighs*

I ran up to my room and I went on instagram. Anthony and everyone else in his group had followed me. Erika Costell. I went on her page, she's the girl that I saw. She really is beautiful, but I understand that she can't trust guys, same with me and girls though. I put my phone down and my mom called us down for dinner. We ate and then I ran back up to my room. I changed into some joggers and I got into my bed and fell asleep almost instantly.

I woke up with a bad feeling. I just shrugged it off and got up and took a quick shower. I then walked into my closet and picked out an outfit for school.

 I then walked into my closet and picked out an outfit for school

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I walked downstairs and made myself breakfast. Logan has already left for some reason. I ate that and then grabbed my stuff and left for school. When I arrived, I saw Chloe crying. Logan was comforting her. I got out and ran up to them.

J- Whats going on? Why is Chloe crying!?
C- Jake you cant be here, you need to leave
J- Why whats g-
?- Hi Jakey Bear

I know that voice. It can't be. I thought I would never hear the voice again. No no no! NO! I turned around slowly and saw her. The devil herself. Brooke.

J- What the fuck do you want Brooke?
B- You Baby

I started backing up, along with the squad. She ran for us, knocking us all down. I quickly got up and she only chased after me. I ran into the building, everyone watching as we did.

J- You need to leave me alone! Your a psycho!
B- Aw Baby, come here, you probably just had a dream
J- Can you not understand that I hate you!?

She launched herself at me and she was grabbing my face and scratching me with her nails. Anthony, Mark, George and Logan were trying to get her off of me. When they did, my face was all bloody and I was absolutely terrified. I saw the cops run in and they grabbed her. They put her in cuffs and left. Everything was silent. Then the boys ran up to me.

L- Jake are you ok?
M- We need paper towels or something!

I started to get dizzy and I was looking around a lot and my eyes were shutting.

An- Jake don't Shut your eyes!

But I did..

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