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You looked at Jackson leaning on the door frame. He looked, unfortunately for you, ravishing.

"You know, you don't have to look that good." You voiced out, rolling your eyes. You didn't want your sister to meet Jackson or know how good he looked. You wanted to keep him to yourself. You did sound like you were in the initial stages of being a yandere but you had your reasons.

Jackson rolled his eyes at this. "Baby, dont you trust me? I don't care if your sister is pretty as Emma Watson, I won't even notice her as long as you are in my mind."

"I's just that she's really pretty, like really really pretty. I mean I still remember in high school so many guys just hung around me to get close to her. People always refer to me as 'Ji-eun's sister'. I don't have something against her. It's just that she's that pretty that sometimes I feel...... insecure. God I sound like such a bitch"

"Baby, look at me" Jackson said as he made you stand up from the edge of the bed you were sitting on. "Y/N-ah I understand, but listen to this carefully. Don't you dare compare me to one of those assholes you met in high school. I love you and I will make sure you feel loved." He flashed a smile and leaned into kiss you..... but you were interrupted by the door bell.

"Oh she's here" you said excitedly and ran to the door. All the worries that were taunting you a while ago melted away just because of Jackson's genuine words, or atleast you liked to believe they were genuine. But little did you know 'genuine' words don't last forever.

"Eonniee" You smiled as soon as you saw your sister. You both had not seen each other for so long. This was the first time you met her after you came to Seoul. You were glad she wanted to meet you but also scared for pretty obvious reasons.

"So eonnie, this is Jackson. Jackson, this is my sister Ji-eun." You looked at Jackson.

Ever felt like one of those useless side characters you find in romantic dramas? At that moment you felt exactly that. They were staring at each other and you just stood there like you were interrupting their alone time. Fear... all you could feel was fear. Fear that you gained from your experience of being 'used' too much.

Looking at Jackson's eyes you were sure of a couple of things.
One, that was the first time Jackson had said the L-word in the 3 months you both have been together for.
Two, that will probably be the last time as well.
Three, damn.... were you right about everthing...... "


So here goes....

Finally a story I didn't give upon.

So just a heads up.
'Italics' indicate flashback.
'Bold & Italics' indicate the final dialogues in each chapter.
Words between " " indicate dialogues between characters.
Words between ' ' indicate thoughts of characters.

Hope you'll like it.😁

Copyright © miss_freesia ™ | 2019


This is a work of fiction. Characters, names, places, incidents in this book are either the products of the author's imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. This book is written for entertainment purposes only and is in no way a reflection of the personality or the attitude of the people involved in real life.

All rights reserved. The moral right of the author has been asserted. This story is published subject to the condition that it shall not be reproduced or retransmitted in whole or in part, in any manner, without the written consent of the copyright holder, and any infringement of this is a violation of copyright law.


Phew the disclaimer was more difficult than the whole book..

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