Chapter 33

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"Jungkook-ah, the guys are meeting up tonight. You'll be there right?" Jimin asked the tired boy who was lying on the bed scrolling through his phone. He looked like he barely slept.

Jungkook looked at his hyung and nodded but Jimin knew that his absence in the meeting was pretty much guaranteed. Jungkook rarely met up with them nowadays.

For the past six months, a lot of things changed.

Well for starters, Jungkook still went to his university and did all his work well. Extremely well. That was the problem, he was more of a
robot than human.

He worked his ass off. He sang, he danced, he practiced to the point where he felt like he would fall off any moment. But as his trainers had told him, he was devoid of any emotion. He was like a ghost. Going through like life not living.

The time that he isn't doing anything mechanically, he would often imagine out scenarios. He will make up situations with you in it. Happy situations, romantic situations, dirty situations. He felt like he was slipping away from reality but he found it better to live in an imaginary world and be a freak than a reality which did not have you in it.

Missing you was like an illness to him. An illness he was sick of. An illness for which you were the only drug.

He also dodged every possible meeting with his hyungs. He avoided all of them.
When he was confronted by one of his hyungs, he would act like everything is normal. He didn't want his hyungs to worry about him. That was why he avoided them. They read him too easily.

"Yah, are you okay?" Jimin sat on the couch. He was really scared for his little brother. He had never acted like it. Not even with Jieun.

Jungkook looked up from his phone and nodded again and then looked back down at his phone.

Jimin got irritated. He quickly grabbed his phone.
"You know, you can just talk to-" he paused midsentence when he looked at the screen.

"You are stalking Y/N on SNS?" He asked surprised at a Jungkook who was perplexed.

Jungkook quickly grabbed the phone from Jimin's hand and closed your account page. He didn't want to stalk you or anything but then he wanted to know if you and Namjoon got together.

"Yah, if you like her that much just go to America and bring your woman back."

"I dont need her."
Jungkook looked silently for a moment at Jimin who wasn't buying his crap. Till now he was pretending to be a tough man but he realized it was a lost cause. He sighed.

"It's not that easy hyung." Jungkook cupped his face with his hands. "She's with Namjoon."

Jimin didn't know what to say to comfort him.
"It's okay. You know girls. They always keep coming. You'll find someone much better than her."

Jungkook removed his hands from his face. Jimin was startled to see his dongsaeng's teary eyes. "But I want her, hyung. I only want her."

Jimin left Jungkook like that. He couldn't fix him. But he knew a person that could. He picked up his phone to call that person.

"Hello? Jieun Noona?....."


Jieun knocked Jungkook's door. After a few minutes a tired looking Jungkook opened the door. He was startled.

"N-Noona, why are you here? Is something wrong?"

"You should ask yourself that, Jungkook. What are you doing to yourself? Is this because of my sister?"

Jungkook didn't know how to answer that. He dodged that question and walked away to his bedroom.

"Jungkook-ah, answer me. Is it because Y/N left for America?"

Jungkook just sat down on the bed still trying to avoid her question hoping that she would go away.

Jieun placed her hand on his shoulder "Answe-"

He shoved her hand away."Answer what, Noona? That all this is because of Y/N. I look like a mess because of her. That I am a weak man who clings on to her even when she doesn't want me." He started out in anger but ended with uncontrollable sobs.

"And even if I admit all this she's not gonna come back, is she?"

"You don't worry. I will tell her about yo-" Jieun said hugging him in hopes of consoling him.

"No. Don't tell her any thing about me. Don't tell her how pathetic my state is. If she hears it, she might come. But that would be only out of pity. I.Dont.Want.Her.Pity......" Jungkook stated angrily.

"......I just want her love."

'Everybody makes wrong choices but the problem is we don't try to fix them because we are too worried about the right timing'.
That's the only thing you thought about for the past six months.

You landed in Seoul airport and the first thing you did was take a taxi to his house. You wanted to take a shower and look presentable but you couldn't wait. You waited for six months to make the necessary arrangements and return back. So if someone were to tell you to wait, you were ready to murder them.

You reached his hous-mansio-bungalow. You took a deep breath and knocked on the door. But to your surprise the door was already unlocked. You pushed it open and went inside. Your heart was beating fast. You saw a pair of heels near the door. You suddenly regretted your decision of coming here. Were you too late? 'But there is no 'too late'.'

You went to Jungkook's room, it was open. You could see Jungkook's weak frame sitting on the bed. His face wasn't clear. But he looked thin. Doesn't he eat well?

But he was being hugged. By a woman. You took a step closer to see the face of the woman. Your breath hitched. It was your sister.

You were wrong again.

Sometimes there is no 'right timing'.

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